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  If someone has test anxiety, it can be seen in many ways:  Constant self-doubt and depreciating comments about oneself  Physical embodiments, such.

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Presentation on theme: "  If someone has test anxiety, it can be seen in many ways:  Constant self-doubt and depreciating comments about oneself  Physical embodiments, such."— Presentation transcript:


2   If someone has test anxiety, it can be seen in many ways:  Constant self-doubt and depreciating comments about oneself  Physical embodiments, such as shaky hands or persistent sweating  Overthinking, especially when the test is in your hands and you cannot focus  How do we combat these fears and worries?  Learning how to properly study for an exam is a great start  Controlling our negative thoughts and turning them into positive energy can help negate anxiety  Speaking to your professor about the exam might help as well What exactly is “Test Anxiety”?

3   Schedule it. It’s important to set up a study schedule and follow it religiously to study for an exam!  Re-check. Find previous tests, quizzes, and homework and re-work the problems you missed before.  AARC. Go to the AARC and attend SI, grab a seat at a walk-in table, or sign up for a weekly tutor.  Imagine. Picture yourself doing well on the test, and think positive thoughts before and during!  Reminders. Tell yourself that you are well prepared and are going to receive a great grade on this test!  Reward. Plan a reward for yourself after you finish the test, to help yourself relax after a job well done. How to Prepare Beforehand

4   Sleep. Get a solid night of sleep before your test. This means no cramming!  Be an early bird. There’s nothing wrong with over-preparing. Begin studying a few days before your test, and do it often.  Take breaks. It might not be a good idea to study for three straight hours-take breaks and reward your study session.  Play teacher. Call a loved one and give them an earful of what you’re learning in class.  Write it. Writing your notes over again and in different colors will help you with content retention.  Move. Study in different places at different times of the day.  Breakfast. Eat some protein in the morning to energize yourself for the test! How to Prepare Beforehand

5   Cheat sheet! Write down formulas and pieces of information you’ve memorized at the top of your test.  Decisions, decisions! On multiple-choice questions, think of your own answer before looking at the choices below.  First instinct! When answering a question, your first choice is always the best. Don’t go changing your answers unless you are positive! During the Exam

6   Go away, bad thoughts! Turn those negative comments about yourself into useful energy- you are prepared and you will do well!  Breathe! Take deep, slow breaths and focus on relaxing and staying focused during the exam  Take it slow! Work at a steady pace and don’t get too ahead of yourself. Looking through the pages before you get there could make you lose focus on the current question.  What you know! Skip the questions you are unsure about, and come back to them at the end of the exam. During the Exam

7   The grade is now out of your hands. Don’t dwell and worry on what you cannot change, begin preparing for the next test!  Remember how you studied. What helped? What could you do better? Use these ideas the next time you study.  Think ahead. Is your final exam cumulative? You might want to keep those flash cards you studied with after all! When You’re Finished

8   Go over your graded exam to see what you missed, so you can be ready for the final.  Check back on your study schedule to see what worked and what did not.  Treat yourself to that reward you set earlier! When You’re Finished

9   D2L. Don’t forget about this tool! Your professor might post supplemental materials here to help you study.  Test Review. Do the test review, twice over.  Office Hours. Go visit with your professor. If you have any questions that you’re too shy to ask in class, now’s the time. Study Tips to Remember  AARC. We are here to help. Come visit with us!

10   Does the test you just completed determine… Your college GPA ? Whether or not you graduate ? The job you get after college? Your quality of living for the rest of your life? Most likely, the answer to all of those questions is “probably not.” So, take this experience and learn from it! Happy Studying! Questions to Ask Yourself

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