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EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 NA3 Execution Plan Malcolm Atkinson Director of the National e-Science Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 NA3 Execution Plan Malcolm Atkinson Director of the National e-Science Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 NA3 Execution Plan Malcolm Atkinson Director of the National e-Science Centre EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004

2 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 2 Contents NA3 Execution plan  Current status  Draft of 09 April 2004  Telcon of 13 April 2004  Minutes prepared but not yet posted What is missing?  If an activity isn’t there we can’t charge time to it! What needs correcting? What needs detail? Steps to Complete the Execution Plan Speak NOW or for ever hold thy peace

3 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 3 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 1 Construction of NA3 Training Component Repository (TCR) Design of Repository & Portal  What do we want in order to pool our knowledge?  What can we afford for the first version? Collection of Information from Partners  Proforma completed & source available? Does it capture all we need? Set up of database and web interfaces  Logical structure & classification? Or just a list? Agreed “Copy Left” sharing model?  We want it used – propagate our message!Restrictions? Maintenance – versions, up-to-date & quality review Who is responsible? NeSC? Only? When will we do each step?

4 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 4 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 2 Construction of the NA3 Training Record System (TRS) Design Training Record  What can we measure?  What do we need to report?  What is a valid compromise? Design Review and Approval  NA3 partners & PEB  Project Officer? Design Training Record Database & Portal Implement Training Record Database & Portal Enter back log of training records TRS maintenance – review, upgrades, analysis tools Why keep records? Improve our performance Convince people of our value Our ONLY reporting data Equivalent to TA commitment Convince people of our value

5 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 5 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 3 All of the Partner Training Activities  The EGEE training you already plan / have done If it isn’t in the calendar we can’t charge it! All of the KINDS of activity we will do  Industrial strategic awareness courses  Research strategy courses  Courses creating specific skills Installation of LCG2 Certificate Authority Management Member Identification Training in training Use of EGEE project administration tools … Setting up / modifying / learning to use Training Platforms Interim Arrangements

6 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 6 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 4 Training Review & Improvement Processes Establishing the Procedures Arranging each cycle Collating the review recommendations Propagating those recommendations to all trainers Monitoring response to recommendations

7 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 7 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 5 Identification of training requirements  Survey of EGEE activity requirements  Survey of Potential User requirements  Survey of Developer requirements …… Identification of Partners’ Training capacity Development of a Training plan  Review & Acceptance of that plan  Revisions of that plan Preparation of training material against plan

8 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 8 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 6 Design of training procedures  What does NeSC do in preparation for ALL events? training packs, certificates, evaluation e-forms, …  What does each training partner do in preparation for EACH event? Revisions site Revisions per event  What does each organising host of an event do for an event?  What does each trainer do at an event?  What is done to follow up an event? Implementation of Training Procedures  Production of standard materials  Mechanisms for distribution & monitoring Review and Revision of training procedures

9 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 9 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 7 Design of Event Management Procedures What does NeSC do for EACH event?  Calendar  Advertising?  Registration? What does each training partner do for EACH event?  Define timetable  Manage participant and invited speaker accommodation  Set and manage budget – collect any participant fees  Allocate training space and facilities – e.g. training platform  Advertise event & encourage participation  Translate training material  Provide (most of) the trainers and (all of) the support staff  Send full records to NeSC at each stage Review and Revision of event procedures

10 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 10 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 8 Time-line of Execution Plan  Detailed times & staff / partner identification (first 6 months)  Target achievements at monthly intervals  Provisional times and responsibility allocation (remaining 18 months) As much detail as possible  For each partner, their plans  For each Activity in the Execution Plan A believable and well-defined path to achieve it

11 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 11 NA3 Execution Plan: Omissions? 9

12 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 12 NA3 Execution Plan: Corrections Collecting input from non-NA3 partners Collecting input from NA3 partners: Speak NOW  What is wrong with the Current Draft?  What haven’t we discussed this morning that we should? Leave your corrections with John & his team  Before Wednesday afternoon if possible  Otherwise before the end of the week by email This is VERY IMPORTANT Do it NOW Must have all issues exposed this week

13 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 13 NA3 Execution Plan: Details Speak NOW  What more detail is needed?  What haven’t we discussed this morning that we should? Leave your additions with John & his team  Before Wednesday afternoon if possible  Otherwise before the end of the week by email This is VERY IMPORTANT Do it NOW Must have all issues exposed this week

14 NA3 at EGEE Kick off, Cork, 20 April 2004 - 14 NA3 Completing the Execution Plan All input to the plan this week  Additions  Corrections  Details These MUST reach John & his team this week NeSC (John et al. ) will complete a new draft next week Circulate for comment by EGEE web site & email  30 th April 2004 Email comments back by Wednesday 5 th May Final version for Project Office by 12 th May Interim arrangements operate until NeSC issues Execution Plan, Procedures, supporting material, … Go forth and Train

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