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People in Need of Change Helping people in Need of Change Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane, Contributor.

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Presentation on theme: "People in Need of Change Helping people in Need of Change Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane, Contributor."— Presentation transcript:

1 People in Need of Change Helping people in Need of Change Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane, Contributor

2 Lesson 1 Why do YOU need help?

3 It is how God describes us. Genesis 1 “God Said” To be HUMAN is to need help outside of myself. The Reality of confusion because of sin. Genesis 3 The Entrance of another counselor (The Fall) Influence always carries a MORAL agenda.

4 WE need other people in our lives busy about the sanctification agenda. Hebrews 3 The issue of Spiritual Blindness (We need each other) Hebrews 3:12-13 Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. 13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. BIG IDEA: God wants to send OTHER PEOPLE into your life to RESCUE you from yourself.

5 Personalized I need to receive truth outside of myself to make sense out of life. I need to humbly examine why I do and say the things I do. I need to recognize sin's deceitfulness and commit myself to being approachable.

6 Related to Others I need to learn how to be one of God's instruments of change in the lives of others. I need to saturate myself with Scripture so that my interpretations and counsel to others are based on God' s Word.

7 I need to recognize how I am influencing others in the relationships and situations of daily life.

8 Biblical Counseling “Biblical counseling involves walking patiently with someone, while wisely connecting them to Christ through the grace-centered message of the Bible. This one-on-one ministry is done in the community of the church where both the normal and complex problems of daily life can be addressed.” Tim Lane “Biblical counseling is an intensely-focused and personal aspect of the discipleship process whereby believers come alongside one another for the threefold purpose of teaching, warning, and leading one another toward the biblical love and godliness that mark progress toward spiritual maturity (2 Timothy 3:16-17).” Paul Tautges

9 INSTRUMENTS IN THE REDEEMER'S HANDS LESSON 2 Lesson 1 Do we really need help? Lesson 2 The Heart is the Target

10 Although you cant see a persons heart scripture will expose you to it and it will expose your own heart. The Bible by its very nature is heart revealing.

11 For that reason Scripture must be our central tool in personal growth and ministry. It alone can expose and analysis where change needs to take place in our hearts.

12 Remember HEART CHANGE must take place if we really want change in behavior to last. All issues are heart issues - - - - THE TARGET IS THE HEART !

13 Questions, Observations?

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