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Censuses for 2012 School Census School Workforce Update 28 th November 2011 Children’s Strategic Services.

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1 Censuses for 2012 School Census School Workforce Update 28 th November 2011 Children’s Strategic Services

2 January 20 th 2011 Spring Census Survey Date 19 th January 2012 RETURN date Thursday 26 th January 2012 –One week after Census Day –Staging Process –Academies have the same deadline –PRU Census same deadline –Deadline must be met to ensure the Final Dedicated Resource Allocation can be issued by the beginning of February at the Schools Forum Children’s Strategic Services

3 Submitting your Data Files to be submitted using COLLECT User Guides can be found on MINE DO NOT USE SECURENET PLUS Amendments can easily be made on COLLECT to remove errors If you have any queries highlighted in COLLECT please add notes against them to explain All duplicate UPNs must be resolved by LA Direct impact on funding DfE will not fund duplicate pupils Please upload your file as soon after the 19 th January as possible do not leave it until the last day to upload Delays with signing off census? Please let me know asap If you are having any problems, please let me know as soon as possible Children’s Strategic Services

4 Budgets / DSD Funding There are several data items the DfE will use that will directly affect your funding and care must be taken over them –New ‘Pupil Premium’ ensure FSM is accurate, DfE will take from the census data –Primary & Special Schools – Hours at Setting for 3 & 4 year olds –Moving Pupils – ensure you only include pupils on roll on the day, any duplicates will not be funded. Children’s Strategic Services

5 PRU Census / DSD Funding Please be aware that the PRU Census is now at a pupil level –It is very similar to the School Census –Attendance Data submitted –Duplicates will also include PRU pupils –Important pupil given correct Enrolment Status as it will directly impact on funding Children’s Strategic Services

6 Any Questions? Children’s Strategic Services

7 Free School Meals Pupils should be recorded as eligible (‘true’) ONLY if a claim for free school meals has been made by them or on their behalf by their parents and either The relevant LA has confirmed their eligibility and a free school meal is currently being provided for them, or The school or the LA has seen the necessary documentation (e.g. a TC602 Tax Credit Award Notice) that supports their eligibility, and the administration of the free meal is to follow as a matter of process. Conversely, if pupils are in receipt of a free meal but there is confirmation that they are no longer eligible and entitlement will be revoked then ‘false’ should be applied. Children whose parents are in receipt of one of the following are entitled to receive free school meals: Income Support (IS) Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA) An income-related employment and support allowance Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income which from 6th April 2011 does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs* Guarantee element of State Pension Credit. Children’s Strategic Services

8 Duplicate UPNs Pupil UPNs –Duplicate UPNs must be resolved –To obtain a UPN please contact either –Rachel McDonald 456347 (weekday mornings) –Sue Meller 456399 (all days) –Do not allocate a new UPN unless you are certain they have not been in maintained education in England or Wales Children’s Strategic Services

9 Data Changes for Census Data Items Removed: Gifted and Talented Indicator - previously collected in Spring, Summer and Autumn); Usual Mode of Travel - previously collected in Spring; Gender of Pupils (Entry to School) - previously collected in Spring, Summer and Autumn; Gender of Pupils (Entry to Sixth Form) – previously collected in Spring, Summer and Autumn; Class Activity for secondary schools only – previously collected in Spring. Learning Aim Completion Status Discount Code Children’s Strategic Services

10 Data Changes for Census Changes to Existing Data Items –Attendance Code “Y” – enforced / partial closure – not counted in possible attendances will be collected in each Census. The code will be used when a pupil is unable to attend the school because: the school site, or part of it, is closed due to an unavoidable cause; or the transport provided by the school or a local authority is not available and where their home is not within walking distance; or a local or national emergency has resulted in widespread disruption to travel which has prevented the pupil from attending school. –Attendance Code “D” – the definition of this code has been changed to “dual registered (at another educational establishment) – not counted in possible attendances”. Children’s Strategic Services

11 Data Changes for Census The exceptional circumstances in which a pupil may be marked as unable to attend are where: (a) the school site, or part of it, is closed due to unavoidable cause at a time when pupils are due to attend; or (b) in the case of a pupil for whom transport to school is provided by the school or a local education authority, and whose home is not within walking distance of the school, that transport is not available. (c) a local or national emergency has resulted in widespread disruption to travel which has prevented the pupil from attending school. The amendment will come into force on 1 September 2010 in time for the start of the next school year to cover any potential absences at the start of term due to any large-scale disruption of air travel, such as that caused by volcanic ash, and in readiness for any travel disruption caused by extreme weather this winter. The amendment sets out the circumstances which would justify schools' use of the relevant attendance code (Y code). Headteachers should use their discretion about when to apply the Y code, while exercising that judgment within the parameters of the amended regulation. Children’s Strategic Services

12 Data Changes for Census New data items –"Funded hours" - the number of hours funded by a local authority (to the nearest 0.5 hour) for children aged under 5 in all. “Hours at Setting” also forms part of both collections and records the number of hours that the child attends the establishment in the Census week. Both data items will be collected in each Census. –Post 16 Learning Aims will only be collected once a year as part of the Autumn Census. Children’s Strategic Services

13 Post 16 Learning Aims –Post 16 Learning Aims will only be collected once a year as part of the Autumn Census. Information is required from schools with sixth forms on learning aims from the previous and current academic years. Information will also be collected on the outcome of the previous academic years’ aims and in order to do this the following three new data items (with codes set values shown) are being collected: –Learning Aim Status (Continuing, Completed, Withdrawn or Transferred); –Learning Aim Outcome (Pass, Fail or Unknown); and –Learning Aim Result (Result of the overall examination / assessment associated with the completed learning aim) Children’s Strategic Services

14 Any Questions? Children’s Strategic Services

15 Schools Workforce Census This years census has gone ok with regard to work provided by schools Nearly all schools completed their census, or their part of census, within good timescales. Few reminders when entering data/ informing HR of starters: Make sure the origin is recorded (where they have come from) People coming in for After School Clubs do not need to be included in census – Make sure HR are aware if they are for after school clubs Use the Checklists created to ensure all data is entered or submitted to HR – can be found on MINE>School Documents>School Workforce Census Please update Employee First with any staff name changes Children’s Strategic Services

16 Next Schools Workforce Census Next Census is November 2011 Census ANNUAL Following must be provided in the census Staff Contract Qualifications Absence Curriculum (secondary only) Vacancy & Headcount More information will follow in the Summer term Guidance will be posted on MINE once it is released Children’s Strategic Services

17 Any Questions? Children’s Strategic Services

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