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ExerciseEnough JoinRelax KeepHarm SmokeDrug HardJunk food.

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Presentation on theme: "ExerciseEnough JoinRelax KeepHarm SmokeDrug HardJunk food."— Presentation transcript:


2 ExerciseEnough

3 JoinRelax

4 KeepHarm

5 SmokeDrug

6 HardJunk food

7 BadmintonVolleyball

8 AthleticsCycling

9 FootballGymnastics

10 JudoBasketball

11 SwimmingDiving

12 SkiingHockey

13 RowingRock climbing





18 What traditional Russian games do you know? What sports and games are most popular in Russia now? What summer and winter sports do you know? What water sports do you know? What is your favourite sport?

19 PLAY Ex: I can play tennis. I can play baseball. I can’t play football…. So, the rule is – if we use a “ball” when we’re playing sport we’re going to do “play”

20 GO Ex: I go skiing. I go snowboarding. I go golfing. So, any of the sports when we put an ‘-ing’ after, we’re going to use “go”.

21 DO Ex: I do yoga. I do aerobics. I do martial arts. For individual sports or exercises and it’s without ‘ball’ and ‘-ing’ after we use “do”.

22 1.Я играю в теннис. 2.Я играю в баскетбол. 3.Я не умею играть в гольф. 4.Я катаюсь на лыжах. 5.Я катаюсь на сноуборде. 6.Я занимаюсь йогой. 7.Я занимаюсь боевыми искусствами.

23 (to be) Ahead of the pack – you’re made more progress or ahead of other people. Ex: Sony is ahead of the pack in a field of electronics. Jump the gun – means you start before you supposed to start. So you start in incorrect time. Ex: Boy! He’s really jumps the gun on buying at new laptop.

24 Out of left field – means to come from nowhere as a surprise. (it’s a baseball idiom) (being) on\off the mark – (on) – means you’re correct in saying smth. (off) – means incorrect or smb. not telling the truth.

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