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Projectile -Any object upon which the only force acting on is gravity!

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2 Projectile -Any object upon which the only force acting on is gravity!

3 Neglecting air resistance- all objects fall with the same acceleration. Two objects of different weights, dropped from the same height, hit the ground at the same time.

4 A horizontally launched object will reach the ground in the same time as an object dropped vertically from rest. The initial horizontal velocity is irrelevant.

5 Horizontal Motion Vertical Motion ForcesNo The force of gravity (down) AccelerationNo Yes "g" is downward at -9.8 m/s 2 VelocityConstant Changing by -9.8 m/s each second

6 All projectiles follow a parabolic path

7 Horizontal Motion – Constant, no acceleration. Vertical Motion –Free fall, acceleration due to gravity.

8 The x-component of the velocity never changes A horizontally launched projectile



11 Which hits the ground first?


13 A Package Dropped from an airplane Initial vertical velocity equals zero

14 The time of flight for all horizontally launched projectile V i =20 m/s Same as if it were dropped from rest

15 v i = 20 m/s d = 100 m Calculate the time of flight for the projectile 0

16 Projectile launched from ground level at an angle



19 Finding the initial vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity given the total velocity, magnitude and direction!

20 A football is punted at 60 0 to the horizontal at 50 m/s, calculate the initial horizontal and vertical components of the velocity.

21 Given the initial horizontal and vertical velocities you can find the total velocity ( speed and direction.)

22 A motorcycle daredevil is attempting to jump across as many buses as possible. The takeoff ramp makes an angle of 18 0 above the horizontal, and the landing ramp is identical to the takeoff ramp. Each bus is 2.74 m wide. The cyclist leaves the ramp with a speed of 33.5 m/s. What is the maximum number of buses over which the cyclist can jump?

23 A projectile launched at an angle above the horizontal

24 Firing at Different Angles What launch angle(s) give the greatest range?

25 30 0 45 0 30 0 and 60 0 15 0 and 75 0 What launch angle(s) give the greatest range?

26 Range of a Projectile for v i = 50 m/s

27 1.Complimentary angles give the same range 2.45 0 gives the greatest range 3.90 0 gives the greatest time of flight 4.90 0 gives the greatest height Angles Summary

28 Air Resistance

29 Both car and ball have the same horizontal velocity link

30 Two assumptions: 1.Free-fall acceleration g is constant. 2.Air resistance is negligible.  The path of a projectile is parabolic.  The initial velocity is v i  The launched angle is   Velocity vector changes in magnitude and direction  Acceleration in y-direction (vertical) is g  Acceleration in x-direction (horizontal) is 0

31 Acceleration in x-direction is 0. Acceleration in y-direction is g. (Constant velocity)(Constant acceleration) Superposition of motion in x-direction and motion in y-direction The horizontal motion and vertical motion are independent of each other; that is, neither motion affects the other.

32 Relative Motion Moving frame of reference A boat heading due north crosses a river with a speed of 10.0 km/h. The water in the river has a speed of 5.0 km/h due east. a.Determine the velocity of the boat. b.If the river is 3.0 km wide how long does it take to cross it?

33 o

34 Displacement vs. time d (m) t (s) 0 If position is recorded, a parabolic d - t graph is formed. d - displacement t - time

35 Velocity vs. Time d(m) t (s) 0 v (m/s) t (s) 0 If the velocity is recorded, a v-t linear graph is formed. v - velocity t - time

36 v (m/s) t (s) 0 Ball is moving up, positive velocity Ball is moving down negative velocity highest point, the velocity is zero. Velocity vs. Time

37 v (m/s) t (s) 0 Speed of the ball is reducing gradually. negative acceleration speed is increasing speed is zero, at rest. Velocity vs. Time

38 v (m/s) t (s) 0 Area A = (+ displacement) Area B = (- displacement) A B The relationship between A and B ? Areas in a Velocity vs. Time graph

39 v (m/s) t (s) 0 Slope = acceleration! v What is the slope? The slope is : g = the acceleration due to gravity, about -10 m/s 2 Velocity vs. Time graph

40 A ball tossed upward has initial velocity components 30 m/s vertical, and 5 m/s horizontal. The position of the ball is shown at 1-second intervals. Air resistance is negligible, and g = 10 m/s².

41 Motion of a ball falling off of a table. Which is the correct path?

42 A stone was thrown straight upward at t =0 with 20 m/s initial velocity on the roof of a 50 m high building 1.Find the time the stone reaches at maximum height (v=0) 2.Find the maximum height 3.Find the time the stone reaches its original height 4.Find the velocity of the stone when it reaches its original height 5.Find the velocity and position of the stone at t=5.0s

43 Find the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity. Carl Lewis at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain, Lewis won gold medals for the long jump (28 feet 5.5 inches), this resulted from an initial velocity of 9.5 m/s at an angle of 40 degrees to the horizontal. Adam Vinatieri the New England Patriot kicker launches a kick at an angle of 30 0 at a velocity of 30 m/s Michelle Wie “The Big Wieasy” hits a nine iron with a velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 60 0 to the horizontal.

44 A melon truck brakes right before a ravine and looses a few melons. The melons skit over the edge with an initial velocity of v = 10 m/s a.Determine the velocity just before in hits the ground b.Calculate the velocity and the speed of the melon at t = 5.0 s c.Determine the time it takes to hit the ground d.Graph the path of a melon

45 Wiley Coyote has missed the elusive roadrunner once again. This time, he leaves the edge of the cliff at 50 m/s horizontal velocity. If the canyon is 100 m deep, how far from the edge of the cliff does the coyote land?

46 Throwing a ball out from a rooftop initial final A ball is thrown horizontally from the Empire State building at 20 m/s and lands 34.2 seconds later. Find: 1.The distance the ball lands from the base of the Empire State building. 2.The final velocity of the ball. vertical motionvertical motion horizontal motion

47 Bear Canyon Jump Malik is stranded on the wrong side of a 95 meter wide canyon with a grizzly bear. In a desperate attempt to escape from the bear he runs right off the edge of a cliff. He leaves at a velocity of 10 m/s horizontally. The canyon was 150 m deep, how long does he take to hit the ground? Or, does he make it to the other side? 150 m vivi 95 m

48 A rescue plane flies at 40 m/s and an elevation of 100 m toward a point directly over a hiking accident victim. The pilot wants to release a rescue capsule so that it hits the ground very close to the victim. How far in front of the victim should he release the package?

49 A banana thrown at a monkey with no gravity

50 A banana thrown straight at the monkey

51 A banana thrown at a slow speed at the monkey

52 An arrow leaves the bow horizontally at a speed of 20 m/s. If the target is 100 meters away and the archer aimed directly at the center of the bulls eye how far below the bulls eye will the arrow land?


54 Projectiles undergo simultaneous and independent vertical and horizontal motion.

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