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Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues. Welcome to Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues  Make sure you get a handout or paper.  Bible  My email:

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Presentation on theme: "Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues. Welcome to Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues  Make sure you get a handout or paper.  Bible  My email:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues

2 Welcome to Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues  Make sure you get a handout or paper.  Bible  My email: 

3  Why Study the Bible?  State of our Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Bodies -- they are all tied together.

4 Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods 12 Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word

5 5 Presenting the Rules of Observation > Questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? > Words & Phrases: That are Emphasized, Repeated, Related, Contrasts, Comparisons.

6 6 Presenting the Rules of Observation > Grammar: Norm of Utterance/Word Meanings, Sentence Structure, Verbs, Subject and Object. > Literary Genre: Historical Narrative, Epistles/Letter, Psalms/Poetry, Legal Writings, Prophetic/Apocalyptic, Wisdom Literature, Figurative; Parables, Metaphors, Idioms, Allegory.

7 Some Rules: Ignore the Numbers Context, Context, Context Humility

8 Word Study Method Some Basics: You will need outside resources for this: Vine’s Expository Dictionary, Concordance, multiple translations, etc. Patience and Curiosity

9 Word Study













22 Limits or complications with the Word Study Method  Translation  Euphemisms  Concepts/Story

23 Word Study  Marriage/Wedding  Homosexuality  Parenting  Politics  Addiction

24 Word Study 1.English Word: Submit 1. English Word: Understanding/Know

25 2. English Definition:  1. ( v. t. ) To let down; to lower.  2. ( v. t. ) To put or place under.  3. ( v. t. ) To yield, resign, or surrender to power, will, or authority; -- often with the reflexive pronoun.  4. ( v. t. ) To leave or commit to the discretion or judgment of another or others; to refer; as, to submit a controversy to arbitrators; to submit a question to the court; -- often followed by a dependent proposition as the object.  5. ( v. i. ) To yield one's person to the power of another; to give up resistance; to surrender.  6. ( v. i. ) To yield one's opinion to the opinion of authority of another; to be subject; to acquiesce.  7. ( v. i. ) To be submissive or resigned; to yield without murmuring.

26 Word Study 3. Comparison of Translations:

27 Word Study 4. Original Word and Short Definition:  hupotassó: to place or rank under, to subject, mid. to obey  Original Word: ὑ π οτάσσω  Part of Speech: Verb  Transliteration: hupotassó  Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-ot-as'-so)  Short Definition: I place under, subject to  Definition: I place under, subject to; mid, pass: I submit, put myself into subjection.

28 Word Study 4. Original Word and Short Definition:  gnósis: a knowing, knowledge  Original Word: γν ῶ σις, εως, ἡ  Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine  Transliteration: gnósis  Phonetic Spelling: (gno'-sis)  Short Definition: knowledge, doctrine, wisdom  Definition: knowledge, doctrine, wisdom.  Cognate: 1108 gn ṓ sis (a feminine noun derived from 1097 /gin ṓ sk ō, "experientially know") – functional ("working") knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience, connecting theory to application; "application-knowledge," gained in (by) a direct relationship. See 1097 ( gin ō sk ō ).1097 /gin ṓ sk ō, "experientially know") – functional ("working") knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience, connecting theory to application; "application-knowledge," gained in (by) a direct relationship. See 1097 ( gin ō sk ō ).

29 Word Study 5. Occurrences in the Bible:

30 Word Study 6. Root Meaning and Origin:

31 Word Study 7. How the word was used:

32 Word Study 8. Application:



35 Contemporary Issues  The Bible teaches us through: Didactic Statements Stories Eastern Literature: not always linear like Greek thought

36 Contemporary Issues  Relational/Structural 1.How does God introduce and describe these areas? 2.Positive and Negative examples.

37 Contemporary Issues  Moral/Ethical 1.Didactic Passages 2.Positive and Negative examples. 3.Ceremonial Laws

38 Contemporary Issues  Competing Values, Competing Presuppositions  The character of God is never out of balance. It always has the long term best in store for us.  The culture has echoes, hints, remnants, of truth but it is always out of balance. (Romans 1&2)

39 Contemporary Issues  What is at the core of the issue? There are always symptoms, but what is the foundational disagreement? The presuppositions involved?  Don’t oversimplify or create a “straw man” – take people seriously.

40 Contemporary Issues  View of humanity  View of knowledge

41 Marriage Physical/Emotio nal/Spiritual Union Children (Lord Willing) Biblical Marriage: Covenant between one man and one woman until death.

42 Biblical Love always flows out to others. Marriage Physical/Emotio nal/Spiritual Union Children (Lord Willing)

43 Children What are the results of separating these circles? (In society & in personal life) Marriage Physical/ Emotional /Spiritual Union

44 Contemporary Issues Who has the authority?

45 Contemporary Issues Sin: Two Categories?  Absolutes  Freedoms

46 Contemporary Issues Sin:  Absolutes  Ten Commandments (Ethical/Moral)  Structures (God Given Patterns)

47 Contemporary Issues Sin:  Freedoms  You Stumble  Make Others Stumble Romans 14, 1 st Corinthians 8&9

48 Contemporary Issues Our Own Convictions Working With the Culture Who has the authority?

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