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Applying to the Teacher Education Program Important Deadlines:  Last date to have APPLICATION turned in: Thursday, November 5 th, 2015  Last date to.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying to the Teacher Education Program Important Deadlines:  Last date to have APPLICATION turned in: Thursday, November 5 th, 2015  Last date to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying to the Teacher Education Program Important Deadlines:  Last date to have APPLICATION turned in: Thursday, November 5 th, 2015  Last date to have EVERYTHING turned in: Friday, November 20, 2015  Last Teacher Education Council Vote: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Dr. Allison Gohring 407 Martin Luther King Office: (573)681-5251 Cell: (573)220-2598 Database Manager: Aubrey Schrader 452A Martin Luther King Phone: (573)681-5379 Fax: (573)681-5257 Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM (lunch around 1:00 PM-2:00PM) (It’s always a good idea to email to be sure Aubrey will be available when you are planning to come)

2 Application instructions on the LU Website Education Department Website: ◦ education/education education/education You can also find us at: ◦ Academics ◦ Colleges and Departments ◦ Department of Education ◦ Apply to the Program

3 First Step: Application Form Click here to download the TEP Application Form Click here Schedule an appointment with Aubrey to submit your Application Form and review your records no later than Friday November 6th. Meeting the application deadline is important in order to assure that you will be considered for a Teacher Education Council vote.

4 Record Review The following will be checked by Aubrey during the record review: English 101 C or better English 102 C or better Speech 206 C or better Observations Course C or better Music 203 (3 credits) for Music Majors Art 203 (3 credits) for Art Majors EDU 202 (1 credit) all other majors Cumulative GPA for ALL college coursework 2.75 or higher ACT composite score of 18 or higher (or SAT Reading + Math score of 870 or above)

5 If you are currently enrolled in one or more of the required courses: If you have met all other requirements, the Teacher Education Council (TEC) will include you in their vote. You may be accepted into the program PENDING receipt of your passing grade(s). If your grades were pending for a vote; email Aubrey when the grades are ready to be checked. You will not be able to preregister for Block III classes until you have provided proof of passing grades in all required courses. Apply to the TEP the semester prior to needing to enroll in Block III courses so you are not held up taking any coursework. Remember to preregister for classes for all classes not in Block III.

6 If you have not completed and are not currently enrolled in a required course: You may begin the application process now, but you will not be eligible for a TEC vote until the semester in which you have completed all of the required courses. Apply early! – You will then be ready when all of your required coursework is complete!

7 Record Review: ACT/SAT If you do not have an ACT/SAT score on file with the university, you will need to obtain a copy and fax it to:(573) 681-5257 (put Aubrey Schrader in the “To” section to expedite the process) If you do not have an ACT composite of 18 or higher (or SAT Reading + Math of 870 or above), you will need to retake the ACT to obtain the required score. For more information, click here to visit the Education Department’s ACT here

8 Pass the general education proficiency examination If you have already passed the College Basic Academic Subjects Examination (CBASE), make sure Aubrey has a copy of your passing scores (235 or above on each section). Your passing CBASE Scores will be accepted until 12/31/2016 If you have not taken or passed the CBASE, you must take the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA).

9 Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA) Cost: $49 for whole test, $25 per subtest for retakes (plus testing site fees) Site fees range by site. Computer Based Testing only! We will not know cut scores until December. (You can ask….we still will not know )

10 MoGEA continued Website: ◦ Register for the test at the website above. ◦ Aubrey can assist you if you have trouble navigating the site. ◦ As of now, MU in Columbia is the closest test site. ◦ The website includes study materials and test frameworks. ◦ Amy Miller is a tutor at Page Library specializing in the MoGEA. ◦ Additional study materials are available from Aubrey

11 If you don’t pass several sections: Make an appointment with Dr. Gohring to discuss your MoGEA score report. We will work on locating study materials that may be helpful. Consider the number of subtests you have passed, the number you need to retake, and the amount of time you will need to prepare for retakes. If you must retake several sections, the TEC may vote to postpone consideration of your application for admission. If you are informed that your admission request has been postponed, contact your advisor immediately and schedule an appointment to discuss your class scheduling options for the next semester.

12 If you miss passing one or two sections by a small margin: Make an appointment to discuss your test report with Dr. Gohring. The TEC may agree to vote on your application pending successful completion of all sections of the MoGEA. You will NOT be able to enroll in Block III classes until all sections have been passed. Preregister for any non-block courses you need and meet with your advisor to make a contingency plan for the next semester

13 Missouri Educator Profile Prior to TEP admission, you must complete the new Missouri Educator Profile (MEP) ◦ Cost: $22 ◦ Work-style assessment ◦ Can be taken from any computer (does not require going to a test site) ◦ Registration is live on ◦ Email a copy of your MEP Report to Aubrey ◦ You will review your MEP report with your education advisor to make a plan to address any areas of need.

14 Background Check: You can get a background check performed by the Family Care Registry or the Missouri Highway Patrol You can access the Highway Patrol MACHS system at the following link (please note that you only need a name search for admission to the program): ◦ You can access the Family Care Safety Registry online registration at the following link: ◦ 062861 062861 Your background check must be current within one year at the time of the vote (12/21/2015) If your background check reveals an arrest history, we strongly advise that you immediately apply for substitute teacher certification.

15 Complete your Admission Portfolio in Foliotek Purchase Foliotek at the bookstore ◦ 1 year subscription: approx. $40.00 (plus tax) ◦ 1 year subscription recommended…can be renewed online when necessary Set up your account at Your Portfolio Code is: SENIO-SENIO-3453

16 Explore a sample Admission Portfolio account ◦ Go to http://www.foliotek.com ◦ Sign in using Username: Password: Password2

17 Sections of the Portfolio Faculty Admission Disposition Rating Scales ◦ Send a different form to each of the 3 professors ◦ Use Request Review Artifacts and Reflections Self Selected Clinical Experience Time Sheet & Reflection Field and Clinical Experience Table

18 Artifacts and Reflections 1. Artifacts for you portfolio are assignments from your Education coursework 2. Each artifact should address ONE Mid-level MO Standard for Professional Educators (MoSPE) 3. Each artifact should come from one of each of the three areas of the Lincoln Education Department’s Conceptual Framework – Engaging Pedagogy, Evolving Worldview, and Enduring Understanding.

19 Artifacts and Reflections - completion Proofread carefully prior to submitting Be sure this is your BEST work Use the writing center if needed

20 Self-Selected Clinical Experience You must complete a 20-hour experience outside of any required coursework working with children or adolescents Make sure the age ranges of the children/adolescents you work with coincide with the grade range of the certification you are seeking! Click here for a document containing detailed instructions and the required timesheet Click here Complete a reflection on your experience. Upload both documents to Foliotek.

21 Field and Clinical Experience Table This table documents all of the field experiences you have had This table will help ensure that all candidates participate in a variety of field experiences You will need to upload a copy of what you have so far to Foliotek for the admission process ◦ You do not need to have every category of experience represented at this time. We are simply checking to make sure you are familiar with the table and have filled in your early field experiences. Click here for the Field and Clinical Experience Table and Instructions document Click here

22 Documents to Upload to Foliotek A complete Foliotek Portfolio ◦ 3 Teacher Disposition Forms ◦ 3 Artifacts with corresponding Reflections  Enduring Understanding  Engaging Pedagogy  Evolving Worldview ◦ 1 Self-selected Clinical time sheet with corresponding Reflection ◦ 1 Field and Clinical Experience Table *When all is uploaded – EMAIL AUBREY SO SHE KNOWS TO ACTIVATE YOUR PORTFOLIO EVALUATION SCHRADERA@LINCOLNU.EDUSCHRADERA@LINCOLNU.EDU

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