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October 8, 2015 Welcome! The September Workbook Overview will begin in a few moments. –Click on the link below to join the webinar:

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Presentation on theme: "October 8, 2015 Welcome! The September Workbook Overview will begin in a few moments. –Click on the link below to join the webinar:"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 8, 2015 Welcome! The September Workbook Overview will begin in a few moments. –Click on the link below to join the webinar: –You will be given the option to connect your audio by phone or computer. –No password is required for this webinar. To join the webinar by phone only (US Toll): –Dial 1-646-558-8656 –Enter Webinar ID: 307 738 418 Note: Phones are currently on mute This presentation will be recorded and available for download at To communicate with the presenters during the presentation, please use the “Q and A” feature.

2 October 8, 2015 Office of Special Education Monitoring and Technical Assistance Team October 8, 2015 9:00 AM September Workbook Overview for Districts

3 October 8, 2015 Meet the CIMS Team Office of Special Education (OSE) –Jessica Brady, Supervisor –Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator –Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant –Charles Thomas, Consultant –Shawan Dortch, Consultant –Sharon Fink, Departmental Analyst Public Sector Consultants (PSC) –Lynne Clark –Michelle Richard 3

4 October 8, 20154 Agenda Meet Catamaran –Screenshots –Revised timeline September release in CIMS Workbook overview Upcoming dates CIMS Navigation 101 Questions?

5 October 8, 2015 Meet … 5

6 October 8, 20156

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8 Catamaran: Coming November 2015 Development of Catamaran is well under way, however developers have asked for more time and testing To ensure that districts receive all notifications on time and that users have access to the full functionality of Catamaran, OSE has decided to issue all reports and activities for September in CIMS The Catamaran Team will continue development and preparations for November are currently underway 8

9 October 8, 2015 CIMS: Next Steps All districts received reports and activities in CIMS on September 28, 2015 Any district without a CIMS coordinator can request credentials by clicking the “New User” link at 9

10 October 8, 201510 September Workbook Reports Strand Report Monitoring Activities Report (MAR) Determinations (Report, History, and Warning Letters) FM Reports of Findings (B-5 and GSM) FM Data Alerts (B-5) FM Notification Letters (GSM and SD-Discipline) Closeout and Non-closeout Reports Letters of Findings (B-13) Significant Disproportionality Warning Letters Disproportionate Representation Notification Letters Toolkit Notification Letters

11 October 8, 2015 Strand Report The Strand Report summarizes your local’s performance on State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators Updates include: –New data for B-13 (Secondary Transition), B-5 (Educational Environments, FM only) B-GSM (General Supervision Monitoring) –Updated statuses for all tasks –Rows with updates are shaded in blue Access the Strand Report from your Reports Page 11

12 October 8, 2015 MAR The Monitoring Activities Report (MAR) is included in every Workbook and provides important information to locals Some messages are universal and go to all locals Some messages are targeted, and are sent only to specific locals –Reminders to review FM notification letter –Reminders to review Reports of Findings/No Findings 12

13 October 8, 2015 Determinations Reports Determinations report and history are available for 875 locals in the September Workbook Download your PDF report from your Reports page For questions about determinations, contact Jessica Brady, Supervisor, Performance Reporting, at 13

14 October 8, 201514 September Workbook Activities CAPs: –B-13 (Secondary Transition) 438 districts –B-5 (Educational Environments) 11 districts –B-GSM (General Supervision Monitoring) 12 districts SLCAPs: –B-13 (Secondary Transition) 438 districts –Districts participating in Focused Monitoring visits may receive SLCAPs later this fall Focused Monitoring: –B-GSM (General Supervision Monitoring) 17 districts –SD-Disc (Significant Disproportionality—Discipline) 19 districts

15 October 8, 2015 Key Due Dates November 12 th – B-13 SLCAPs due November 12 th – CAPs due Remember: All work is done in CIMS! 15

16 October 8, 2015 B-13 CAPs OSE issued guidance about how to write B-13 CAPs We strongly encourage districts to use this guidance to ensure that all items of noncompliance are addressed See the B-13 page on the CIMS training site 16

17 October 8, 2015 B-13 CAP Training September 30 webinar for all interested parties –Go to the “Events” tab on the CIMS training site to view the recording from the event ( 17

18 October 8, 2015 B-13 SLCAPs Districts must also complete B-13 SLCAPs to address student-level noncompliance identified during the data collection activity last spring SLCAPs will be available on each user’s Task List, and must be completed no later than November 12, 2015 18

19 October 8, 2015 Upcoming Due Dates December 2014 Workbook –Request CAP closeout: September 15 –ISD monitor CAP verification: November 1 April 2015 Workbook –Progress Reports: October 1 –Request CAP closeout: December 1 September 2015 Workbook –Acknowledge reports: October 28 –Submit B-13 SLCAPs: November 12 –Submit CAPs: November 12 19

20 October 8, 2015 CIMS Refresher 20

21 October 8, 2015 The CIMS Process 21

22 October 8, 2015 Open Workbook  Acknowledge Reports Reports must be acknowledged by October 28, 2015 You cannot view reports or complete work in your Workbook until you have acknowledged your reports Where should you start after acknowledging your reports? –Review Strand Report, MAR, and Determinations –Review the full Reports page – Key question: Does my district have a finding? –Decide if you need to convene a RAP Team 22

23 October 8, 2015 New screenshot coming once it’s ready in demo. 1. Click “Click Here” 23 DEMO only

24 October 8, 201524 2. Click “Acknowledge Reports” DEMO only

25 October 8, 2015 Assemble a RAP Team If you have a finding you need to convene a RAP Team Suggested RAP Team members include: –A CIMS coordinator (special education director or district designee) –Special education administrators/general education administrators/ISD monitor –School improvement team representative –Parents –Service providers –Data experts or program specialists –Technical Assistance Provider 25

26 October 8, 2015 Complete Tasks with the RAP Team CAPs (Compliance tab) –B-5 FM CAP –B-GSM FM CAPs –B-13 CAPs Don’t forget! If you have a B-13 CAP, consult OSE guidance before starting your CAP development process. There’s a webinar on September 30 th to review all recommendations and take questions. 26

27 October 8, 2015 Provide Feedback After completing tasks, provide feedback, and your Workbook will be complete 27

28 October 8, 201528 Resources Visit the CIMS website Contact your ISD monitor Call the CIMS Help Desk

29 October 8, 2015 CIMS website – 29

30 October 8, 201530 ISD Monitors ISD monitors are available to help locals navigate CIMS, understand monitoring activities, complete CAPs, verify corrections, and more! Don’t know who your ISD monitor is? –Visit the CIMS website –Click “CIMS Overview” in the “Resource Library” –Click “Who’s My ISD Monitor?”

31 October 8, 201531 CIMS Help Desk Need help completing a task in CIMS? Having trouble with your username and password? Contact the CIMS Help Desk –(877) 474-9023 –

32 September 15, 2015 Questions? 32

33 October 8, 2015 33 Contact Information CIMS training site: CIMS Help Desk – or (877) Office of Special Education – Jessica Brady, Supervisor, – Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator, – Shawan Dortch, Consultant, –Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant, –Charles Thomas, Consultant, –Sharon Fink, Analyst,

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