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DULLES SUPPLY EDUCATION.  The Supply is an organization devoted to inspiring slum education around the world.  In this manner, the Supply allows slum.

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Presentation on theme: "DULLES SUPPLY EDUCATION.  The Supply is an organization devoted to inspiring slum education around the world.  In this manner, the Supply allows slum."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Supply is an organization devoted to inspiring slum education around the world.  In this manner, the Supply allows slum children to move past their slum background and improve their lives.  The Supply builds secondary schools in slums  KevJumba High School in the Lenana slums in Nairobi, Kenya  The Supply also partners with schools to implement the SLUMS Curriculum  Focused on service learning  Gives practical skills applicable to real life  Connects classroom knowledge with real life  Genesis Joy Institute in Mathare  Elyon High School in Dagoretti  Nairobi Day School in Kibera ABOUT THE SUPPLY

3  We believe in The Supply's mission, which is to activate urban slum youth to create the cities of tomorrow through service learning. At our core we are using our education as a call to action through awareness, advocacy, fundraising, research, and giving. In addition, we are dedicated to promoting education around the world and inspiring service within our own community. OUR MISSION STATEMENT AND GOAL

4  Meetings last Thursday of every month 2:40-3:00 in Dr. Day’s room (C217)  First meeting will be on September 25 October 2  Dues are $10 (+$15 for T-shirt)  $10 gives us capital to begin projects  Returning members do not have to buy a T-shirt– it is the same as last year  Please turn in by first meeting (Sep 25)  Cash/Check (Made out to DHS Activity Fund)  Can be given to Dr. Day GENERAL INFORMATION

5 T-SHIRT The T-shirts are very comfortable and fashionable– ask anyone. We will have the same shirt every year. You will only need to buy it once.

6  World’s Finest Chocolate  All members are required to sell 2 boxes.  5K Run in collaboration with other clubs (planning has already started)  Jellybean Jar Count/Raffle  Note: All funds are raised through fundraising. Members are not expected nor required to donate.  We raised $1017 last year! FUNDRAISERS/EVENTS

7  Schools on Wheels- School Supply Drive in the Spring  PenPals with Blue Ridge Elementary  Video tutoring/teaching with a classroom in India  All members are required to either participate in PenPals or Video Tutoring  Time commitment is roughly one hour per week  YES Hours available SERVICE PROJECTS

8  Make a measurable difference in someone’s life  Leadership experience  Communication skills  Good cause- helps build toward a better tomorrow for the millions of slum children  Immersion program  This looks great on college apps  Shows that you are humanitarian and altruistic  There will be officer positions available at the end of the year WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN?

9  – the national organization’s website  – our website where forms and other information can be accessed  Email-  Facebook group - DHS Supply Education  Facebook page – The Supply at Dulles High School CONTACT INFORMATION

10  If you haven’t, please fill out the contact information form on the computers.  Any questions? LAST NOTES


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