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Early Roman Civilization By Laurie Muratalla April 26,2007.

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1 Early Roman Civilization By Laurie Muratalla April 26,2007

2 Early Roman Life Rome was a prosperous empire. Augustus reorganized and created a new era of prosperity.

3 A video!

4 Go to this cool site to find maps and other information…

5 Click here

6 Roman Culture Roman artists and writers borrowed many ideas form the Greeks, like arches.

7 Roman Literature Roman authors based much of their writing on Greek works like from Homers Odessey.

8 Roman Science and Engineering Greek science gave us a lot of information. Galon was a Greek doctor that contributed important ideas like anatomy. Ptolemy explained the motion of planets and stars.

9 Roman Religion and Philosophy They worshiped many gods and goddesses and believed that spirits lived in many natural things. Emperors were worshiped as gods.

10 Roman Philosophy Greek philosophy such as Stoicism was borrowed and modified. Romans used it as a way to address the behavior of living in a practical way.

11 Fun Facts The Colosseum in Rome could hold 60,000 people. It had a system of cages, ropes, and pulleys that brought wild animals up to the floor from the rooms underground.

12 Another Fun Fact Paintings on vases, frescoes, and stone show Romans participating in sports.

13 Comprehension Questions Who reorganized Rome and created a new era of prosperity? What did the Romans borrow from the Greeks? What did the Romans believe in? What facility held 60,000 people and why did they go there?

14 Works Cited California Department of Education Standards for my unit Grolier National Geographic Maps United Streaming 1399-41D0-B89C-A359089CEB87 Pictures and video clips of early Rome. Photo of Agustus sculpture.

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