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Employee Satisfaction and Commitment. Think of a job in which you were really unhappy? Why was it so bad? Now think of a job in which you were very happy.

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Satisfaction and Commitment. Think of a job in which you were really unhappy? Why was it so bad? Now think of a job in which you were very happy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Satisfaction and Commitment

2 Think of a job in which you were really unhappy? Why was it so bad? Now think of a job in which you were very happy and satisfied. Why was it so good?

3  Two important employee attitudes:  Job Satisfaction (JS) ▪ The attitude an employee has toward his/her job  Organizational Commitment (OC) ▪ Extent to which an employee identifies with and is involved with an organization ▪ Affective, Continuance & Normative Why do you think we care about these?

4  Committed to the organization  Reduced absenteeism  Reduced tardiness  Higher performance  More OCBs  Fewer CWBs OutcomeSatisfactionCommitment Absenteeism-.23 Turnover-.22-.23 Lateness-.11-.29 Organizational citizenship.24.25 Counterproductive behavior-.37-.36 Performance.30 Commitment.59

5  Individual difference theory  r =.50 three years apart  Genetic Predispositions (30%)  Core self-evaluations (r =.41)  Emotional stability  Self-esteem  Self-efficacy  Internal locus of control  Culture  Intelligence Corrected Correlations With Core-Evaluation TraitSatisfactionPerformance Self-esteem.26 Self-efficacy.45.23 Internal locus of control.32.22 Emotional stability.24.19

6  Satisfied across all aspects of life ~ 60%  (family, friends, location, etc) LIFE JOB  Judge 1993-Griping Study  Are expectations being met?  Personal values vs reality of the job, promises, obligations  Lower JS (-.39)  Lower OC (-.39)  Turnover intentions (-.29)

7  Good fit with the organization?  Needs/Supplies Fit: Salary rewards benefits consistent with efforts and performance  Person: values, interests, personality, lifestyle, skills  Organization: vocation, job, organization, coworkers, supervisor  Are the tasks enjoyable?  More satisfied if work is interesting

8  Enjoy working with supervisors & coworkers?  Are coworkers Unhappy? Social information processing theory (social learning theory) – think culture  Equity theory  Practicality (e.g., controls- salary, hours worked)  Perceptions – try to inform them with facts  Can’t control policies of other organizations  Justice

9 9  Distributive justice  Procedural justice  Interactional justice

10 Organizational Justice (Theoretical Model)

11  Chance for growth & challenge?  Job rotation  Job enlargement (knowledge or task)  Job enrichment (job characteristics theory) – VISAF  Self-directed teams or Quality circles

12 12  Hire “Satisfied” Employees  Eliminate Dissatisfiers  Express appreciation and provide proper feedback  Increase opportunities to socialize  Hold special events and friendly competitions  Increase humor  Have surprises  Assign the right tasks to the right people

13  Many ways to measure (i.e., we have a ton of different validated inventories)  Overall Job Satisfaction (Cammann, Finchman, Jenkins, & Klesh, 1983) ▪ Three items measure global job satisfaction  Job Descriptive Index (Smith, Kendall, & Hulin, 1969)  Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire

14  Allen and Myer Survey (1990)  Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ; Mowday, Steers, and Porter, 1979)  Organizational Commitment Scale (Balfour & Wechsler, 1996) “I felt like a part of the family at this organization”

15  Absenteeism  Turnover  Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)  Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

16 16  I was sprayed by a skunk.  I tripped over my dog and was knocked unconscious.  My bus broke down and was held up by robbers.  I was arrested as a result of mistaken identity.  I forgot to come back to work after lunch.  I couldn’t find my shoes.  I hurt myself bowling.  I was spit on by a venomous snake.  I totaled my wife’s jeep in a collision with a cow.  A hitman was looking for me.  My curlers burned my hair and I had to go to the hairdresser  I eloped.  My cat unplugged my alarm clock.  I had to be there for my husband’s grand jury trial.  I had to ship my grandmother’s bones to India. (note: she had passed away 20 years ago) Source: 2004 CareerBuilder.Com Survey

17 17  No consequences for attending or missing work  Illness and personal problems  Individual differences  Unique events

18 18  Rewards for Attending  Financial incentives ▪ Well pay (paying employees for unused sick days) ▪ Games ▪ Financial bonuses  Paid Time-off Programs  Recognition programs  Discipline for Not Attending  Clear Policy and Record Keeping

19 19  Overload  Conflict  peers  supervisors  Boredom  Safety Issues

20 20  Reducing Illness  Not hiring “absence-prone” employees  High conscientiousness  Low extroversion  Unique events  Shuttle services  Remote work

21 21 Wellness Program% Offering Some form of wellness program58 24-hour nurse line50 Health screening programs41 Smoking cessation program40 Weight loss program31 On-site fitness center21 Stress reduction programs14 On-site medical care12

22 22  Unavoidable Reasons  school ends  job transfer  illness  family issues  Advancement  more responsibility  better pay  Unmet Needs  Escape From  people ▪ management ▪ coworkers ▪ customers  working conditions  stress  Unmet Expectations  organization  job  career

23 23  Exit Interviews  Attitude Surveys  Salary Surveys  pay  benefits  time off

24 24  Advertising charges  Agency fees  Referral bonuses  Staff time & benefits  processing applications  interviewing  Overhead  Travel Costs  staff  applicants  Relocation Costs  Miscellaneous Costs

25 25  Match the market  Use job evaluation to ensure internal equity  Offer retention/tenure bonuses (stay for pay)

26 26  Conduct realistic job previews  Look for person-organization fit  Study predictors of people who leave

27 27  Provide training  Show appreciation  Mediate conflicts  Meet employee needs  safety  social  growth

28 28  By Providing  Health care for domestic partners  Daycare benefits  Meal benefits  Paid time-off  Flexible schedules  Tuition/books  You Can Attract/Retain  Gay employees  Dual career families and parents on public assistance  Students and retirees  Young people  Homemakers/parents  Students

29  Organizational Citizenship behaviors (OCB’s)  Counterproductive/Antisocial workplace behaviors  Workplace Violence

30 The contributions that employees make to the overall welfare of the organization that go above and beyond the required job duties  These behaviors are “not required”  “prosocial, extra-role, contextual” behaviors  Sometimes differentiated in the literature, however they often look very similar

31  Can be directed at the organization or other employees  Types of antisocial behaviors  Organizational deviance  Workplace incivility  Social Undermining  Negative Gossip  Bullying  Harassment  Violence

32  Any experiences with CWB?

33  Frequency and severity of violence are escalating  Statistics  $4.2 billion costs to business  Homicide: 1000 workers murdered each year  1.5 million assaulted each year

34 34  Do you think that incentives are a form of bribery? If so, do you think it’s unethical for companies to do this?  What would keep you at a company for a longer period? Would incentives such as an Attendance Reward Program or end of the year bonuses make a difference in whether you left a job?


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