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The Collective Labour Agreement Database (CLAD) Developed and Presented by: Simplicity Consulting Limited.

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Presentation on theme: "The Collective Labour Agreement Database (CLAD) Developed and Presented by: Simplicity Consulting Limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Collective Labour Agreement Database (CLAD) Developed and Presented by: Simplicity Consulting Limited

2  Simplicity Consulting Limited is a small and dynamic Management Consultancy that was established in 2008 to deliver insight and solutions to its clients. The company focuses on Strategic Human Resource Management services and is led by its Principal Consultant Joseph Teixeira.  To date we have successfully completed and delivered projects for: Who we are: Massy Holdings LimitedTrinidad Cement Limited Beacon Insurance LimitedLabel House Group of Companies Bermudez Group LimitedJudiciary of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission Pricesmart Sports Company of Trinidad and TobagoFlavorite Foods Limited Caribbean Gas Chemicals Limited T&T Bureau of Standards Tourism Development Company Limited NEDCO GHRS Century Eslon Limited

3  The CLAD is an on-line database which contains all of the Collective Labour Agreement documents that have been registered with the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago from 2006 to present.  The database presently contains over 500 Collective Labour Agreement documents from 200 plus companies and is updated on a monthly basis.  A full listing of the contents is available What is the CLAD?

4 The CLAD offers users the ability to intelligently search, access and download: 1.All of the registered labour agreement documents in Trinidad and Tobago from 2006 to present 2.Specific Terms and Conditions clauses contained within the Collective Labour Agreements from 2010 to present. 3.The Salary Increases and Cost of Living Allowances details from 2009 to present. What does the CLAD do?

5  Presently, the database only maintains agreements that have been formally registered by the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago.  These agreements have been agreed to by the relevant companies and representative unions, and have been reviewed, accepted and registered by the Industrial Court therefore making them binding to all enclosed parties.  This ensures the information relayed is accurate and enforceable.  The labour agreement registration process can sometimes be untimely for various reasons and based on the feedback of our clients, we are considering including a separate section within the database for agreements and memorandums of understanding that have been approved by both parties but not yet registered. As a service oriented company, we are focused on your needs so feedback is welcomed. Why registered Collective Labour Agreements?

6  Searching through agreement documents can be time consuming so we have done the work for you.  Users can search the database for relevant collective labour agreements and then access the specific desired part(s) of the agreements related to a term or condition of employment  We have focused on the cost items and have included access to the following The available Terms and Conditions ActingMeal AllowanceSeverance BereavementMedical InsuranceSick Leave Call OutMileageSubsistence Casual LeaveOn-CallShift Allowace COLAOvertimeStudy Leave Grievance ProceduresPaternity LeaveTravel Allowance Hours of OperationsPensionUniforms Injury LeaveProduction Incentive ProgramUnion Duty Leave Life InsurancePublic HolidaysVacation Leave Maternity LeaveSalary Increase

7  For your convenience, we have created a separate link for searching the % Salary Increases / Adjustments and Cost of Living Allowances.  Users can immediately search and access this data which can have the largest financial impact in terms of negotiations.  We have also identified where Cost of Living Allowances were consolidated into Base Pay to ensure the scope of increments are comprehensively represented. Salary Increases and Cost of Living Allowances.

8 The database contents (Collective Labour Agreement Documents and Salary Increments & Cost of Living Allowances) are searchable by the following criteria, or any combination thereof: The CLAD Search Capabilities? Company DetailsUnion DetailsAgreement Dimensions Company TitleUnion TitleApplicable Year The year the agreement is enforceable. Industry Type We have 11 categories defined based on the nature of the business operations. Pay Rate Category of Staff This is the type of labour based on their rate of pay: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. Registration Year The year in which the agreement was registered with the Industrial Court. CLA status This separates older or Archived versions of agreements from newer or Current ones. By default, Current agreements are shown.

9  A key feature of our database is that all search filters are adaptive, i.e. the search fields are related and respond to each other in terms of the by adjusting the available selections.  For example: If you first selected a specific industry, only the companies that are categorised as such, will be made available in the company search field.  Similarly, only the Unions that are related will be available in that field.  This interrelatedness allows users to intelligently combine search criteria in an immediately relevant manner that is fast and effective. The CLAD Search Capabilities?

10  The service is available via our website: https://www.simplicityconsultinglimited.com  You can send us a request via our website or contact us directly via email or phone  Once you send us a request for a subscription we will contact you to sort out registration and payment in a manner that is convenient to you  The membership is based on a 12 month subscription and the pricing is as follows: How can I sign up and access the CLAD? Customer SegmentService Offering and Price Union, Researcher, Public Service/Government Agency $1,750 per annum for single user. $800 per annum for each additional user. Corporations $2,500 per annum for single user. $1,000 per annum for each additional user. $4000 per annum for 3 users.

11  This service is a first of its kind so we have made sure that technical assistance is available to all members.  Send us your query, concern or comment and we will get back to you by the opening of the next business day guaranteed. CLAD service and support

12  Simplicity Consulting has the experience and expertise to provide customised reports based on your specific information needs.  We are available at your convenience to undertake in-depth be-poke analyses based on our expansive database and complimentary survey /data gathering services.  Our entire focus is on providing accurate information and insights to clients that will deliver value and facilitate a transparent market based approach to the management of human capital. Customised analysis and reports

13 Mailing Address: Lot 5 Henry Pain Drive #1, Petit Valley. Trinidad. Website: https://www.simplicityconsultinglimited.com Contacts: Contact Information Joseph Teixeira 868-724-9170 Simon Teixeira 868-760-9031

14  Take a tour of our database  Interested in signing up, click

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