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Two Nursery Rhymes: Rock-a-Bye, Baby and Baa Baa Blacksheep PowerPoint by Alex Chesney.

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Presentation on theme: "Two Nursery Rhymes: Rock-a-Bye, Baby and Baa Baa Blacksheep PowerPoint by Alex Chesney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Nursery Rhymes: Rock-a-Bye, Baby and Baa Baa Blacksheep PowerPoint by Alex Chesney

2 Rock-a-Bye, Baby Rock-a-Bye, Baby, In the tree top.

3 Rock-a-Bye, Baby When the wind blows, The cradle will rock.

4 Rock-a-Bye, Baby When the bough breaks, The cradle will fall.

5 Rock-a-Bye, Baby And down will come baby, Cradle and all.

6 Baa Baa Blacksheep Baa baa black sheep, Have you any wool?

7 Baa Baa Blacksheep Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!

8 Baa Baa Blacksheep One for the master, one for the dame

9 Baa Baa Blacksheep And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

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