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Intro to Western Literature T.J. Gong Why Learning?

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2 Intro to Western Literature T.J. Gong

3 Why Learning?

4 Why (Western) Literature? What Is Literature “Literature is the creation of another world, a world that we can only see through (reading, watching or listening to) literature (fiction, film or music).”

5 “Applied Literature” Literature is LANGUAGE ( e.g., forbidden fruit ) Literature is CULTURE ( historical/cultural background, e.g., sabbatical leave ) Literature is LIFE ( interacting with the text. e.g., love is ___. ) “...language instruction toward the student's acquiring of a deeper understanding of the historical, political, and cultural uses of the target language.”

6 “Applied Literature” Technology Business Marketing Management Architecture Psychology

7 What do we mean by “Western”? “Western” – European and European- driven cultures

8 What do we mean by “Western”? “Western” – Near Eastern Western – The Bible & Greek and Roman Mythology

9 Goal of the Course Language Culture Life

10 Why the Bible? How many of the the books have read?

11 What do people say about… Romans 5:3-5

12 What do people say about… English has two book; the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare, but the Bible made England. (Victor Hugo) Education is useless with the Bible. (Noah Webster)

13 What Is Education? TRUTH Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:82) MORALITY— Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. (Matthew 7:12) AESTHETICS God has made everything beautiful in its own time.

14 Why the Bible? Viewed as a sacred text that has influenced all of Western culture A collection of books that contain great literature Translations of the Bible helping developing the English language

15 What’s in the Bible? Narratives – Jonah in the fish Novellas (Short-story forms) – Joseph’s robes A songbook – Psalm 23 Legal codes – Leviticus National epics/historical narratives – King David Visions/prophecies The Gospels – the life and teaching of Jesus Letters – Paul’s epistles (1 Cor. 13)

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