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SVD Cables & Pipes Markus Friedl (HEPHY Vienna) B2GM, 24 July 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SVD Cables & Pipes Markus Friedl (HEPHY Vienna) B2GM, 24 July 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SVD Cables & Pipes Markus Friedl (HEPHY Vienna) B2GM, 24 July 2012

2 Readout Chain Overview  2 legs of cables:  Front-end to DOCK  DOCK to FADC / Power Supply 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes2 1748 APV25 chips Front-end hybrids Rad-hard DC/DC converters Analog level translation, data sparsification and hit time reconstruction Unified Belle II DAQ system ~2m copper cable Junction box ~10m copper cable FADC+PROC Unified optical data link (>20m) Finesse Transmitter Board (FTB) COPPER

3 DOCK Arrangement  SVD: 5 DOCKs in backward, 3 DOCKs in forward side 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes3 BackwardForward SVD PXD

4 Cables between Front-End and DOCK  To DOCK boxes:  1 flat cable (50 cond.; 32 x 1 mm 2 ) per hybrid = sensor side Length ~2m  A few fibers (~1mm diameter)  A few cables for temp & radiation monitoring (~1mm diameter) 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes4 LayerLaddersBW cablesFW cables L6169664 L5127224 L4104020 L3714 Sum45222122

5 Cables between Front-End and DOCK  Flat cable specs  3M 79992-25P-270A (available from CERN Stores, SCEM code  Halogen-free twisted pairs flat cable for IDC - Pitch 0.635 mm  2 x 25 wires of 30 AWG  DC Resistance: 0.354  /m  Insulation: Polyolefine  Rated voltage: 150V DC  Differential impedance: 120  (measured)  Operating temperature: -20 to +90°C  (see CERN Stores Catalogue for more (unimportant) details) 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes5

6 Pipes between Front-End and DOCK  Not fully defined yet (e.g. connection points unknown)  To DOCK area (precisely: junctions outside of the actual boxes):  Option A: Big pipe with 3 smaller pipes inside (cooling + nitrogen)  Option B: Big pipe with 2 concentric pipes inside + additional pipe for nitrogen  In any case: outer diameter of the big pipe ~12mm, additional pipe <10mm (?) 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes6 BW big pipesFW big pipes Option A8 (6)2 (4) Option B+ few nitrogen Total is 10; splitting undefined

7 Cables between DOCK and FADC  To FADC boxes:  1 flat cable (68 cond.; 44 x 1 mm 2 ) per 2 hybrids = sensor Length ~10m  To Electronics Hut (?):  A few fibers (~1mm diameter)  A few cables for temp & radiation monitoring (~1mm diameter) 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes7 BW cablesFW cables Sum11161

8 Cables between DOCK and Kenwood PS  To Kenwood Power Supplies:  6 round LV power cables (D=12.5mm) per DOCK box  1 round HV cable (D~10mm) per DOCK box  Length ~18m (?)  To Electronics Hut (?):  A few fibers & cables for monitoring (see page 4)  To Cooling Plant (on top of Electronics Hut):  10 (+few) pipes for coolant and nitrogen (see page 6) 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes8 BW cablesFW cables Sum30 + 518 + 3

9 Cables between DOCK and Kenwood PS  LV power cable specs  Leoni LEHC 002054  Halogen-free FieldLink MC cable  4 x 1.50 + 2 x (2 x 0.75) mm 2, outer diameter 12.5 mm  DC Resistance: 0.013  /m (power) / 0.026  /m (signal)  Insulation: TPE, TPU  Rated voltage: 1kV (power) / 24V (signal)  Minimum bending radius: 75 mm  Operating temperature: -50 to +80°C  Mass: 0.254 kg/m  (see datasheet for more (unimportant) details)datasheet 24 July 2012M.Friedl (HEPHY Vienna): SVD Cables & Pipes9

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