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+ Introduction to Unit 3 Day 1. + Overview As mentioned last class, this unit focuses on Faith as Celebrated. In order to understand how the Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Introduction to Unit 3 Day 1. + Overview As mentioned last class, this unit focuses on Faith as Celebrated. In order to understand how the Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Introduction to Unit 3 Day 1

2 + Overview As mentioned last class, this unit focuses on Faith as Celebrated. In order to understand how the Catholic community of faith celebrates, we must understand what it means to be church (or who we celebrate with!). Today we will be focusing on what we mean when we use the word church.

3 + Getting Started Actively read pgs. 96 – 99 (you can skip “The Church as a Mystery of God’s love” and the bottom of pg. 100 - 105 in your textbook. I will check for active reading. When you are finished, complete the worksheet titled “Church Word Scramble”

4 + Note Taking – Take notes on the note sheet based on this slide. The word ‘church’ has many different meanings. “I am going to church!” could mean... 1) The physical building where you worship. 2) Gathering with a community or group of people to worship, regardless of the physical building. 3) Belonging to the worldwide network of Catholics united under the leadership of the pope and Bishops.

5 + Images of Church We use images to describe characteristics of what the church is like. Some of the most popular are: 1) Sacrament 2) People of God 3) Body of Christ 4) Temple of the Holy Spirit Complete the worksheet titled” Understanding Church as the body of Christ”

6 + The Church as Body of Christ Take notes on your note sheet: The church as the Body of Christ means that we are a community of God’s people that profess faith in Jesus and love and serve others under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This image uses Christ as the head of the church and we, the church, are the body. We each have a different role to play in the church, but every part is necessary!

7 + People of God The church as the ‘People of God’ focuses on our mission as a church. Our mission is: a. Message – members preach the Gospel in Words and Deeds b. Community – members live their faith together with others. c. Service - members serve those in need! d. Worship (Liturgy) – members celebrate together – the Mass and the Sacraments.

8 + The Marks of the Church The final part of the Nicene Creed (which we did not get to last unit) focuses on the characteristics of the church as: One, holy, catholic, and apostolic. Complete your note sheet. For further understanding, refer to pgs. 112 – 115 in your textbook.

9 + The Marks of the Church One: the church celebrates unity in diversity. The church is united in creed, worship (mass and sacraments), and leadership (bishops and pope) Holy: through our participation in the life of the church (worship and sacraments), we are guided to become more holy like Jesus. Catholic: meaning “universal”, we follow Jesus’ command to spread the Gospel to all nations. Apostolic: passed on from and keeps the tradition of the apostles.

10 + Defining Sacrament Actively read pages 154 – 157 and define sacrament based on what you read. (Answer in note sheet.)

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