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US Government Ch. 3 Section 3.  Passage of Basic Legislation by Congress  Actions taken by the President  Key Decisions of the Supreme Court  Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "US Government Ch. 3 Section 3.  Passage of Basic Legislation by Congress  Actions taken by the President  Key Decisions of the Supreme Court  Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Government Ch. 3 Section 3

2  Passage of Basic Legislation by Congress  Actions taken by the President  Key Decisions of the Supreme Court  Activities of Political Parties  Customs

3  Congress has passed a number of laws to fill in the blanks the Framers left on purpose.  Article II – creates the offices of President and Vice-President. The other depts. and offices were created by Congress  By the way Congress has used its powers.  Power to regulate foreign and intestate commerce. Congress has passed thousands of laws regarding commerce.

4  Various Presidents have used powers that have contributed to the growth of the Constitution.  Only Congress can declare war, but the President is the commander in chief of the armed forces. Several presidents have used this to make war.  Executive agreement vs. treaty: Treaties have to be approved by Congress, executive agreements are between the leaders of countries.

5 US Supreme Court interpret and apply the Constitution in many cases they hear. Marbury vs. Madison – est. judicial review (1803) The Supreme Court is “a constitutional convention in continuous session.”  Woodrow Wilson

6  Major source of constitutional change even though the Constitution makes no mention of them.  Most of the Framers were opposed to them – Washington warned about them in his farewell address.  Constitution doesn’t provide for the nomination of candidates for presidency  Major parties have held nominating conventions to do that

7  Both houses of Congress do business along party lines.

8  Many customs have developed in government.  The Cabinet is composed of the heads of the 15 executive departments.  Death of president in office – Article II and 25 th Amendment  No third terms – consecutively for Presidents until FDR – led to 22 nd Amendment

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