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Introduction to LifeGuide interventions. PRIMIT: an intervention to reduce respiratory infection transmission Primary medical expert: Paul Little Sascha.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to LifeGuide interventions. PRIMIT: an intervention to reduce respiratory infection transmission Primary medical expert: Paul Little Sascha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to LifeGuide interventions

2 PRIMIT: an intervention to reduce respiratory infection transmission Primary medical expert: Paul Little Sascha Miller, Emma Teasdale, Leanne Morrison

3 Bolding important messages Adding credibility Using bullet points for easy reading Emphasizing information Use of photographs Size 14+ font for all text

4 Qualitative studies of draft web-pages Content: beliefs, barriers and facilitators False transmission beliefs – viruses as airborn, don’t need to wash hands after using a tissue Social barriers/facilitators – didn’t want to be seen as obsessive, or as having dirty hands! Control barriers/facilitators – forgetting, not having time, dry skin, using hand gels 4




8 Interactive hand-washing plan 8

9 Feedback on hand-washing plan 9

10 Printable plan 10

11 Suggestions for hand-washing plan 11

12 5. Interim data from full pilot of web intervention Means.d. Control group (n = 128)14.755.15 Intervention groups (n = 259)18.543.36 12  In pragmatic design, > 500 people randomised to prevention website (with or without advice on boosting immune system function) or control (no advice)  Data from first 387 people indicate significant effect of intervention on intention to wash hands (p <.001) and reported hand-washing frequency (p <.001)  Full trial will test effects of intervention on infection rates in > 20,000 people

13 The Internet Dr: an intervention to support self-management of respiratory infection Primary medical expert: Paul Little Panayiota Andreou, Judith Joseph, Leanne Morrison

14 14 The Internet Doctor


16 16

17 17

18 Findings from qualitative study of Internet Dr “There was a lot of information available, which I found was very good information.” [female, pharmacist, PhD] “I am quite impressed about how informative it is.” [male, unemployed, vocational qualification – NVQ level 2] “My general feeling is, there’s a lot of really useful information on here.” [female, student] “The information that was there, that was good information, so the content I suppose you could say I like, the information was good.” [male, shop worker, GCSE] “I did like the site and I certainly will go to the site again.” [female, home-maker, Portugese high school certificate]

19 MIBS: 8 sessions of CBT for irritable bowel syndrome Primary medical expert: Hazel Everitt CBT manual: Rona Moss-Morris Laura Tapp, Alice Sibelli





24 INTRO: intervention for GPs in four EC countries Primary medical experts: Paul Little, Theo Verheij, Chris Butler et al. Elaine Douglas, Sarah Tonkin-Crine

25 English Dutch Spanish Polish 25

26 Interventions in development e-learning and assessment for NHS staff (smoking cessation trainers) smoking cessation weight reduction (diet and physical activity promotion) - in primary care and Royal Navy blood pressure management pain management many more collaborations in preparation... 26

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