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Published byLester Gibson Modified over 8 years ago
Possible Budget Process Paradigm Shift! Importance of May Budget Conference Invest in your May Budget Conference Master Schedule this year! You will be required to identify PC# & Teacher Name with each position on Master Schedule for May conference
Audit Issues Found at last Audit Committee Meeting Athletic Ticket Inventory Errors and various other errors occurring in Athletics! “Royalty Payment” for the use of school logo. Issue arise because due to “District’s Pilot Trademark and Licensing Program the use of the school’s name and logo in this manner may constitute trademark infringement.” EESAC funds being spent without being approved in minutes
Not replenishing Fund 9 in a timely manner Operating Reports not being completed in a timely manner or at all Wristbands utilized in lieu of pre-numbered admission tickets ***Payroll Sheets*** Not signing in or out, especially on days during audit Hourly Employees signing in and out at the same time “Same Handwriting” for signing in and out for multiple employees on payroll sheet (especially cafeteria)
***Payroll Sheets*** Completing Time Cards in pencil. Must be done in pen Leave cards not filed in chronological order During Audits Notify me when they start and finish audit! Have another administrator present during exit meeting. Take good notes. Ask questions at that time! Report out to me outcome of exit meeting!
WB #18913 – Acquisition of Visitor Access Systems WB #18916 – Official MDCPS Mobile App WB #18953 – Revised Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Temporary Instructors WB #18968 – Procurement Reminders WB #18970 – Student Travel Services WB #18972 – Mid Year Student Mobile Device Inventory Check
WB #18994 – Title 1 Administrator A-TAT Visits (Select Schools) WB #19005 Providing Students Adequate Time to Eat Lunch WB #19006 Superintendent’s Challenge- Race for Education WB #19041 New Reports Tab for Counselors WB #19050 Money DOES Matter! Support Program Resources
Dr. Jacques Bentolila, Administrative Director (305) 499-5050 ext. 5057 – Office (305) 470-9523 – Private Line (305) 499-5076 – Fax (786) 525-0149 – Cell Raquel Diaz, District Administrative Assistant (305) 499-5050 ext. 5047
Budget Office Ms. Ana Ramos-Gonzales, Budget Coordinator (305) 995-2483 – Office Mr. Jesus Larranaga, Instr. Staffing Officer (305) 995-7225 – Office Mr. Henry Tablada, Non-Instr. Staffing Officer (305) 995-7244 – Office
M-DCPS Custodial Handbook Weekly Briefing #18912 Meet with ALL custodians to review and issue a copy of this document Custodians must Sign-In for the meeting on page 58; Submit this page to Ms. Rosa Lewis via email by no later than Friday, March 11th All must sign in receipt of the manual on page 56 (maintain for your records) All must sign in receipt for Absences and Payroll procedures page 57 (maintain for your records)
Attendance Continue to be diligent in the monitoring of attendance of employees Absence from Worksite Directives carryover to next year Non-Reappointment Procedures See OPS Manual Section XIII Paraprofessionals and Security Monitors Eligible for Non-Reappointment up to 3 years from date of full time hiring In order to Non-Reappoint you MUST have documented (through Central Region/OPS) professional responsibility and attendance concerns
Non-Reappointment of Custodians Full-time hiring within the past five (5) years are eligible for Non-Reappointment In order to Non-Reappoint you MUST have documented (through Central Region/OPS) professional responsibility and attendance concerns
General Reminders Remember to contact me prior to giving any formal written document to employees (i.e., Professional Responsibilities Memo, Absence from Worksite Directives, etc.) Email me with a general message “Please call me in reference to personnel matter”
Suspensions No Suspensions! Call Dr. Cruse-Sanchez Student Success Centers See Weekly Briefing #18052 – Procedures for Student Success Centers Student Success Centers provide an educational setting and safe haven for referred students (ages 11 and older) exhibiting Level III-IV behavior habitual Level II infractions of the Code of Student Conduct Requires completion of a form and parent permission (FM-7604, Rev 08-15) Contact me if they opt not to attend
Pathways Procedures See Revised WB #18281 Pathways program is for students exhibiting Level IV-V behavior. Students that normally would have received a 10-day outdoor suspension during the expulsion process will now be temporarily assigned by the Division of Educational Opportunity and Access (DEOA) to one of the Pathways locations For students in grades 6-12 Requires completion of a form and parent permission (FM-7603, Rev 08-15); Contact me if parent refuses to sign Locations include: Jan Mann Opportunity School or Miami MacArthur South (see e-Folder) Chart identifying the location your school is assigned Transportation is provided to the 2 locations
Suspensions Second Quarter - Total Incidents 2014-15 = 4,032 (Outdoor – 1,648; Indoor - 2,384) 2015-16 = 1,415 (Outdoor – 0; Indoor - 1,415) YearIndoorOutdoorTotal Current3,0610 Previous9,4015,75715,150
Regional SPED Articulation meetings Please ensure that personnel complete documents in a timely manner and submit by timeframes given IEP/EP’s When sent to the next location, must be current and not set to expire prior to September 1 st
WB #18864 - Best Practices in Inclusive Education (BPIE) Assessment WB #18882 - 2015-2016 Digital Convergence Professional Development (PD) Opportunities WB #18934 - 2015-2016 March IPEGS Professional Learning Information For New Administrators WB # 18988 - Information 2015-2016 Florida Department of Education (FDOE) Annual Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Survey
WB #19038 - Summer Institute for the Gifted WB #19057 - Information Regarding World Autism Awareness Day and the “Light It Up Blue” Campaign WB #19060 - Information Regarding Florida International University Center for Children & Families Research Study for Children with ADHD WB #19061 - Superintendent's District Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities Inclusion Achievement Award
WB #19062 - Information Regarding Exceptional Student Education Evaluation and Reevaluation Procedures for Students in Private Schools
Dr. Janice Cruse-Sanchez, Administrative Director (305) 499-5050 ext. 5058 – Office (305) 470-9464 – Private Line (305) 305-499-5074 – Fax (786) 229-5412 Cell Rosa Lewis, Administrative Secretary (305) 499-5050 ext. 5046
Non-Instructional Ms. Maria G. Zabala, District Director Office of Professional Standards (305) 995-7106 – Office
Obtain the employee’s signature on the CFR Notification at least two days prior to the conference. Include date, time, and location, as well as the topics to be covered at the conference If an emergency situation exists, contact the Region Director regarding scheduling an emergency CFR Indicate the right to have union representation
Confirm awareness of union representation and note where representation is not choses. If an employee is not a union member, he/she is entitled up to two representatives Re-state the topics to be covered at the conference, as specified on the notice Review all documentation
Listen to objections/responses, and record them Respond to objections without debate Note effects and impact of the employee’s actions on the worksite and school system Verbally summarize conference State action to be taken and timeframes, as applicable
Prepare written summary of the CFR Give one copy to the employee Obtain the employee’s signature acknowledging receipt and date on the written summary
WB #18863 – Congratulations to Principal & Assistant Principal of the Year Finalists WB #18978 – ITS – Delivery of Spring 2016 NGSSS and FSAA Test Materials WB #19003 – ITS – Release of the 2014 -2015 Guide to Calculating Informational Baseline School and District Grades from the FLDOE WB #19007 – Opportunity to Participate in the Sumdog Pilot for Mathematics in Grades K-5
WB #19012 – ITS – Spring 2016 FSA Delivery Schedule and FSA Resources WB #19038 – Summer Institute for the Gifted WB #19054 – Information on Important Updates to Grades K, 1, and 2 Mathematics Pacing Guides WB #19060 – Information Regarding Florida International University Center for Children & Families Research Study for Children with ADHD
Ms. Lourdes P. Gimenez, Administrative Director (305) 499-5050 ext. 5056– Office (305) 470-9531 – Private Line (305) 499-5051 – Fax (305) 776-9223 – Cell Andrea McKyer, District Administrative Assistant (305) 499-5050 ext. 5048
Instructional Ms. Carmen G. Gutierrez, District Director Office of Professional Standards (305) 995-7104 – Office
Computer Based Testing Schools may use secured 10EE tablets for testing in Spring 2016. Please contact ITS 305-995-1915 if information needed on the 10EE tablets Mid-Year Student Mobile Device Inventory Check Inventory check must be completed by Friday, March 11, 2016
Topic Assessment Uniform Data Collection (Selected Schools) Topic Assessments will be used to collect data required to evaluate efficacy of selected mathematics programs (i.e., Agile Mind, Carnegie Learning, Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and McGraw-Hill) Administration of the efficacy Topic Assessments is highly recommended to ensure appropriate data measures are in place to make informed decisions as it relates to future textbook selections Dates are March 7 – March 18, 2016
Ms. Amelia Leth, Administrative Director (305) 499-5050 ext. 5059– Office (305) 470-9447 – Private Line (305) 499-5051 – Fax (786) 412-6796- Cell Ana Perez, District Administrative Assistant (305) 499-5050 ext. 5061
Maintenance/Capital Improvements Maintenance meeting was conducted on March 7, 2016. Please review and provide feedback if there are any discrepancies Failed Sanitation Audits – Please ensure that I receive a copy of the audit. Also, corrective actions need to begin immediately Please ensure that your ZM is assisting/ helping resolve the minor issues that are within the scope of his work
Emergency Evacuation/Lockdown Drills All schools should have conducted drill #8 Lockdown Drill (Code Yellow) during the month of February. SCRUB Report Principals it is imperative that you follow through and resolve ASAP Transfers/Region Renewal/Revocation deadline 4/8/16
COMPSTAT Top 10 False Alarm Vehicle Burglaries are on the rise. Please alert your parents to take the necessary precaution. Saturday Schools/Athletic Events Always call the Alarm Desk(305)995-1550 prior to entering your building on weekends. Also, please notify the Alarm Desk when exiting your building after Saturday School or Athletic Event.
Attendance The 3rd Grading period ends on April 7 th 2016. As a reminder, daily attendance correction. Attendance Review Committee Meeting (ARC) FM# 6704 Superintendent's 5K Challenge This is a 5K Run/Walk that will take place Saturday, April 2, 2016 at Museum park (1075 Biscayne Blvd).
WB #18926 – School Dress Code Declaration/Voting for Mandatory School Uniforms 2016-2017 WB #18930 – Mandatory Lockdown Drill WB #18931 – Emergency Evacuation Drill
Mr. Michael Lewis, Administrative Director (305) 499-5050 ext. 5042 – Office (305) 470-1801, Private Line (786) 402-4070 – Cell Yolanda Busquet, Social Work Chairperson Student Administrative Transfers (305) 499-5050 ext. 5043 Ana Perez, District Administrative Assistant (305) 499-5050 ext. 5061
Refer to the email sent by Dr. Riestra Quintero on January 6th Monitoring schedule - January 11, 2016 through March 10, 2016 Monitoring tools and checklists Quality Assurance monitors will review a sample of the children's records and other pertinent documentation, as well as conduct classroom observations A list of children's records will be sent one day prior to the visit Contact Dr. Maite Riestra-Quintero, Executive Director 305-995-2951 or
WB #18926 – School Dress Code Declaration/Voting for Mandatory School Uniforms 2016-2017 WB #18983 – Information Regarding Florida International University Center for Children & Families ATLAS Project WB #18985 – Information Regarding Florida International University Center for Children & Families medication Adherence Project
WB #18991 – “Connection” Newsletter for Parents WB #18997 – Social Sciences – Women’s History Month Elementary Essay Contest WB #18999 – Social Sciences – Women’s History Month Essay Contest for Secondary School Students
Ms. Anamarie Moreiras, Administrative Director (305) 499-5050 ext. 5046 – Office (305) 499-5076 – Fax (786) 402-4464 – Cell Andrea McKyer, District Administrative Assistant (305) 499-5050 ext. 5048
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