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FOOD WASTE. COMPOST Compost is very important. It reduces the amount of waste each of us sends to the landfill. In fact 30% of material we send to landfills.

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD WASTE. COMPOST Compost is very important. It reduces the amount of waste each of us sends to the landfill. In fact 30% of material we send to landfills."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMPOST Compost is very important. It reduces the amount of waste each of us sends to the landfill. In fact 30% of material we send to landfills are organic and could be composted at home. Composting has other benefits too. Applying finished compost returns nutrients to the land, holds moisture in gardens and on lawns, contributes to watershed health by controlling run-off and naturally fertilizes and provides structure to the soil. Did you know? Compost contains more nutrients than pea moss!

3 SOME FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW! On average, food waste can make up to one third of the content of your black rubbish bag that ends up in landfill. This means that so much food was landfilled In wales during 2009/10 that it could have filled around two thirds of the Millennium Stadium. When food waste ends up in landfill, it decomposes creating gases that are harmful to the environment.

4 WHAT WE DO TO HELP! St. Joseph’s helps prevent food waste in different ways. We collected everybody’s waste that we can't recycle and put it in a bag. Then we weigh the bag to see how much waste we were chucking away and how we could improve it. In the first week we got the amount of 19 grams per child and in the second week we got the amount of 5.17 grams per child as you can see there was a massive difference when comparing them. We also collect everybody's organic waste and then put it into our compost bins.


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