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Presentation on theme: "RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY MAPPING APPLICATION 1 OLIVETI POUHA."— Presentation transcript:


2 DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY Majority of denominations are of LDS and Baptist faiths. The smaller red dots are made up of mostly LDS church buildings. Near by also lies an Islamic Muslim Mosque.

3 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH The Grace Baptist Church as an organization was founded in 1978. Since then, they have had many buildings, this particular building in the neighborhood was built in 2007. They believe in the Holy Bible, and to know God is through faith alone in Jesus. They wanted their community to know this Gospel, and in doing so, they raised money to have this church built. They seek others to know that they can worship God as well..

4 The Church of the Sacred Circle The Church of the Sacred Circle was built in 2007 by Rev. Heron, a teacher of Wicca and Paganism. This is a polytheistic religion that practices witchcraft. Rev. Heron needed a place of worship where her students could progress and grow safely. A place where her community of believers could thrive, and help keep paganism/wicca in their growing families.

5 Khadeeja Islamic Center The Khadeeja Islamic Center was built in 1994. It is the second mosque built in Utah. Due to the fast growing numbers of refugees in Utah, which contained a good amount of Muslim's, they built this mosque in effort to give each member the space needed for worship. The mosque was put together by the efforts of its local Muslim's, which made generous contributions to it’s beautiful development.

6 According to studies done on the pewforum, Mormonism reaches its highest population in Utah and its neighboring state, Idaho. It’s population of members decreases when headed eastward, where Mormon tradition makes 1% or less of its population.

7 Population Across the U.S. Members of the Muslim faith has a very small population across the states compared to members of the Evangelical Protestant faiths.

8 RELIGIOUS POPULATION ACROSS THE UNITED STATES Mormon Tradition Mormon tradition is most popular in Utah, and population rates are highest in the west. Across the East, population rapidly decreases. Muslims All across the U.S. Muslim’s remain under 2% in population. According to the pewforum, Muslims are part of the 8 traditions that make up 5% or less in population throughout the nation. Evangelical Protestants Evangelical Protestants has the highest numbers in population all across the U.S. The majority flourishes in population in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. It’s population in all 50 states remain above 21%.

9 My community is predominantly of Mormon Tradition. However, there were more denominations than I assumed. In my opinion, to live in a pluralistic community means to have a variety of religious culture that is well-known within the community. The non-Mormon denominations are present but are not obvious, as they are either hidden within the neighborhood, or does not have many buildings of worship. These non-Mormon denominations came to existence due to two facts: 1) Immigration. 2) A person or group developed the need for a certain religious community. Just as the Khadeeja Islamic Center, immigration increased in Utah and a need for housing to worship developed. As for the Grace Baptist Church and The Church of the Sacred Circle, a person or a group needed their religious beliefs marked within the community, to praise and seek as they believe.



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