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Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf1 EFC Interoperability – Requirements and Status J.W. Tierolf RWS – AVV 12 June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf1 EFC Interoperability – Requirements and Status J.W. Tierolf RWS – AVV 12 June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf1 EFC Interoperability – Requirements and Status J.W. Tierolf RWS – AVV 12 June 2007

2 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf2 Overview EC legislation General Eurovignet Directive Interoperability Directive CESARE 3 Model TC - TSP relation Interoperability – status & timetable Standardisation Enforcement - generic & autonomous systems EC Requirements

3 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf3 EC Legislation - General Types of Law/Regulation Treaty Directive Decision Non-discrimination Foreigners may not be charged more or have more difficult conditions No Borders Not allowed to stop travelers/trucks/cars at internal EU borders Privacy

4 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf4 Eurovignet Directive Trucks and Coaches On TERN, but other Roads allowed Tariffs Based on infra costs Limited 15 –25 % extra for objects (e.g. tunnels) No external costs allowed, but differentation is ok (e.g. euroclass) (2008 start discussion on environmental costs) (minimum level for Vehicle Use Tax)

5 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf5 Interoperability Directive 2004/52 Directive adopted April 2004 Per 2007 3 technologies allowed: Satellite (GPS/Galileo) (location) DSRC 5,8GHz microwave (beacons) GSM/GPRS (communication) EETS is parallel service Offered by MS/TC at request of users One User contract + One EETS OBU Implementation after EETS definition decision: 3 years for trucks and coaches 5 years for cars

6 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf6 Cesare 3 ASECAP (concessionnaires) and Stockholm Group analysed organisational contractual and procedural issues and developed EETS role model Stockholm Group is authorities platform for EFC and Interoperability Members are ministries of transport, taxoffices or national Road Authorities of: AT, CH, DE, FI, NL, PL, SE, Slov, UK

7 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf7 Roll Model EETS Interoperability Manager Toll ChargerService User EETS Provider

8 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf8 Roll Model EETS

9 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf9 TC – TSP Relations TC needs from/about TSP Guarantees: financial status; payment of valid toll declarations Mechanism that 100% of passages are declared + truthful toll declarations (Is thin OBU + proxy possible?) National TSP may be controllable and trusted European EETS TSP maybe no trusted party (banks consider each other non-trusted parties) This could place extra or higher demands on arrangements e.g. non-public keys Interoperability Management Rules (not mandatory?)

10 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf10 Elements for Interoperability Definition Decision Standards for DSRC Systems Communication, Charging, Enforcement for Autonomous Systems Charging, Updating, Enforcement Enforcement based on DSRC; should be ‘non-trusted’ Application Guide for: EETS Procedures, Interoperability Management Certification of OBUs?

11 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf11 Interoperability status EC rewriting decision Draft Mid June ‘07 Just 1 decision Minimum approach Technical details in standards Procedures in application guide (Cesare IV?) Leave more to the Market Including EMB (no public law status)

12 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf12 Interoperability Timetable Draft decision – June 2007 Comité Télépéage – 26 June For two-way information only Member States only (plus EEA?) - (no voting) Decision – end ’07 (EC); mid ’08 (real?) Start for 3 & 5 years time to implementation DSRC standards – about ready GNSS draft standard – mid ’08? EC grant under ‘new approach’ Enforcement Module separate?

13 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf13 Standardisation GNSS standard to include ?: Updating protocol Enforcement protocol For roadside checking, including secure part for unalterable track records Allowing both ‘thin’ or ‘fat’ operation Further DSRC standard almost there Standard for TPS – TC Interface needed?

14 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf14 International Enforcement Enforcement is national/local responsibility in the 1 st place Therefore checks are best done and enforced, while vehicle is in toll domain and under national jurisdiction Internationally, non-100%, statistical approaches most likely Internationally, only follow-up of confirmed penalties may be possible VERA 3 data exchange network ‘Vera 3’ directive ?

15 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf15 Autonomous Systems’ Enforcement TC needs way to check if vehicles send valid declarations or are paying If vehicles are equipped From which EETS provider they are Ranging from full control to random checks TC needs way to check if declarations are truthful Unalterable secure track records Efficient methods for Checking needed For high volumes, video or (better) electronic ways (DSRC) with secure smart card or simcard Unalterable, with signature, hash code

16 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf16 Autonomous Systems’ Enforc. -2 Vehicles, not sending valid toll declarations may not be fraudulent E.g. malfunctioning equipment To provide alternative TC may want control mechanisms to check TSP too EETS accreditation first, then good contract TSP to guarantee valid declarations; keep track records; etc. E.g. audits TC roadside checks

17 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf17 EC requirements No Borders EC allows no border checks/controls (5 kms inland ok?) OBUs not mandatory for foreigners Unless cheap (5€?) and easy to install (<10 min ?) EETS OBU & Contract to be accepted by all TCs Non-discrimination Also for foreign TSPs HGV, Tax, Interoper. directives + EU Market Rules Only 3 technologies allowed But parallel other system for national vehicles allowed? (could be cheaper)

18 Warsaw RUC Seminar - 12 June 2007 - JW Tierolf18 Conclusions EC regulations pose additional requirements Standards required too (CEN; DSRC, GPS incl. enforcement) Interoperability Management also required (Cesare 4 application guide? + establishment IM) Certification: market process? 2008 decision, rest should be clear and most ready within a year. Issues TC-TSP relation (guarantees, balance for business) Enforcement of autonomous systems Interoperability Management

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