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Session eight. Helen Taylor1 BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development Unit 1: Child Development Helen Taylor.

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1 Session eight. Helen Taylor1 BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development Unit 1: Child Development Helen Taylor

2 Session eight. Helen Taylor2 Starter Activity What is atypical development? Write down as many words as you can that you would associate with the term atypical development.

3 Session eight. Helen Taylor3 Aims for this lesson: To understand the importance of recognising atypical development Learning outcomes for this lesson:  To give a definition of atypical development.  To give a definition of the term ‘normative development’.  To give a definition of the term ‘delayed global development’  To give a definition of the term ‘gifted’.

4 Session eight. Helen Taylor4 Feedback from starter activity What is atypical development? What words would you associate with the term atypical development?

5 Atypical development A way of describing a significant difference in one or more areas of a child’s development compared to the expected normative development. Session eight. Helen Taylor5

6 In groups discuss and research the following and agree a definition for each term What do we mean by the term ‘normative development’? What do we mean by the term ‘delayed global development?’ What do we mean by specific developmental delay? What do we mean by the term ‘gifted’? Session eight. Helen Taylor6

7 ‘Normative development’ Normative development is following normal patterns of development. Reaching stages of development at the expected age. Session eight. Helen Taylor7

8 Global developmental delay ‘Delayed global development’ describes delay in all (or most) areas of development. When a child does not reach their developmental milestones in all or most areas at the expected times. It is an ongoing minor or major delay in the process of development. Session eight. Helen Taylor8

9 Specific developmental delay ‘ Specific development delay’ describes delay in one specific area of development. When a child does not reach their developmental milestones at the expected times. It is an ongoing minor or major delay in the process of development. Delay can occur in one or many areas, for example, Social, Physical (gross or fine motor), Intellectual (Cognitive), Language/Communication and so on. Session eight. Helen Taylor9

10 Gifted The term ‘gifted’, which is often used in the context of a child having advanced acquisition of skills, usually relating to cognition/intellectual skills and language. Session eight. Helen Taylor10

11 Activity Read the descriptions of three different children with atypical development on your hand-out then work in pairs to discuss the child’s atypical development. Global developmental delay, Specific developmental delay Gifted Use your knowledge of child development to identify the type of atypical development that each child has from the list above. Give reasons to justify your reasons. Consider where the child is developmental in all areas of their development. You can use books or the internet to research child development further if needed. Individually record your identification and reasons. Be prepared to discuss your work with the rest of the class. Session eight. Helen Taylor11

12 Activity extension tasks What terms might be used to describe Matthew’s atypical development? Research the specific developmental delay that is described in one of the case studies. Identify not only the developmental area that is delayed, but the specific problem described. In each case study, where should each child be developmentally if they were following normal patterns of development? Session eight. Helen Taylor12

13 Matthew is a three year old child. He cannot walk, crawl or sit up unaided. He has to be carried everywhere and also needs to be supported in the bath as his head control is poor. He is not toilet trained and cannot feed himself. Matthew does not sleep through the night. He cannot speak and cries and screams frequently during the day. Session eight. Helen Taylor13

14 Joseph is four years old. He loves reading books and his favourite book is an encyclopaedia. He has a large vocabulary and communicates well. He is interested in lots of different things but he has specific interests in dinosaurs and how things work. He is always asking questions. He uses the computer to find things out as well as using books. Joseph is also good at lots of sports and has started to play tennis and can swim 25 metres. Session eight. Helen Taylor14

15 Claudia is five years old. She is physically very active and loves riding her bike and playing on her trampoline. She loves dressing up and playing with a range of different toys. She likes looking at books and enjoys books being read to her. She likes to help her parents at home and helps lay the table, and do other jobs. She plays with her brother and sister and has a best friend at school. Claudia understands what is said to her, but she finds it hard to choosing the right word to use, or to learn or recall words. She also finds it difficult to put words together in the right order and her sentences are often jumbled up and do not make sense. She uses gestures and signs to help express what she wants. Session eight. Helen Taylor15

16 Extension Task: Identify the atypical development that Genie had. What areas of development were affected? Session eight. Helen Taylor16

17 Session eight. Helen Taylor17 Reflect on learning outcomes:  Can you give a definition of atypical development?  Can you give a definition of the term ‘normative development’?  Can you give a definition of the term ‘delayed global development’?  Can you give a definition of the term ‘gifted’?

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