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Planetary Science Archive PSA User Group Meeting #1 PSA UG #1  July 2 - 3, 2013  ESAC Meeting Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Planetary Science Archive PSA User Group Meeting #1 PSA UG #1  July 2 - 3, 2013  ESAC Meeting Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planetary Science Archive PSA User Group Meeting #1 PSA UG #1  July 2 - 3, 2013  ESAC Meeting Summary

2 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 2 Agenda: Day 2 am Wednesday 3 rd July 2013 08:30Taxi(s) depart from Hotel NH Alberto Aguilera to ESAC√ User Requirements Document (URD) 09:30Overview of URD(s) and status (D. Heather)√ 10:00URD Discussion (All) 10:45BREAK 11:15URD Discussion continued (All) 12:30LUNCH

3 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 3 Agenda: Day 2 pm Additional PSA services (D. Heather) 13:30Data workshops 14:00Additional user support 14:15Interoperability and IPDA involvement 14:30BREAK Summary and closing actions 15:15Meeting summary / overview (D. Heather /All) 15:45Plans and actions (Chair) 16:00Next meeting (Chair / All) 16:15AOB (All) 16:30End of meeting 17:00Taxis depart ESAC for airport / Madrid

4 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 4 Tasks The following outlines the tasks for which the PSA-UG shall be responsible: Advise ESA on the future development of the PSA content, interfaces, documentation, compatibility with other planetary science archives and tools. Act as a focus for the interests of the scientific community in the PSA and as an advocate for the PSA within that community. Monitor the PSA activities to ensure they best meet the needs of the user community within the resources available. Participate in any reviews of the PSA activities.

5 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 5 Task achievement … ? ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use The following outlines the tasks for which the PSA-UG shall be responsible: Advise ESA future development = need UG judgement + inputs from community Act as a focus for the interests of the scientific community = need inputs from community + visibility to community advocate for the PSA = visibility to community Monitor the PSA activities = homework for PSA-UG Participate in any reviews = homework for PSA-UG ….

6 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 6 An example… ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

7 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 7 Visibility Web page Contacts of each Group Member Usual dissemination channels: EuroPlanet mailing list, Planetary Exploration Newsletter (US) Conferences and workshops: EPSC, EGU, ESA Booths at EGU or alike, AGU.. Social media Co-sponsorship of students… RF + YGT + trainees + Faculty (ESAC/ESTEC) involvement? Action on Dave+Pedro … Topical data workshop? Not mission? E.g. solid planets / atmosphere? Cross-mission? Any use? Data workshops & “rich” documentation (tutorials, screencasts, blogs, ) ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

8 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 8 Advocacy Mentioning PSA in talks/papers (action on PSA-UG members and their peers/close colleagues/students) Find/implement a citation policy for PSA data (DOI? Like ) and/or quoting papers as suggested on DATASET.CAT more visible/highlighted.. Usual medias + students + colleagues/projects … PSA vs. PDS could shine/compete/attract through: Interface streamlined using latest technology but with inputs from the different fields (we PSA-UG are happy to advise e..g on map issues or alike..) = specialized interface (advanced) build with planetary in mind and with technological heritage but not more than what is needed.. Knowledge management + workshops + user feedback/forums/community building and MANTAINING (+ social media) + wikis ? Etc.? ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

9 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 9 Caveat on Forums… ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

10 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 10 Community/PSA inputs Addressing community Questionnaire ? Preparation? Distribution Europlanet? PSA users directory, if any?  Questionnaire is useful but first we should look trustable (e.g. showing what’s in the pipeline wrt interface/gwt) Addressing PSA Collecting inputs from PSA-ers ? ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

11 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14 Q2-14 Q3-14 Q4-14 Q1-15 URD /PSA 1 st iteration ready Gather feedback questionnaire / EPSC Cpmmunity feedback and engagement Kick-off Questionnaire preparation Feedback collection Feedback Processing UG – PSA Interaction PSA-UG awareness + PSA adocacy PSA advocacy + promotion + science exploitation

12 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 12 2013 PSA-UG meeting M2 ? When? End October? Where? ESAC? HQ (only for 2 nd optional meeting for each year) Doodle to be set by Chair/Secretary M1  early Q3 2013(ESAC) M2  early Q4 2013(ESAC 4 th week? / HQ ?) M3  Q2/Q3 2014(ESAC) M4  ~Q4 2014(ESAC / HQ ? Optional?) M5  early 2015 … ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

13 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 13 Telecons Monthly telecons with actions/reporting… Each member of PSA-UG to proactively address his/her community T0 – 2013-07-12 – Technical telecon to follow up on early action and organization – e.g. Chair+Sectretary (tools/web/livelink) Each UG member draft his portion of uestionnaire T1 – 2013-08-29 late August 2013 / Early September? Set up questionnaire Distribute questionnaire and/or (better) do it online (e.g. Google Docs Form) T2 – 2013-09-25 2 nd half September 2013 Process questionnaire in time for M2 M2 – DOODLE/MEETOMATIC Late October / November 2013? Start drafting recommendations T3 – 2013-12-02 2 nd Half November 2013 Have 1 st recommendation document draft ready

14 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 14 Categories / PSA URD Discipline-based categories: Fields/Plasmas, etc.  For each discipline: –  Use case : “basic/simple ~discovery for newcomers” –  Use case: “complex” ~ discovery for advanced Object Mission (type/platform) Observation Time/Date (start_time – stop_time of observation/asquisition) +++ (e.g. see PSA ADVANCED, VO, etc.) ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

15 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 15 Questionnaire Objectives: Assess Expectation/need/desire of user from a planetary archive wrt: Who archive users are / what do they do / which archive they use / what do they want How to find data  User Interface How do retrieve/access data How to read/load data  Tools and services How to make optimal use of data  Tools and services How to identify/link external software/libraries tools for analysis How research benefits from Interoperability … TO BE PLACED  Acknowledge data / example use cases /

16 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 16 Questionnaire building exercise Question classes: Archive-related questions – 0.5 pages[QUESTIONNAIRE HERE √]  call for ideas ALL Science-specific questions – 0.5 pages[QUESTIONNAIRE HERE √]  call for ideas ALL Tools/software questions - 0.5 pages[QUESTIONNAIRE HERE √]  call for ideas ALL (Continuous) Participation to PSA evolution – 0.5 pages[QUESTIONNAIRE HERE √|  call for ideas ALL TOTAL: 2 pages pdf (and equivalent sexy web form) to be offered as options Pontential furhter questions to participating users: | Discipline-related question [QUESTIONNAIRE HERE ?] Cross-disciplinary questions[QUESTIONNAIRE HERE ?]

17 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 17 PSA-UG Tools and livelink Web page – basic info and URL reference Livelink – document management/sharing Webex ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

18 PSA-UG  2-3 July 2013  Slide 18 Use cases 1 or 2 use cases from each disciplines Questions  requirements ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

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