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Properties of Cardiac Muscle Dr. Mahvash Khan MBBS, Mphil.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Cardiac Muscle Dr. Mahvash Khan MBBS, Mphil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Cardiac Muscle Dr. Mahvash Khan MBBS, Mphil

2 Automaticity/Rhythmicity Automaticity means the ability of the cell to undergo depolarization spontaneously causing the production of electrical impulses Rhythmicity means that spontaneous depolarization occurs at regular intervals

3 Conductivity Conductivity is the ability to propagate an impulse. Normally impulses are conducted in one direction Conductivity may be increased or decreased under various circumstances

4 Contractility Cradiac muscle contracts in response to the electrical impulse generated by the SA node

5 Refractory Period The refractory period of the myocardial fibers is of much longer duration than that of skeletal muscle fibers and lasts approximately as long as the cardiac contraction

6 Excitability The heart muscle responds to stimuli which may be mechanical, electrical or chemical

7 All or None Law Heart is a functional syncytium therefore all its fibers act as a single fiber Heart either does not contract at all or it contracts with full force

8 Frank Starling Law of the Heart This law states that with in limits the force of ventricular contraction is directly proportional to the end-diastolic length of the cardiac muscle fibers which inturn is closely related to ventricular end-diastolic volume

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