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www.cnel.it1 CNEL National Council of Economy and Labour Logo della società Conference & Expo SPIN 2014 - Genoa, 22-23 June 2014 Electronic payment: CNEL’s.

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Presentation on theme: "www.cnel.it1 CNEL National Council of Economy and Labour Logo della società Conference & Expo SPIN 2014 - Genoa, 22-23 June 2014 Electronic payment: CNEL’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 www.cnel.it1 CNEL National Council of Economy and Labour Logo della società Conference & Expo SPIN 2014 - Genoa, 22-23 June 2014 Electronic payment: CNEL’s contribution Councillor Prof. Paola M. Manacorda (Responsible for Digital Agenda Work Line, Commision IV – CNEL ) Conference & Expo SPIN 2014 - Genoa, 22-23 June 2014 Electronic payment: CNEL’s contribution Councillor Prof. Paola M. Manacorda (Responsible for Digital Agenda Work Line, Commision IV – CNEL )

3 www.cnel.it2 CNEL is a Constitutional body It provides consultancy services to the Government and Parliament on economic and social subjects It elaborates its rulings after confrontation with social partners (unions, associations of employers, third sector, experts) Const. Art. 99 Law no. 936/1986 and modifications

4 www.cnel.it3 In 2013, CNEL drew up an OOPP document regarding electronic payments using Legal framework Analysis of market data Auditions of the subjects involved (Agency for Digital Italy, Revenue Service, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, Data Protector Supervisor, Antitrust, ABI, Banca d’Italia, banks, credit card entities, consumers’ associations, ITC operators, social partners)

5 www.cnel.it4 Reducing the use of cash is a controversial prospect that raises positive expectations as well as concerns Risk of digital exclusion; Fraud concerns; Privacy issues; Risk of monetary speculation; Reduction of job positions.

6 www.cnel.it5 A social innovation Electronic currency is a huge social, economic and technological innovation Its acceptance generates resistance as it redistributes advantages and disadvantages in a different manner, when compared to cash

7 www.cnel.it6 Social benefits Reduction of tax evasion, corruption and money laundering (State, national community); Simplified book keeping (families and businesses); Safer, faster and more accurate payments (families, public administration); Customer loyalty (commerce).

8 www.cnel.it7 Social hazards Digital exclusion of some shares of the population (elderly, immigrants); Possible overspending (some families); Privacy issues (in general); Additional costs (small businesses); Occupational shift (families, unions).

9 www.cnel.it8 Difficult balances Between safety costs and citizens’ trust; Between the advantages of money traceability and risks of privacy invasion; Between the loss of jobs at banks and the creation of new jobs.

10 www.cnel.it9 The role of PA Crucial role for its omnipresent services and to include other users; Necessarily slow innovation due to non- homogeneous procedures and to financial, organisational and training problems; Electronic payments are one of the priorities of the Italian Digital Agenda.

11 www.cnel.it10 What to do? To lower resistance levels, it is necessary to apply a strategy that balances advantages and disadvantages for the different subjects, preventing the strongest ones (banks, credit cards) from imposing disadvantageous solutions to the weakest subjects (families, small businesses).

12 www.cnel.it11 CNEL’s proposals Permanent discussion table; Gradual integration; Maintaining a cash threshold; Single payment platform for PA payments (ongoing); Flat-rate or decreasing commissions according to the volume of transactions; Tax credit, if necessary, to renovate POS machines; Transparent description of costs sustained by business owners, available for consumers; Legal and technological standards for new devices; Clear safety measures and simpler litigation.

13 www.cnel.it12 THANK YOU Commission For infrastructural networks, transportation, environmental policies (IV) Digital Agenda Line of Work President: Enrico Postacchini Coordinator : Antonio M. Colombo Responsible for Digital Agenda: Paola M. Manacorda 1st Office of Support to Collegial Bodies: Director: Elisabetta.Bettini Manager for Digital Agenda: Maria Teresa Belsito Secretary: segreteria_Commissione_IV – Phone: +39 063692-226

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