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WEIMAR RECOVERY??? Achievements WEIMAR RECOVERY??? Problems Economy German economy recovered Dawes Plan (1924) gave Germany longer to repay reparations;

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Presentation on theme: "WEIMAR RECOVERY??? Achievements WEIMAR RECOVERY??? Problems Economy German economy recovered Dawes Plan (1924) gave Germany longer to repay reparations;"— Presentation transcript:

1 WEIMAR RECOVERY??? Achievements WEIMAR RECOVERY??? Problems Economy German economy recovered Dawes Plan (1924) gave Germany longer to repay reparations; also got 800m marks in US loans By 1928 production was finally back at pre-WW1 levels Economic boom was precarious – very reliant on US loans, which could be called back Big business, industry & landowners do well Farmers, sections of middle class & shopkeepers miss out Culture General explosion of new art styles Golden age of German cinema & night life (bars; discos etc.) Censorship lifted – political songs & songs about sex allowed Outside of big cities “Weimar culture” seen as “moral decline” Lots opposed to Black and “Jewish” music “Wandervogel” movement preached a “return” to traditional values… Politics Foreign Policy


3 The aim for today… Describe how the Nazis changed policy in the 1920s… Develop our knowledge on what the Nazi Party leaders were each responsible for…

4 NATIONALISM SOCIALISM Pride in and identification with one’s nation Belief in your nation as a special and distinct group Hostility to “national enemies” Promotion of government/collective ownership of the production and distribution of goods Sharing wealth between strong and weak groups in society

5 Leader of Nazi SA – (stormtroopers) Assassinated under Hitler’s orders in July 1934 (during the Night of the Long Knives)

6 Joined the Nazis in 1924 Responsible for Nazi PROPAGANDA From 1933 had total control of arts, media and information in Germany Fiercely anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish)…


8 “Hold our noses and enter the Reichstag”… aim to take power through elections, not by armed revolution

9 In 1925 Hitler created the SS – Schutzstaffel - “Protection Squad” / “Blackshirts”… after 1929 they led by Heinrich Himmler What does the creation of SS suggest about how Hitler viewed the SA?

10 1923 – “Hold our noses and enter the Reichstag” – get power through elections not armed force (e.g. Munich putsch) 1924 – fight a national election for the first time Set up local Nazi parties to build support across Germany 1925 – SS formed and SA enlarged 1926 – Hitler Youth properly established… Goebbels develops modern PROPAGANDA to use emotion rather than reasoned argument to persuade “the masses” But… at 1928 election… the Nazis lose support (only 12 seats and less than 3% of the vote) … 1928 change direction – start to look to peasants and middle classes for votes – groups who were doing badly under Weimar

11 Why?? Aren’t the middle classes usually less likely to support extremists? Middle class people were shocked to lose their savings during the 1923 Hyperinflation crisis. They felt vulnerable. Another economic crisis and they might seek more radical solutions (HINT!) Small shop-owners lost out to large department stores (which were often owned by Jews).

12 Why?? Surely farmers are practical people who wouldn’t buy Hitler’s hysterics! Farmers weren’t doing well. They were producing too much and there wasn’t enough demand. They disliked the new “Weimar Culture” – much more open sexuality; racial mixing; German girls dancing to Black Jazz music! Hitler flattered them – he championed rural values and said they were “ideal” and true Germans, “born of the land”.


14  Why were the Nazis unsuccessful from 1924-28? [6]  Foreign Policy  POINT: Germany had a successful foreign policy. EVIDENCE: In 1925 Streseman signed the Locarno pact, promising not to try to change Germany’s Western borders. As a result, Germany was admitted to the League of Nations. EVALUATION: Most Germans felt this made Germany more secure and respected by other nations. (Even if the nationalists and Communists did not like it).  Write PEE paragraphs for… The Economy was doing well. Life in the cities was exciting and optimistic.

15 Why were the Nazis unsuccessful from 1924-28? ECONOMY  POINT: The economy did well from 1924-28. EVIDENCE: By 1928 production finally recovered to pre-WW1 levels. EVALUATION: Although some groups were not doing so well the majority benefitted from the economic recovery so continued to support the Government. CULTURE  POINT: Life in the cities was exciting and optimistic. EVIDENCE: In these years there was an explosion in arts and culture. German cinema experienced a Golden Age; bars and clubs were full; people had more freedom of expression than ever before. EVALUATION: After the chaos of WW1 and the post-war period Germany seemed to be back on its feet. Most people were therefore not interested in voting for a party which aimed to get rid of the current system.

16 Mitchell & Webb clip

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