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CLUE Working Group 2 Private sector and citizen engagement in the planning for climate mitigation in urban districts Pia Christina Hlava Municipal Department.

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Presentation on theme: "CLUE Working Group 2 Private sector and citizen engagement in the planning for climate mitigation in urban districts Pia Christina Hlava Municipal Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLUE Working Group 2 Private sector and citizen engagement in the planning for climate mitigation in urban districts Pia Christina Hlava Municipal Department 18 – Urban Development & Planning City of Vienna Tel: +43 1 4000 88783

2 Main Challenges: Population growth (2,1 Mio 2030) – City expansion and congestion – Diversity  various needs and interests Climate Change Maintainance quality of living Relevant current documents: STEP 2025 (Urban Development Plan 2025) Smart City Wien Framework Strategy Masterplan Participation … wicklung/strategien/step/step20 25/ ntwicklung/projekte/smartcity /rahmenstrategie.html Vienna - Backround & Framework

3 Ressourcen  Energie Mobilität Infrastruktur Gebäude 4 Ker nbe reic he Lebensqualität  Umwelt Gesundheit Soziale Inklusion, Partizipation 3 Imp uls geb er Innovation  Bildung Wirtschaft Forschung, Technologie, Innovation (FTI) 3 Imp uls geb er Economy Energy efficiency Bicycle traffic Energy consumption Ressources Quality of Living Innovation Mobility Urban Farming Life style Work „Grätzln“ - Locality Short distances Social Inclusion Education Awareness Leisure time Public Health Green & open spaces Environment Equal opportunities Safety Health know-how Research Work-Life-Balance Infrastructure Open Government ICT Community Building Retrofitting & Refurbishment Buildings Esthetic Affordability Sharing (economies) Regionality Climate Neutral Urban Districts & Smart City…

4 Strategies and objectives vs. citizens’ reality & everyday life (behaviour, conscience, needs, demands,… etc.) How is the individual level touched? Which topics are particularly relevant for citizens? When and how is citizen’s contribution required? Where is a higher demand / potential for citizens’ contribution? How can we reach citizens? What might be citizen’s contribution? Identify benefits for both sides  Private sector and citizen engagement in the planning for climate mitigation in urban districts Climate Neutral Districts for Smart Cities….

5 What we did… WG 2 - Private sector and citizen engagement / participation BarcelonaHamburgRomeStockholmTorinoViennaMałopolskaPaggaio Technology renovation for the electric energy production Mitte Altona - Citizen participation Redevelop- ment of Ostia Rome Waterfront Royal Seaport - Learning programme Masterplan Variante 200 Smart City Vienna Stadtwerksta tt Hamburg Manifesto Environmental Sustainability Focus on the ground floor Contact Center 060608 Citizens' Solar Power Plant Working Group number of good practices WG 1 - Legislation and regulation15 WG 2 - Private sector and citizen engagement / participation11 WG 3 - Planning strategies13 WG 4 - Technology and systems for heating, cooling and energy efficiency27 WG 5 - Urban Transport15 Practices total81 Partners in WG 2: City of Stockholm City of Torino City of Hamburg Selecting good practices on Private sector and citizen engagement in the planning for climate mitigation in urban districts

6 CLUE Criteria Criteria Priority of criterion (0/1/2) Examples should contribute to INTERREG’s goal of a low carbon society, EU 2020 and other guiding European policies and framework 2 High degree of visibility and transferability2 Integrated approach of sustainable urban planning2 Data, Information, Monitoring should be available or planned to be established2 Link city development and energy/climate issues, and contribute to the following themes:2 Increased renewable energy use2 Climate mitigation and adaptation to climate change (e.g. cooling systems)2 Enhanced collaboration (public-private, public participation)2 Positive social effects2 Contributes to behavioral changes2 Establishing new and innovative approaches on regulations, legislations in the planning processes and economic aspects 2 Sustainable city development1 Reduced energy use and increased energy efficiency (e.g. ambitious building codes)1 Representative district or quarter with characteristic features (unique and urban) 0 Involvement of CLUE partner itself during project time 0 Green economy 0 Measures and activities to be undertaken in the initiative should be described 0

7 Ranking method Points: 1...yes, applicable 0.5...a little/ possibly, not applicable

8 Good Practices Ranking Average Good Practice Points of Vienna Points of Stockholm Points of Torino Average Points Royal Seaport - Learning programme (Stockholm) 20182019,3 Citizens’ Solar Power Plant (Vienna) 19 19,0 Mitte Altona - Citizen participation (Hamburg) 21132118,3 Smart City Vienna (Vienna) 17,515,52017,7 Stadtwerkstatt Hamburg (Hamburg) 19,5111916,5 Technology renovation for the electric energy production in Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Barcelona) 20151416,3 Ostia Waterfront (Rome) 18,511,51816,0 Manifesto Environmental Sustainability (Rome) 16,512,51715,3 Masterplan Variante 200 (Torino) 13,55,52013,0 Focus on the ground floor (Vienna) 8998,7 Contact Center (Rome) 3253,3

9 WG 2 - Conclusions at an early stage straightforward clearly

10 Participation = informaton, dialogue, cooperation improves effectiveness of policies supports implementation raises awareness creates ownership creates acceptance promotes behavioural change allows mutual learning …  Crucial for developing and implementing CLUES WG 2 - Conclusions

11 is considered as a comprehensive key factor for the development and implementation of climate neutral urban districts and smart cities is both an approach or mindset and a tool Participation comprises all stakholders: public & private, citizens and institutional stakeholders cf. Stadt Wien MA 18 (Editor): Praxisbuch Partizipation – Gemeinsam die Stadt entwickeln. Wien, 2012. cf. Stadt Wien MA 18 (Editor): Smart City Wien Framework Strategy, Wien, 2014 Conclusions Participation…

12 Act as a role model: establish interdepartmental cooperation within the municipal administration Extend your horizon: establish direct communication and collaboration with stakeholders Go broad reach, reach the city: Establish opportunities of participation and cooperation for citizens Be honest, be trustful, be transparent: design clear-cutting participation processes and clearly communicate goals and contents to participants Learn to cope with trial and error openly: allow and learn from mistakes openly Policy Recommendation: Establish participation as a mindset!

13 Be clear on your goals: What do you expect? Communication is the key: Who is your target group? Who to reach? The more strategic- the more to translate: simplify and translate „expert“ knowledge, prepare and translate abstract and complex contents for citizens and stakeholders Combine various tools: taylormade toolbox es for various target groups Be creative, be experimental: allow and enhance creativity by developing and trying out new forms Policy Recommendation Participation is a tool – learn to use it!

14 Communal Probes… Be experimental!

15 Thank you for your attention! Pia Christina Hlava Municipal Department 18 – Urban Development & Planning City of Vienna Tel: +43 1 4000 88783

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