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Detector: Status and Plans 6 th IDS-NF Meeting, RAL, 22 September 2010 Paul Soler.

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Presentation on theme: "Detector: Status and Plans 6 th IDS-NF Meeting, RAL, 22 September 2010 Paul Soler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detector: Status and Plans 6 th IDS-NF Meeting, RAL, 22 September 2010 Paul Soler

2 2 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Baseline detector: MIND o Golden channel signature: appearance of “wrong-sign” muons in magnetised iron calorimeter o Far detector: 100 kton at 2000-4000 km o Magic detector: 50 kton at 7500 km o Appearance of “wrong-sign” muons o Segmentation: 3 cm Fe + 2 cm scintillator o 1 T magnetic field Magnetic Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) 50% wrongsignmuondetector iron (3 cm) + scintillators (2cm) beam 15 m B=1 T 50-100kT 50-100 m Baseline for 25 GeV NuFact:

3 3 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 History of MIND analysis  “Golden” paper (Cervera et al, 2000) was optimised for a small value of  13, so efficiency at low energy cut severely oUsed fast simulations and detector parameterisation oMIND analysis redone for ISS (Cervera 2006) – JINST 4 T05001(2009) ̶ Improved event selection, ̶ Fast simulation ̶ Perfect pattern recognition ̶ Parameterisation based reconstruction ̶ 1T dipole field instead of toroidal field ̶ Fully contained muons by range ̶ Scraping muons by curvature ̶ Hadron shower: International Scoping Study (ISS)

4 4 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND analysis with full reconstruction oNew analysis: arXiV:1004.0358 ̶ Full reconstruction with Kalman filter ̶ Full pattern recognition for muon selection More than five planes with only one hit – muon If less than five planes contain one hit: Cellular Automaton ̶ GEANT3 (LEPTO DIS) ̶ Analysis chain using likelihood functions ̶ Still dipole field and hadron shower smearing Muon purity Kalman filter Muon purity Cellular Automaton

5 5 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND analysis with full reconstruction oNew analysis: arXiV:1004.0358 ̶ Muon curvature extraction through PDF and log-likelihood ratio Muon curvature error PDFLog-likelihood ratio

6 6 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND analysis with full reconstruction oNew analysis: arXiV:1004.0358 ̶ Likelihood functions for “wrong-sign” muon selection Vis energy fraction < 1 Vis energy fraction ~ 1

7 7 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND analysis with full reconstruction oNew analysis: arXiV:1004.0358 ̶ Momentum and isolation cuts

8 8 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND analysis with full reconstruction oNew analysis: arXiV:1004.0358 ̶ Results after analysis: improvement from ISS result Charge mis-ID NC background Also: e background ~ 4x10 -5 Other important output: full response (migration) matrices for signal and background: sensitivity and systematic studies

9 9 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND: new developments oImprovements MIND analysis with full GEANT4 simulation oAdd quasi-elastics and resonance production (NUANCE): Non DIS processes dominate at low energies and should improve efficiency at low energies Benchmark of NUANCE with data

10 10 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 MIND: new developments oExample of GEANT4 event: –Smearing of hits according to hadronic energy resolution –Digitisation of hits into voxels of correct spatial resolution (~1cm) –Clustering of hits with crude digitisation Example of G4  -CC event

11 11 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 New MIND analysis oAndrew Laing will describe new MIND analysis with NUANCE, GEANT4, pattern recognition, reconstruction and new analysis variables oAdditionally, he will show efficiencies for signal and background separated in neutrino and antineutrino events oThen he will make a first attempt at systematic errors and produce sensitivity plots oWrong-sign muon is still a good separator signal-background See Andrew Laing’s talk in Thursday’s PPEG/Detector Working Group session

12 12 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Sensitivity MIND at Neutrino Factory o Best sensitivity/cost with 100 kton at 4000 km and 50 kton at 7500 km However, minimising systematics should be one of the main goals!! Winter

13 13 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Future directions Preliminary field map from ANSYS simulation (Bob Wands, FNAL) 0.6 T – 2.2 T with 92 kA-turn Add toroidal field

14 14 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Future directions With a Superconducting Transmission Line (STL) could achieve 100 kA-turn with one turn! – only would need 10 cm hole R&D has already been carried out for VLHC!! In MINOS, had 30 cm aluminium coil with 25 kA-turn Add toroidal field Idea by A. Bross (FNAL)

15 15 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Future directions oAnalysis and simulations: –Improve digitisation and optimise geometry –Add toroidal field –Move to GENIE for neutrino interactions –Improve hadronic reconstruction: energy and angular resolution –Add  signal to oscillation signal –Final sensitivity plots and systematic errors oR&D effort: –Prototype detectors with SiPM and extruded scintillator –Measure charge mis-ID rate –Develop CERN test beam for neutrino detector R&D – European AIDA proposal to make H8 into low E beam

16 16 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) Baseline for Low Energy Neutrino Factory (LENF): 5 GeV muons 3 cm 1.5 cm 15 m 100 m –35 kton –10,000 modules –1000 cells per plane –Total: 10M channels o Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c o Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T o Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm Ellis, Bross Reduction threshold: access second oscillation maximum and electron identification

17 17 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) Neutrino CC reconstructed efficiency Muon charge mis-ID rate

18 18 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) Visual scans to estimate electron charge ID efficiency (~80%) – need proper algorithm to automate Charge ID by visual inspection Electron efficiency

19 19 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) However, possible magnetisation can be achieved using magnetic cavern concept (10 modules with 15m x 15 m diameter) Bross Use Superconducting Transmission Line (STL) 0.58 T at 50 kA R&D needed to develop concept!! Main problem: magnetisation of huge volume (difficulty and cost)

20 20 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 o Possible use of TASD opens up possibility of running at a low energy neutrino factory (4 GeV) Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) Bross, Ellis, Geer, Mena, Pascoli 95% CL mass hierarchy at 1480 km 95% CL CP violation at 1480 km More on LENF from T. Li

21 21 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Tau Detection at Far Detector Tau Detection at Far Detector Electronic det: e/  separator & “Time stamp” Rohacell® plate emulsion film stainless steel plate spectrometer target Shower absorber  Emulsion detector for  appearance, à la OPERA: “silver channel” o This detector technology can be used to measure taus by searching for decay kink and measuring charge of decay Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC)

22 22 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 o The case for inclusion of a tau detector (emulsion cloud chamber) in the “baseline” reviewed at previous meetings o Standard oscillation case: –A e   (silver) detector was useful for removal of degeneracies in conjunction with golden channel at MIND –However, two MIND detectors, one at 4000 km and one at 7500 km, has better  CP vs  13 coverage than MIND+ECC, especially since energy of NF muons is now 25 GeV→ this is the baseline. –No performance is gained from adding silver detector o For Non-Standard Interactions: –NSI at source And at detection: better done at near detector –NSI through propagation: no improvement from silver detector –For sterile neutrino search: better at magic baseline (statistics) o Remove tau far detector from baseline but retain option if there are new physics developments and further interest from tau detector community Tau Far Detector in Baseline

23 23 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 o Efforts in Japan, USA and Europe o Achievements: Icarus, ArgoNeut, extensive R&D in readout, purity, increasing drift length, etc. o For NuFact: –Need to complete MC studies –Need test beam o 1 kton intermediate step? Liquid Argon ArgoNeut Liquid Argon interesting but technology not developed sufficiently for 100 kton B-field for NuFact is still an issue o 20 kton detector proposed at LBNE

24 24 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Near Detector Aims o Baseline: we need a Near Detector! o We don’t know design of near detector nor optimal distance o Include in baseline the essential measurements that a Near Detector needs to perform for neutrino oscillation analysis: –Measurement of neutrino flux and extrapolation to Far Detector –Measurement of charm (main background to oscillation signal) –Cross-section measurements: DIS, QEL, RES scattering o Other desirable measurements with Near Detector –Fundamental electroweak and QCD physics (ie PDFs) –Search for Non Standard Interactions (NSI) from taus o Have established links with LBNE near detector since many of the issues are similar

25 25 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Near Detector Rationale o Importance of Near Detector for systematics o 2.5% error on flux makes big difference in CP coverage Winter, Tang

26 26 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 High Resolution Low Mass Near Detector  Simulation near detector by Sofia group (Tsenov/Kharadzhov): GENIE+GEANT4, simple digitization, smearing but no reconstruction yet This design could be used as baseline for IDR – then improve

27 27 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Flux Observed by Near Detector oNear Detector sees a line source (755 long decay straight) oFar Detector sees a point source 130 m 1 km 130 m 1 km2500 km ND FD Need to take into account these differences for flux measurement

28 28 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Near Detector Design o Overall design of near detector(s): –Vertex detector for charm and tau interactions for NSI (but beware of tau production from D s decay!!) –Low Z high resolution target (ie scintillating fibre tracker or capillary tube tracker) for flux and cross-section measurement (   and e ) –Magnetic field for muon momentum measurement ( δp/p~1%) –Need muon catcher and electron identification –Good energy resolution for flux extrapolation (better than Far Detector) – aspire to δE/E~1% –Magnetic fields needed for momentum resolution More at Near Detector sessions: J. Morfin, Y. Karadzhov, S. Mishra

29 29 6 th IDS-NF Meeting RAL, 22 September 2010 Conclusions o Golden channel (wrong sign muon) has the best statistical power for discovering CP violations in neutrinos o Two Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detectors (MIND) at 4000 km with100 kton mass and 7500 km (magic baseline) with 50 kton at standard neutrino factory (25 GeV) is baseline o A totally Active Scintillator Detector is baseline for Low Energy Neutrino Factory (LENF) o Tau detection removed from baseline at far detector o Near Detector is part of baseline but design not completed o Liquid argon technology is promising but not mature to be considered baseline

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