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EDUCATIONAL MASTER PLAN TIMELINE 2016-17 Mr. Rick Miranda Acting Vice President, Academic Affairs/Asst. Superintendent Dr. Kristi Blackburn Dean of Institutional.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATIONAL MASTER PLAN TIMELINE 2016-17 Mr. Rick Miranda Acting Vice President, Academic Affairs/Asst. Superintendent Dr. Kristi Blackburn Dean of Institutional."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUCATIONAL MASTER PLAN TIMELINE 2016-17 Mr. Rick Miranda Acting Vice President, Academic Affairs/Asst. Superintendent Dr. Kristi Blackburn Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Planning

2 Events to Complete prior to EMP Creation: ■Evaluate previous EMP and Strategic Plans –Outcomes and Processes EVALUATION PLAN/IMPLEMENT EVALUATION ■Align timeline of Evaluation activities and Planning activities –6 Year Timeline –Outlines college initiatives to coordinate data collection/leverage research resources: Data informs plans –Coordination of college planning documents (Enrollment Management, Technology, Facilities, 3SP, Equity)


4 Educational Master Plan 2016-2022 ■Request for Proposals closes: mid-July, 2016 ■Interviews of 2-3 consultants: August 2016 ■Contract to the Board of Trustees: Sept. 21, 2016 or Oct. 19, 2016 ■Internal Scan data available to Consultants: as soon as selected so they can prepare! ■Consultants conduct Focus Groups: end of Sept. 2016 Constituent Groups: Classified, Faculty, Managers, Executive ■Consultants conduct “World Café” session with Planning and Budget Committee, campus leadership, and community leaders: Late September

5 Educational Master Plan 2016-2022 continued ■Draft of EMP ready for Planning and Budget Committee review: October XX, 2016 –Consultants deliver presentation at PBC meeting –Campus invited to presentation –Consultants provide a first draft of document ■Feedback period: October XX, 2016- Nov. XX, 2016 ■Consultants provide Revised Document to Planning and Budget Committee for second read: Nov. XX, 2016 ■Upon recommendation for approval from Planning and Budget Committee, document moves to Coordinating Council, Academic Senate: Nov. XX, 2016


7 Student Engagement In Progress: Develop an on-campus meditation program to improve mental wellness among students, staff, faculty, and the community Integrate high school outreach Habits of Mind workshops within K16 Bridge

8 Teaching Practices In Progress: Develop strategy for engaging students in implementation of best teaching practices Completed: Data workshops for faculty

9 Academic Infrastructure In Progress: Gathered feedback from faculty who have participated in the PR+ process to identify improvements and/or enhancements Wifi improvements: locations, outside, feedback from students Ongoing: Refresh cycle for smart classrooms Upgrade classrooms to smart classrooms

10 Instructional Programs Completed: Identified Student course need (reports) Major Lists on IERP website (“Secure Data” tab) In Progress: Pull sheets: Created, electronically available; need to be linked to MyCerritos

11 Support Services Completed Provide professional development for faculty and staff to increase awareness of the mandate of universal access and understanding of the tools by which it can be achieved Developed Safety Information Media to disseminate across campus Facilitated student focus groups to identify barriers to and solutions for improving basic skills success Create Basic Skills data set to track student progression through their sequences

12 Resource Management In Progress: Develop and present Budget 101 workshops, and include them in professional development workshop series for entire campus community

13 Campus Leadership Ongoing: Conduct new, improved non- discrimination and harassment prevention workshops required of all employees and present at division meetings


15 Goal Groups for Break Out Sessions How do we improve our coordination of the 7 circles to achieve outcomes? Who needs to be involved to help make the Goal happen? What new resources need to be allocated to make it possible to achieve the goal? (staffing, technology, etc.?)

16 Goals Which of the 7 Circles does your goal activate? How can these areas coordinate to achieve the goal? 7 Circles Should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Realistic, Time Activities Actions needed to achieve the goal Resource Allocation

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