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Life in the Empire Family Religion Christianity Architecture Photo Gallery.

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1 Life in the Empire Family Religion Christianity Architecture Photo Gallery

2 Family In each family the father was called, Pater Familias, he controlled the household. He held the religious service. There were groups of related families that shared a name, this were called Gens. The Mater Familias, was the mother who ran the house. Some Romans did not approve independent and educated women. Menu

3 Architecture Architects planned buildings with arches and domes, they used concrete that was a mixture of sand, water, cement and stones. Marble was used for government buildings and its supply was controlled by the government. Most buildings were made from local stone. Menu

4 Religion Romans believed in Gods and Goddesses. They were based on Greek Gods. After Augustus death the Emperors were worshipped like Gods. The government led the religious service. Romans allowed people from conquered lands to worship their own Gods as long as they worshipped Roman Gods too. Some of the Gods were: Jupiter, King of Roman Gods. Juno, Jupiter’s wife.

5 Apollo, the Sun god. Gods Mercury, messenger of the Roman gods. Venus, goddess of love and beauty, springtime and flowers. Diana, or Luna, Roman goddess of the Moon, animals, and hunting. Mars, Roman god of war. Jupiter, King of the Roman gods. Neptune, Roman god of the sea. Pluto, ruled the dark underworld of myth. Menu

6 Christianity At the time of Augustus, a Jew, J.C was born in Palestine. Romans accepted the religion in the provinces as long as they respected the Roman Gods and Emperors. Jews were excused from worshipping Roman Gods because they were monotheists. For many years Jews hoped for a Messiah, (the chosen one) to rule them and sometimes rebelled against the Romans. The followers of Jesus, Christians were persecuted by the Romans. Menu

7 Forum, a meeting place. Roman Building. Roman sculpture. Roman Coin. A Roman sculpture of a family. Augustus Sculpture.


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