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Test Preparation/Study & Test Taking Strategies Thursday, February 18, 2016 Academic Support, Nakia Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Preparation/Study & Test Taking Strategies Thursday, February 18, 2016 Academic Support, Nakia Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Preparation/Study & Test Taking Strategies Thursday, February 18, 2016 Academic Support, Nakia Johnson

2 Topics 1. Test Anxiety 2. Study Strategies 3. Test Taking Strategies 4. Self-Care


4 Reducing Test Anxiety  Mental Preparation  Physical Preparation  Relaxation Techniques

5 Mental Preparation  What to do before your exam: Be prepared Be prepared Don’t Cram Don’t Cram Arrive on time for school Arrive on time for school Eat BREAKFAST Eat BREAKFAST Get a good night’s sleep! Get a good night’s sleep!  What to do during your exam: Be test wise and have a plan Be test wise and have a plan

6 Physical Preparation  What to do before your exam: Food Food Rest Rest  What to do during your exam: Be comfortable Be comfortable Be aware of environment Be aware of environment

7 Relaxation Techniques  Music  Breathing  Moment of Silence


9 3.Hard Questions First

10 4. Do Not Procrastinate

11 11. Go Online

12 12. Do Practice Exams

13 Helpful Resources   

14 Ten Tips for Terrific Test Taking

15 Analyze how you did on a similar test in the past  Review your previous tests, and sample tests.  Each test prepares you for the next.

16 Be on Time!  Before a test, list everything you need for it that is allowed  Know the schools current policies and expectations.

17 Be comfortable but alert  Choose a good spot in the room and make sure you have enough space to work.  Maintain a comfortable posture in your seat and don’t “slouch”.

18 Stay relaxed and confident  Keep a good attitude.  Remind yourself that you are well prepared and are going to do well.  If you find yourself anxious, take several slow, deep breaths to relax.  Don’t talk about the test to other students just before entering the room; anxiety is contagious. Relax

19 Read the directions carefully  This may be obvious, but it will help you avoid careless errors. READ CAREFULLY

20 If there is time, quickly look through the test for a preview for THE SECTION THAT YOU ARE ON ONLY!  Note key terms: jot down brief notes.  If you can, mark the test or answer sheet with comments that come to mind.

21 Answer questions in a strategic order:  Answer easy questions first.  Then answer difficult questions or those with the most point value.  With objective tests, first eliminate those answers you know to be wrong, or are likely to be wrong, don’t seem to fit, or where two options are so similar as to be both incorrect.  With essay/subjective questions, broadly outline your answer and sequence the order of your points.

22 Review  Resist the urge to leave as soon as you have completed the test. Review and make sure that you: Have answered all the questionsHave answered all the questions Did not mis-mark answersDid not mis-mark answers Did not make simple mistakesDid not make simple mistakes  Proofread spelling, grammar, punctuation, decimal points, etc.

23 Change answers to questions if you made a mistake, or misread the question!  Or if you find information elsewhere in the test that indicates that your first choice is incorrect. A B

24 Self Care Strategies while Studying

25 Sleep for Students  Scientific research shows that to function at your best, you need between 9 and 10 hours of sleep every day. Make a sleep objective – sleep should be 8 or 9, or even 10 hours of sleep every night.

26 Why is sleep so important? While you are sleeping…  Your brain is preparing for the next day forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information. If you’re sleep deficient, you have trouble making decisions and solving problems.

27 During the day… DO:  Get regular exposure to outdoor or bright lights, especially in the late afternoon.  Good exercise leads to good sleeping (exercise every day if possible). DON’T:  Have caffeine in the mid-afternoon/evening (coffee, many teas, chocolate, sodas, energy drinks).

28 Before Bed… DO…  Have a relaxing bedtime routine.  Use your bed only for sleep.  Remove electrical devices (cell phones, radios) from around your head when you sleep.

29 Before Bed… DON’T:  Engage in stimulating activity, such as playing a video game, watching an exciting program on television, or having an important discussion with a friend.  Worry time needs to stop well before bed time.  Got to bed too hungry or too full.

30 Nutritious Foods  Eat “REAL” food  Beverages should include only water – milk is considered part of a snack.  Skip the juice – eat the fruit/vegetable instead.  EAT BREAKFAST!!!!

31 The importance of Exercise  Boosts your brain power  Exercise increases your awareness  Improves attention, speed of processing and ability to perform cognitive tasks

32 Questions?  Thank you for participating in our GMAS Prep Session 1  Please proceed to the computer lab on Hall D.

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