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Thesis statements Learning objective – By the end of class, you will be able to effectively write an (argumentative) thesis statement.

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Presentation on theme: "Thesis statements Learning objective – By the end of class, you will be able to effectively write an (argumentative) thesis statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesis statements Learning objective – By the end of class, you will be able to effectively write an (argumentative) thesis statement.

2 Thesis statements - review
1. A good argumentative thesis is focused and not too broad. 2. A good argumentative thesis is centered on a debatable topic. 3. A good argumentative thesis picks a side. 4. A good thesis makes claims that will be supported later in the paper.

3 Thesis statements – Types of claims
Claims of fact or definition: These claims argue about what the definition of something is or whether something is a settled fact. Example: What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than normal, long-term cycles of climate change. Claims of cause and effect: These claims argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to occur. Example: The popularity of SUV's in America has caused pollution to increase. Claims about value: These are claims made of what something is worth, whether we value it or not, how we would rate or categorize something. Example: Global warming is the most pressing challenge facing the world today. Claims about solutions or policies: These are claims that argue for or against a certain solution or policy approach to a problem. Example: Instead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing on ways to reduce oil consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources.

4 Thesis statements – We do
Directions: 1. Carefully read the writing prompt and the Bad Thesis Statement. 2. Then, rewrite a Good Thesis Statement. State the subject and tell the author’s purpose for writing or the point to be proved. A good thesis statement will directly respond to each part of the writing prompt. Writing Prompt: Describe how television commercials influence children. Bad: Television commercials have an influence on children. Why? Good: Good thesis:

5 Thesis statements – Television and children
1. Studies show that too much television viewing can have negative affects: children may have attention difficulties, they may have more violent and aggressive play and behavior, and they are more likely to be obese. 2. Television commercials have a negative influence on children in the following ways: they increase viewership, they breed materialism in children, and they contribute to the overall problem of Americans needing instant gratification.

6 Thesis statements – you do
Directions: 1. Carefully read the writing prompt and the Bad Thesis Statement. 2. Then, rewrite a Good Thesis Statement. State the subject and tell the author’s purpose for writing or the point to be proved. A good thesis statement will directly respond to each part of the writing prompt. Writing Prompt: Discuss the benefits of playing team sports. Bad: Playing team sports has many benefits. Why? Good: Students will trade and check for the following: is the thesis focused? Debatable? Does it pick a side? Can it be supported? Students will identify the claim and the 3 reasons of the thesis.

7 Thesis Statements – Evaluation
Is the thesis focused? Is the thesis debatable? Does it pick a side? Can it be supported? Identify the claim and the 3 reasons of the thesis.

8 Thesis statements: Evaluations and Rewrites
With your district partner(s): 1. read the writing prompt and evaluate the bad thesis statements; on a separate sheet of paper, write WHY it is a bad thesis statement and… 2. revise the bad thesis statements using the elements of argumentative thesis statements

9 Writing prompt: Discuss the benefits of playing team sports.
Bad: Playing team sports has many benefits. Why? Good:

10 Writing prompt: Persuade the school board to lengthen summer vacation.
Bad: Many people think that summer vacation should be extended. Why? Good:

11 Writing prompt: Justify the government’s duty to collect taxes.
Bad: The government has a duty to collect taxes. Why? Good:

12 Writing prompt: evaluate this statement – Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
Bad: Learning to play a musical instrument has both good and bad points. Why? Good:

13 Writing Prompt: Explain why young people especially enjoy hobbies.
Bad: One hobby many young people especially enjoy is reading. Why? Good:

14 EXIT TICKET – Introduction paragraph
Hook Thesis – Claim, Argument, Side of Topic Chosen Roadmap – Three reasons

15 Exit ticket Pass Arena Notes to front of classroom
Each tribute needs to prepare a piece of paper with a proper heading and title it “In-class Introduction Paragraph”

16 Exit ticket prompt Select one thesis statement from the five you have just created. Write an introduction paragraph, using margin planner, in which you discuss the prompt/thesis you selected. Be sure to support your thesis statement with details and examples (3 reasons) .

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