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Presentation on theme: "ACHIEVING SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF VALUE-BASED PROPERTY TAX REFORMS IN THE ECA REGION Richard Grover Oxford Brookes University Paul Munro-Faure Deputy."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACHIEVING SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF VALUE-BASED PROPERTY TAX REFORMS IN THE ECA REGION Richard Grover Oxford Brookes University Paul Munro-Faure Deputy Director, FAO Mika-Petteri Törhönen Lead Land Administration Specialist, WB Aanchal Anand Land Administration Specialist, WB

2 World Bank/ FAO Knowledge Project Aims To identify good practice in mass valuation systems, valuation infrastructure and property tax reforms with the framework of the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure Focus on value-based recurrent property taxes Identification of pre-conditions needed for the successful introduction of value-based property taxes Identification of the strategies that can be used to overcome obstacles Many of the lessons learned are applicable to other regions and not confined to ECA

3 Project Methodology 9 case studies: Albania, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey. Range of countries from those who had implemented successful value –based property tax reforms to those experimenting with pilot studies Role of the Netherlands as a control – successful system of value- based property taxation with annual reassessment, assessment by municipalities with central standards setting body Published in Land Tenure Journal, issue 2, 2015 Use of common template: outline of property tax system, role of property taxes in public finances, how property taxes assessed, valuation standards and infrastructure, mass valuation, lessons learned from reforms Validation of case studies through Vilnius workshop and Land Tenure Journal refereeing process to ensure distance and objectivity

4 Case studies published in Land Tenure Journal, Issue 2, 2015 Thematic issue on property valuation and taxation in Europe and Central Asia

5 Role of Value-based Property Taxes in Fiscal System Suitability as local tax as fall on immobile assets Reduction in local governments’ dependency on inter- governmental fiscal transfers at a time when many governments are under fiscal strain Help to counter tax avoidance by multi-national companies and tax erosion resulting from globalisation Reduces reliance on income, profits and sales taxes and social security contributions and their distorting effects Taxes wealth – helps promote equity in taxation Helps counter inter-generational tax and wealth inequalities

6 Recurrent Taxes on Immovable Property in the EU as a Percentage of Gross Value Added Less Employee Compensation Source: Eurostat with calculations by the authors The under-utilised tax

7 Pre-conditions for efficient value-based property taxes Active and efficient property market with significant numbers of properties traded each year Market is transparent in which the prices can be discovered. Comprehensive register of properties Characteristics and attributes of properties are recorded Valuers exist who are able to estimate the market value of properties in a consistent and accurate fashion

8 Quality of tax administration is important Comprehensive land registration. Are there properties missing from tax rolls? Are all properties liable to the tax actually assessed? Can taxpayers be identified? Reliable tax billing and collection systems. What are collection rates for billed taxes? Culture of tax payment. Do people think it acceptable to evade property taxes? Is there corruption in tax system? Is tax system transparent? How extensive are tax exemptions? Issue of asset-rich cash- poor households. Exemptions of public sector properties.

9 Quality of price and property data Need for source of accurate price data as basis for estimating market prices eg declared prices on registration Problem of tax evasion and declaration of false prices – incentives to cheat to avoid taxes and fees Weak tax enforcement mechanisms undermine data quality Unreliable data can be declared about property characteristics eg size If declared transactions prices unreliable can use asking prices, mortgage valuations, databases of valuers and realtors Development of sales price, rental and mortgage valuation registers

10 Valuation infrastructure Precondition for successful introduction of value-based property taxes is adoption of internationally- recognised valuation standards and creation of a valuation profession: Valuation terminology and valuation framework Valuation methodologies Measurement standards Qualifications and education of valuers Enforceable ethical standards and codes of professional conduct

11 Importance of mass valuation Large number of properties to be valued over a short period of time – viable only with automated valuation systems rather than individual valuations Use of standardised procedures, common data and statistical testing of models – helps achieve consistency Requires coordination of different agencies and their data Low cost per valuation but high fixed costs of establishing the system Tackles capacity problems. Reduces requirements for scarce skilled valuers who can be used more effectively eg appeals, valuing properties for which automated valuation not possible

12 Multiple use of mass valuations Avoids duplication of effort by different agencies Helps to recoup costs of mass valuation Need for standards to ensure reliability Need for regular revaluations so values are up to date Uses include: sporadic tax assessments, compulsory purchase, valuing state land, restitution, land consolidation, water and flood protection charges, setting rents for social housing, reviews of bank capital adequacy, avoidance of mortgage fraud, eligibility for social security Caveats: – mass valuations may not accurately value individual properties – Embody assumptions about basis of value – Compulsory acquisition particularly problematic

13 Overcoming resistance to property taxes Poland and Slovenia have developed mass valuation systems that have not been implemented Moldova mass valuation of urban properties but not rural housing or bare land or public properties and no revaluations of urban ones Assessing residential properties technically easier but likely to be more resistance than to taxing commercial properties – business don’t have votes! Property taxes highly visible as are local services Lack of effective champions in government – local taxes, different administrative systems from other taxes, failure to recognise the financial interdependence of levels of government Lack of political willingness to tax wealth and to stand up to losers from property taxes Need to make the link between sound national finances, sound local finances and the quality of local public services

14 Conclusions Development of effective and efficient value-based property taxation a long-term goal Likely to require several iterations – successful innovators did not do this in one go No universally applicable model – need one that reflects individual circumstances – but common challenges Sensible to focus first on higher yielding properties – grade A offices, shopping malls, luxury villas rather than mass housing and agricultural land Some improvements can be made to yields through more comprehensive tax rolls and better collection methods Sustainable growth in revenue requires value-based property taxes with regular revaluations to capture uplift in property values


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