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14-19 Sub Group Development Plan. Objectives 1.Complete a 14-19 survey across Lancashire WBL forum by end of June 2007 to: –map current provision and.

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Presentation on theme: "14-19 Sub Group Development Plan. Objectives 1.Complete a 14-19 survey across Lancashire WBL forum by end of June 2007 to: –map current provision and."— Presentation transcript:

1 14-19 Sub Group Development Plan

2 Objectives 1.Complete a 14-19 survey across Lancashire WBL forum by end of June 2007 to: –map current provision and services –identify aspiration and capacity to deliver future services –develop the forum’s 14-19 prospectus 2.Clearly define new forum service delivery by end July 2007: –information, advice and guidance (partners) –employer engagement 3.Implement marketing strategy commencing August 2007 to: - strengthen the forum brand with key audiences, partners & stakeholders - promote the range of 14-19 provision and services available through forum members

3 Proposed service development Lancashire WBL Forum employer engagement brokerage service Schools Specialist work placement Key stage 4 engagement projects Enterprise Activity Employer IAG, visits, mentoring LEAD groups / networks Labour market intelligence Employer consultation Industry secondment WBL vacancy reports Partner IAG service LEAD groups Employers Teaching / careers staff. CPD 14-19 delivery

4 Marketing Strategy WBL Forum Marketing materials 14-19 prospectus 14 -19 partner presentation Exhibition stand WBL presentation toolkit (schools) Website Schools Employers LEAD groups / partners Forum members PR Case studies Newsletter Press releases Conference

5 Forum 14-19 survey Provider Opportunity to: Define and promote your 14-19 products and services Participate in the development of new 14-19 products and services Maintain and strengthen progression opportunities to WBL Grow 14-19 income Forum Opportunity to: Raise our profile with key partners Demonstrate our 14-19 capability Strengthen our collaborative partnerships Position the forum as a key partner in the 14-19 agenda

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