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Starter: Watch the following video Beauchamps High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Watch the following video Beauchamps High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Watch the following video Beauchamps High School

2 GCSE Business Studies Customer Focus and the Marketing Mix Beauchamps High School

3 Will be able to evaluate the importance of the marketing mix Evaluation ~ GCSE Grade A* Will be able to propose a marketing mix for a business Synthesis ~ GCSE Grade A Will be able to analyse the importance of customer focus Analysis ~ GCSE Grade B Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases Application ~ GCSE Grade C Will be able to explain the methods of customer focus Comprehension ~ GCSE Grade D Will be able to recall key terms customer focus and the marketing mix Knowledge ~ GCSE Grade E

4 Customer Focus  A business can only survive if it has its customers  Focussing on what the customer wants is vital to most businesses Beauchamps High School Theory Notes

5 Ways of Customer Focus  Identifying needs – what their customers want from a product  Anticipating needs – understand what customers want in advance  Meeting customer needs – after identifying and anticipating the business has to meet these needs Beauchamps High School Theory Notes

6 Task  Watch the starter video again  Write down how the hotel has customer focus Beauchamps High School

7 How does the hotel have customer focus : Beauchamps High School

8 Task  Read the article, how are Asda customer focused? Beauchamps High School

9 Against the Clock

10 Marketing Mix Beauchamps High School Theory Notes Combination of factors which help the business to take into account customer needs (4Ps)

11 Timothy and the marketing mix  Beauchamps High School

12 4Ps  Price– must reflect the value that customers place on the product  Product – must meet customer needs  Promotion – customers need to know product exists and is available for purchase  Place – the way in which a product is distributed – how it gets from the producer to the consumer Beauchamps High School Theory Notes

13 Marketing Mix video  ingmixvid.shtml ingmixvid.shtml Beauchamps High School

14 Task Beauchamps High School

15 Task The 4 P’s in action at Harper’s Burgers How will you implement the 4 P’s? In pairs discuss and note bullet points under each P Beauchamps High School

16 Will be able to evaluate the importance of the marketing mix Evaluation ~ GCSE Grade A* Will be able to propose a marketing mix for a business Synthesis ~ GCSE Grade A Will be able to analyse the importance of customer focus Analysis ~ GCSE Grade B Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases Application ~ GCSE Grade C Will be able to explain the methods of customer focus Comprehension ~ GCSE Grade D Will be able to recall key terms customer focus and the marketing mix Knowledge ~ GCSE Grade E

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