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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Proteins Transcription ProcessingTranslationViruses.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Proteins Transcription ProcessingTranslationViruses

2 The building blocks of proteins

3 Amino Acids

4 List 3 protein used by organisms

5 Cell structures, tissues, keratin, collagen, myosin

6 Protein used for communication

7 Hormones

8 Proteins that catalyze chemical reactions

9 enzymes

10 What does the enzyme lysozyme do?

11 Helps destroy harmful bacteria by cutting a polysaccharide found in bacterial cell walls

12 RNA synthesis

13 Transcription

14 Where transcription occurs in eukaryotes.

15 Nucleus

16 Three ways that RNA is different that DNA?

17 Uracil, ribose, single stranded, shorter

18 Which types of RNA are synthesized during transcription?

19 mRNA, tRNA, rRNA

20 Describe the 3 types of RNA

21 mRNA- copies DNA rRNA-makes up the ribosomes tRNA-transports the amino acids to the ribosomes.

22 Where does RNA processing occur?

23 nucleus

24 Why is the RNA after it leaves the nucleus shorter than after it was transcribed?

25 Processing edits

26 Parts that are edited out of the mRNA?

27 introns

28 Why is processing necessary?

29 To remove nonfunctional parts of the RNA

30 Explain RNA editing and splicing.

31 Snurps form the slicosome and create a lariat to excise the introns and maintain the exons.

32 Where does translation occur

33 ribosome

34 What is made in translation?

35 Proteins

36 The amino acid “code” is called __

37 codon

38 Amino acids are always coded from the __

39 mRNA

40 Explain translation

41 mRNA attaches to a 2 part ribosome, tRNA brings the amino acids to the A site where the codon and anticodon match the amno acid is transferred to the polypeptide chain at the P site, the tRNA exits at the E site.

42 Virus that infects bacteria

43 Bacteriophage

44 Most viruses consist of (2 things)

45 Protein coat and DNA or RNA

46 What is a virus that consists of RNA called?

47 retrovirus

48 Type of viral infection that produce new viruses

49 Lytic infection

50 Explain how lytic and lysogenic infections are different.

51 Lytic produces new viruses while lysogenic infections incorporates it’s DNA into the host cell’s DNA and the cell copies can become lytic.

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