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South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership Draft Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy West Shields CAF 23 rd July 2007 Bill Buckley, Head of.

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Presentation on theme: "South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership Draft Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy West Shields CAF 23 rd July 2007 Bill Buckley, Head of."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership Draft Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy West Shields CAF 23 rd July 2007 Bill Buckley, Head of Streetscape Andy Whittaker, Waste Services Manager

2 Overview Three Councils working together: South Tyneside, Gateshead and Sunderland - To deliver future efficiencies in Waste Disposal services In 2005/2006 approximately 367,500 tonnes of waste was collected in South Tyne and Wear. 80% goes to landfill with only 20% recycled

3 What are we doing? South Tyne and Wear have developed a Draft Joint Municipal Waste Strategy to look at ways to: - Reduce the amount of rubbish produced. Maximise recycling and composting activities. Deal with the remaining waste so it is used to best effect.

4 How do we do this? No one has the ideal solution but there are lots of options to consider.

5 Waste minimisation options Don’t buy things you won’t use.  Research shows that each adult throws away £424 of food waste every year. Home composting. Reduction of unwanted junk mail. Reuse of products. Reduction of packaging.  Government have set targets for supermarkets to halt packaging growth 2010. ‘Green’ purchasing

6 Recycling and composting targets National targets set for recycling and composting which Local Authorities have to meet. These targets are to aim to recycle and compost: - 40% of household rubbish by 2010 45% of household rubbish by 2015 50% of household rubbish by 2020 Our Existing recycling rate is 24%

7 Recycling and composting options OptionAction BaselineDo as we are now. Option 1Increase participation through promotion and education campaigns. Option 2Enforcement through legislation. Option 3Extend range of materials at bring sites. Option 4Introduction of non-household recycling. Options 5 to 8Collect a wider range of materials. Option 9Segregated Weekly Collections.

8 What do we do with the rest? Waste recovery will be considered for the remainder of the waste. Recovery includes using rubbish for energy/power generation as well as recycling and composting. Our current recover rate is 25% Recovery targets include: - 53% by 2010 67% by 2015 75% by 2020

9 Waste recovery options Waste recovery options under consideration include: - Technology BaselineDo as we are now. Option 1 Anaerobic digestion of food and green waste Option 2Anaerobic digestion of all waste. Option 3 Mechanical biological treatment producing refuse derived fuel. Option 4 Mechanical biological treatment with end product used as landfill. Option 5 Autoclaving (end product to be used as energy). Option 6Energy from Waste. Option 7 Advanced thermal treatment. Option 8 Aerobic digestion. Option 9 Energy from Waste with Combined Heat and Power

10 What happens if we do nothing? Landfill tax will continue to rise by £8 per tonne each year. Currently £24/tonne Government penalties will be incurred by the Council (£150+ per tonne). Landfill space will eventually run out. Finite natural resources will be depleted. Potential financial implications on the Council.

11 What’s next ? Consultation…over to you…. Produce and Adopt a Final Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy. Decide upon preferred waste management options. Develop an action plan. Construct new waste processing facilities. Any Questions….

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