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Nuts and Bolts: The New Realities for Distance Learning in Adult Education Programs Presenter: Lynn Parr Bartlett, San Juan Unified School District OTAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuts and Bolts: The New Realities for Distance Learning in Adult Education Programs Presenter: Lynn Parr Bartlett, San Juan Unified School District OTAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuts and Bolts: The New Realities for Distance Learning in Adult Education Programs Presenter: Lynn Parr Bartlett, San Juan Unified School District OTAN Consultant

2 This workshop will: Discuss the new realities for adult education Discuss the new realities for adult education Review distance learning basics Review distance learning basics Explore changes in legislation that will impact programs Explore changes in legislation that will impact programs Review the new application or extension process Review the new application or extension process

3 Review distance learning outcome and effectiveness data Review distance learning outcome and effectiveness data Identify strategies appropriate for adult basic learners Identify strategies appropriate for adult basic learners Discuss distance learning resources and trends Discuss distance learning resources and trends Questions and Answers Questions and Answers This workshop will:

4 “The walls are down…” “For those agencies not using and collecting Workforce Investment Act funds for distance learning classes, you are encouraged to submit an application and year-end evaluation. It will be important for agencies and adult education in California, to be able to report our services and successes as the budget picture evolves. Without documented information about services provided, it will be a challenge to justify our programs and explain the key role we play in the state's economy.” Without documented information about services provided, it will be a challenge to justify our programs and explain the key role we play in the state's economy.” Debra Jones, Administrator CDE

5 The future of AE is changed Block entitlement for the next four years [this year’s monies based on cap of 2007/2008] through 2012-13. The district chooses how to use that money. Block entitlement for the next four years [this year’s monies based on cap of 2007/2008] through 2012-13. The district chooses how to use that money. Schools no longer held to 15% rule. This new flexibility precedes any of those percentages. Schools no longer held to 15% rule. This new flexibility precedes any of those percentages. DL is a modality and should be integrated into program delivery. DL is a modality and should be integrated into program delivery. Those using WIA funds, however, will need to continue to follow the federal rules. Those using WIA funds, however, will need to continue to follow the federal rules.

6 “ Can I?” to “How can I?” National research that shows by 2015 50% of all learning will be online. National research that shows by 2015 50% of all learning will be online. OTAN web site offers evidence – assessment data, persistence information, graphs, charts, other information that supports this statement. OTAN web site offers evidence – assessment data, persistence information, graphs, charts, other information that supports this statement. “Flexibility” does not mean we relax our due diligence to maintain good programs – maintain the data, maintain standards. “Flexibility” does not mean we relax our due diligence to maintain good programs – maintain the data, maintain standards. Lay the groundwork, establish the program by the 2013 to ensure the future. Lay the groundwork, establish the program by the 2013 to ensure the future.

7 Don’t stop now! By continuing to collect data, we’ll have valuable information for future By continuing to collect data, we’ll have valuable information for future Serving students by this modality is “the right thing” because the ability to use technology is a life skill Serving students by this modality is “the right thing” because the ability to use technology is a life skill Using distance learning may strengthen future funding Using distance learning may strengthen future funding

8 Role of Distance Learning Distance learning can be the Distance learning can be the primary means of instruction (majority of instruction)primary means of instruction (majority of instruction) supplemental means of instruction (enrichment)supplemental means of instruction (enrichment)

9 Same Time Synchronous instruction requires the simultaneous participation of all students and instructors. Any Time Asynchronous instruction does not require the simultaneous participation of all students and instruction. Students do not Any Time Asynchronous instruction does not require the simultaneous participation of all students and instruction. Students do not need to be gathered together or linked together at the same time.

10 Delivery System Categories Classroom LearningClassroom Learning Distance LearningDistance Learning Blended-combines Blended-combines elements of both elements of both

11 Why Use Distance Learning with Adults? Potentially can serve more learners Potentially can serve more learners Interesting curriculum Interesting curriculum Stimulates higher-order thinking Stimulates higher-order thinking Uses multiple senses in learning Uses multiple senses in learning Addresses learner needs as knowledge and technology change Addresses learner needs as knowledge and technology change  Self–paced  Convenient  Individualized

12 Distance Learning Addresses Barriers Work hour conflicts Work hour conflicts Child care issues Child care issues Transportation/distance Transportation/distance Learner pace and opportunities to review Learner pace and opportunities to review Confidence/comfort issues Confidence/comfort issues Full classes Full classes Health or age issues Health or age issues

13 Some DL Misconceptions Distance learning is a way to serve “thousands” of learners Distance learning is a way to serve “thousands” of learners DL means no direct instructor contact DL means no direct instructor contact Distance learning means one thing Distance learning means one thing Most potential students do not have computers or Internet access Most potential students do not have computers or Internet access Distance Learning is cheaper Distance Learning is cheaper

14 Some Program Benefits Increase access at a time when traditional classes are being limited or cut entirelyIncrease access at a time when traditional classes are being limited or cut entirely Contain costs by taking advantage of technologyContain costs by taking advantage of technology Enhance quality and accelerate learning gainsEnhance quality and accelerate learning gains Improve community visibility and offer value to partners including K 12 students and their familiesImprove community visibility and offer value to partners including K 12 students and their families

15 Some Challenges to consider with Distance Learning Poor match between learner and delivery Poor match between learner and delivery Insufficient technical support Insufficient technical support Unbudgeted “extra” costs (phone, Internet, video duplication and replacement) Unbudgeted “extra” costs (phone, Internet, video duplication and replacement) Inadequate special training for staff Inadequate special training for staff Licensing and materials reproduction issues Licensing and materials reproduction issues

16 Who are distance learners? 56,239 learners 2007-08 (WIA Title 11 CASAS data) 65% are female 28% are 21-30 years 27% are 31-40 years 20% are 41-50 years 95% are ESL students

17 Who are distance learners? Primary languages 71%Spanish 8%Chinese 3%English 2.5 %Korean 2.2 %Vietnamese 12.6%Other Years of School 25%6 or less 23%7-9 48%10-16 2.7%above 16 CASAS 2007-2008

18 Why do they choose Distance Learning? 42,139seek to improve English skills 8,000work to improve basic skills 1,000interested in GED or HS Diploma 2,200list a personal or family goal 1,100seek US citizenship 1,000are seeking a job or improving it CASAS 2007-2008 data

19 Growth in Adult School Distance Learning

20 Distribution by Offered Course

21 How Do We Get Started?

22 148 California Districts participate

23 AB 1163 Legislation Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery

24 The New Education Code 52522 AB 1163 signed fall 2008 Effective January 2009 Effective January 2009 Allows for innovative and alternative instruction Allows for innovative and alternative instruction Increases allowable expenditures and claims to 15% Increases allowable expenditures and claims to 15% Requires new accountability Requires new accountability

25 EC 51865-Educational Goals Efficiency and accountability as state budget is reduced Efficiency and accountability as state budget is reduced Diversity of instruction for adults Diversity of instruction for adults Equity and quality in education Equity and quality in education

26 Distance Learning — High Priorities Workforce skills for adults Workforce skills for adults Adult class in English as a second language (ESL) Adult class in English as a second language (ESL) Enhancement of curriculum for high risk pupils likely to drop out Enhancement of curriculum for high risk pupils likely to drop out Expand offerings to rural and inner city schools-college prep Expand offerings to rural and inner city schools-college prep EC 51865 EC 51865

27 Recent changes in education funding that will impact programs

28 (Formerly) apportionment-funded programs If you are not receiving federal funds, since adult education funding has been made flexible – Ed. Code requirements no longer apply. If you are not receiving federal funds, since adult education funding has been made flexible – Ed. Code requirements no longer apply. It is important to track and report distance learning activity and student outcomes. It is important to track and report distance learning activity and student outcomes. Tracking and reporting demonstrates effectiveness for future funding – Continue to submit your application and evaluation. Tracking and reporting demonstrates effectiveness for future funding – Continue to submit your application and evaluation.

29 Federally Funded Programs If your agency is using federal funds for distance learning, nothing has changed in terms of requirements except that there is no legal limit to the percent of your budget you can spend on distance learning.

30 October 16, 2009 The application for the Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program is available online, and is due October 16, 2009. The application for the Innovation and Alternative Instructional Delivery Program is available online, and is due October 16, 2009. If you need help signing in, the contact information for support is at the bottom of the Web page. If you need help signing in, the contact information for support is at the bottom of the Web page.

31 Some things haven’t changed Although state adult education apportionment funds have become flexible, those agencies collecting federal Workforce Investment Act, Title II funds for distance learning classes are required to submit an application. Although state adult education apportionment funds have become flexible, those agencies collecting federal Workforce Investment Act, Title II funds for distance learning classes are required to submit an application.

32 Existing Programs You may request a one year extension of your existing application by logging in and resubmitting your existing application. You may request a one year extension of your existing application by logging in and resubmitting your existing application. You will need to review and update contact information and some budget information, but the extension is only one page. You will need to review and update contact information and some budget information, but the extension is only one page.

33 New Agency Applications The application is open to all agencies funded through the Adult Education Office of the California Department of Education. The application is open to all agencies funded through the Adult Education Office of the California Department of Education. A complete application must be submitted and approved by CDE. A complete application must be submitted and approved by CDE. The form with instructions can be found at The form with instructions can be found at Due October 16, 2009. Due October 16, 2009.

34 End of the Year Report The annual evaluation form is available at The annual evaluation form is available at and is due … October 16, 2009.

35 DL Accountability Innovation Programs – use TOPSPro student tracking software Check “Distance Learning on Item 13Check “Distance Learning on Item 13 “Special Programs” option Create unique class ID for Distance LearnersCreate unique class ID for Distance Learners Run TOPSPro entry filters –Run TOPSPro entry filters – run TOPSPro QueryMaker

36 Comparing ESL average reading gains for regular, distance, and blended learners

37 Effectiveness Research indicates that the instructional format itself has little effect on learner achievement as long as the delivery technology is appropriate to the content being offered and all participants have access to the same technology.

38 Popular Distance Learning Approaches 1. DVD/workbook/audio cassettes/CDs checkout 2. Laptop computers with computer assisted instruction 3. Internet learning materials 4. Tele-courses with staff support

39 Adult School DL Media fiscal year 2007

40 Distance Learning Venues Classroom and classroom supplement Classroom and classroom supplement Learning centers Learning centers Community centers Community centers Workplace Workplace Home Home Virtual classroom Virtual classroom K-12 campuses for specific Adult programs K-12 campuses for specific Adult programs Churches Churches Restaurants Restaurants Factories Factories Casinos Casinos Libraries Libraries Apartment complexes Apartment complexes Recreation centers Recreation centers Clinics Clinics Businesses Businesses

41 STRATEGIES TO CONSIDER What delivery methods work best for you?

42 Instructional and Program Design Address knowledge acquisition, skill building, and /or influence attitudes Address knowledge acquisition, skill building, and /or influence attitudes Understand strengths and weaknesses of media Understand strengths and weaknesses of media Define learning curricula Define learning curricula Pilot test the intervention Pilot test the intervention Start with a plan Start with a plan Integrate the intent of Ed Code into the design Integrate the intent of Ed Code into the design

43 Importance of Instructor The role of the instructor cannot be overstated in distance learning for adult basic learners. The role of the instructor cannot be overstated in distance learning for adult basic learners. Face to face Face to face Remote — phone, fax, computer Remote — phone, fax, computer Who initiates contact – instructor, learner, or both? Who initiates contact – instructor, learner, or both?

44 Improving Persistence Set clear goals and expectations Set clear goals and expectations Develop a clear assignment and orientation process Develop a clear assignment and orientation process Make learners aware of choices and ability to transfer to DL at a later date Make learners aware of choices and ability to transfer to DL at a later date Test blended learning for motivated learners Test blended learning for motivated learners Make extra efforts to conduct CASAS post testing Make extra efforts to conduct CASAS post testing and…

45 Improving Persistence Make learning more engaging — add Internet lab opportunities, small group activities, simulations Offer DL options until there are class openings Alternative instructional strategy

46 Assessment Remember ‘Introspection is good for the soul.’ Introspection is also good for the survival and advancement of your program. Ask the hard questions and look for real and innovative solutions.

47 1.DVD/Audio/CD Workbook Checkout Program Learner assessedLearner assessed Check out video and study packet or workbookCheck out video and study packet or workbook Complete assignmentComplete assignment Meet with resource person and review assignmentMeet with resource person and review assignment Next video / workbook assignedNext video / workbook assigned

48 Getting Started DVD Checkout Scenario Assess learners Assess learners Research available video materials Research available video materials Screen materials for fit with current curriculum requirements Screen materials for fit with current curriculum requirements Identify pilot staff Identify pilot staff Obtain sufficient DVD copies — will they be sequential? Obtain sufficient DVD copies — will they be sequential? Develop or obtain print support materials Develop or obtain print support materials Define method(s) to verify attained competencies Define method(s) to verify attained competencies Develop a record keeping system Develop a record keeping system  student testing and records  ADA reporting Run a small pilot for experience Run a small pilot for experience Stock copies of materials and plan for replacement of lost items Stock copies of materials and plan for replacement of lost items

49 Video and Workbook Mainstays Crossroads CaféCrossroads Café EASY ESLEASY ESL Connect with EnglishConnect with English Putting English to Work 1, 2, 3Putting English to Work 1, 2, 3 English For AllEnglish For All Sharing English TogetherSharing English Together Watch and ListenWatch and Listen TV 411TV 411 In EnglishIn English GED ConnectionGED Connection Workplace EssentialsWorkplace Essentials

50 2.Laptop Checkout Select appropriate online or DVD curriculum Select appropriate online or DVD curriculum Talk to current practitioners Talk to current practitioners Identify the funding for equipment Identify the funding for equipment Identify student needs Identify student needs Start small (pilot the process)

51 3.Online instruction Students may study in online classes at anytime/any place if they have access to a computer: Students register at the school, branch or off-site distance education location. Students register at the school, branch or off-site distance education location. Students are appropriately placed using a written test, oral assessment or a combination of both. Students are appropriately placed using a written test, oral assessment or a combination of both. Students study online at their own pace, complete the written support materials and demonstrate comprehension using in various methods including unit review tests, teacher assessments or other program designed tools. Students study online at their own pace, complete the written support materials and demonstrate comprehension using in various methods including unit review tests, teacher assessments or other program designed tools. Instructors may monitor student activity, develop e-mail groups, maintain class ‘discussion or bulletin boards’ Instructors may monitor student activity, develop e-mail groups, maintain class ‘discussion or bulletin boards’

52  Cyberstep  Cyberstep  English For All  English For All  Read TV News  Read TV News  TV411  TV411  USA Learns  USA Learns Internet Resources

53 4.Cable Television Develop partnerships with other school programs (Media Arts, ROP) Develop partnerships with other school programs (Media Arts, ROP) Find out if your local cable provider offers public access programming Find out if your local cable provider offers public access programming Explore available programming Explore available programming Select “brave” teachers Select “brave” teachers Develop strategies for marketing, enrollment, student assessment and curriculum delivery Develop strategies for marketing, enrollment, student assessment and curriculum delivery

54 How Will You Know You Are Effective? Institution Technology TeacherStudent

55 Learner Assessment Measuring progress Measuring progress CASAS pre–post testing CASAS pre–post testing Subject matter testing Subject matter testing Authentic assessment (alternative or performance) Authentic assessment (alternative or performance) Complete tasks with acquired knowledge Complete tasks with acquired knowledge Assessment should serve the needs of learners Assessment should serve the needs of learners

56 Authentic Assessment Flexible approach that reflects curriculum and demonstrates acquired knowledge Flexible approach that reflects curriculum and demonstrates acquired knowledge Examples Examples Observing performed task (s) Observing performed task (s) Outcomes of simulations or role play Outcomes of simulations or role play Journals, portfolios, reflections Journals, portfolios, reflections Assessments should be tied to measurement rubric Assessments should be tied to measurement rubric Industry certification for career technical courses Industry certification for career technical courses

57 Resources and Trends What is out there to help me ?

58 CA Licensed Electronic Learning Resources Crossroads Café, On Common Ground Lifelines, Madison Heights (Intelecom) Lifelines, Madison Heights (Intelecom) - VHS license English For All (SCOE / OTAN) - DVD, VHS and streaming (public domain) Putting English to Work (LAUSD) - DVD license

59 GED Connections (KET) - Analog and digital rights - Streaming and print materials GED Online (McGraw-Hill Contemporary) - Hybrid CD and online product CA Licensed Electronic Learning Resources

60 Emerging Tools for DL Communication and collaborationCommunication and collaboration User created contentUser created content Social NetworkingSocial Networking Virtual environmentsVirtual environments Course and learning management systemsCourse and learning management systems Ultra portable PCs and personal digitalUltra portable PCs and personal digitaldevices

61 OTAN Resources

62 Resource – Listserv Colleagues You OTAN Group email for Californians involved in distance learning Group email for Californians involved in distance learning One message reaches all registered users One message reaches all registered users

63 Advantages of Distance Learning Potentially can serve more learners more cost-effectively (for example, if workbooks are online there are no printing or distribution costs) Potentially can serve more learners more cost-effectively (for example, if workbooks are online there are no printing or distribution costs) Addresses learner needs as technology changes, helping students learn 21st century technology skills, and helping parents get up to speed with the skills their children already have Addresses learner needs as technology changes, helping students learn 21st century technology skills, and helping parents get up to speed with the skills their children already have Can serve agency families through partnerships with schools (for example, distance learning courses for ESL, GED or CAHSEE Prep can support district goals for K12 students) Can serve agency families through partnerships with schools (for example, distance learning courses for ESL, GED or CAHSEE Prep can support district goals for K12 students) And…

64 Advantages of Distance Learning Self-paced, convenient, and individualized for each learner Self-paced, convenient, and individualized for each learner Addresses many barriers to participation and persistence, such as transportation, disabilities, childcare issues, work schedules Addresses many barriers to participation and persistence, such as transportation, disabilities, childcare issues, work schedules One-on-one time with the teacher is an advantage for students One-on-one time with the teacher is an advantage for students Good way to keep learners connected to school when they have to “stop out” Good way to keep learners connected to school when they have to “stop out” And…

65 Advantages of Distance Learning No longer subject to 15% limitation, provides the opportunity to increase benchmarks for distance learning as long as procedures are followed No longer subject to 15% limitation, provides the opportunity to increase benchmarks for distance learning as long as procedures are followed Agencies can now charge fees and/or deposits Agencies can now charge fees and/or deposits Research shows that learning gains for purely distance learners are equal to those of classroom students Research shows that learning gains for purely distance learners are equal to those of classroom students And…

66 Research shows that classroom students who also enroll in distance learning (blended model) meet their goals faster and achieve more learning outcomes Research shows that classroom students who also enroll in distance learning (blended model) meet their goals faster and achieve more learning outcomes Students enrolled in both distance learning and traditional classes accumulate instructional hours more quickly, and can therefore be post-tested sooner Students enrolled in both distance learning and traditional classes accumulate instructional hours more quickly, and can therefore be post-tested sooner All classes could provide a blended model with homework and additional activities online or via DVD All classes could provide a blended model with homework and additional activities online or via DVD Classes that are no longer being offered face-to-face can in some instances be offered through distance learning Classes that are no longer being offered face-to-face can in some instances be offered through distance learning Advantages of Distance Learning

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