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Launching workshop for scaling up of Durum wheat value chain in Oromia Identification of primary cooperatives and unions in each woreda Union- Lume Adama.

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Presentation on theme: "Launching workshop for scaling up of Durum wheat value chain in Oromia Identification of primary cooperatives and unions in each woreda Union- Lume Adama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Launching workshop for scaling up of Durum wheat value chain in Oromia Identification of primary cooperatives and unions in each woreda Union- Lume Adama Lume district Primary cooprative- for seed production 1. Nanawa and Ejere PA Biftu coop- 45q Ude variety 2. Deka Bora PA and Coop -45q Mangudo variety

2 Primary cooperatives for grain productio n Lume Adama Union Lume district 1.Deka Bora PA and Coop- 50q 2.Tullu Re’e PA and Coop- 20q 3.Haro Yohannis PA and Coop- 30q

3 Primary cooperatives for grain production Erer Union Ada District 1.Bekejo PA Utuba Jiregna coop-50q 2. Dertu -50q Liben chikuala District 1. Dolollo Jila ( PA) Harorecha coop -17q 2. Gechi Da’imo (PA) Gechi Daimo coop -17q 3. Wenber Chikuala PA and Coop -16q

4 Number of farmers to be involved in seed production DistrictUnionPr. coopPANo of farmers Area(ha)Variety LumeL/ AdamaDeka Bora 9045Mangudo LumeL/ AdamaBiftuEjere9045Ude

5 Number of farmers to be involved in grain production DistrictUnionPr. coopPANo of farmers Area(ha ) Variety LumeL/ AdamaDeka Bora 10050Ude LumeL/ AdamaT/Re’e 4020Ude LumeL/ AdamaH/Yohannis 6030Ude Ada’aErerBekejo 10050Ude Ada’aErerDertu 10050Ude L/ChikualaErerHarorechaD/Jila5025Ude L/ChikualaErerGechi Daimo 5025Ude

6 Seed Distribution Basic and Certified seed delivery will be 16- 17/10/2006

7 Time of Training DistrictParticipantDurationNo of participant LumeDA and Woreda sms16-17/10/0625 LumeFarmers19-20/10/06380 Ada’aDA and Woreda sms19-20/10/0630 Ada’aFarmers21-22/10/06100 L/ChikualaDA and Woreda sms16-17/10/0625 L/ChikualaFarmers19-20100

8 Supervision schedules  Once before planting  Twice before flowering  Twice before harvest

9 Contract Agreement  Agreement on the time for awareness creation meeting on contract farming and plan for the contract signing will be held in July at their respective districts and PAs

10 Supervision of harvesting collection centers and marketing  At December 2007

11 Thank you

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