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A Methodology to Evaluate the Trustworthiness and Security Compliance of Cloud Service Providers Sasko Ristov Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,

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Presentation on theme: "A Methodology to Evaluate the Trustworthiness and Security Compliance of Cloud Service Providers Sasko Ristov Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Methodology to Evaluate the Trustworthiness and Security Compliance of Cloud Service Providers Sasko Ristov Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia

2 Abstract  Define a new methodology to evaluate the CSPs in different cloud deployment models  according to the cloud consumers’ needs.  Introduce a factor trustworthiness beside the availability.  quantify the trustworthiness and the security of potential CSPs  Evaluate the security compliance of CSPs with cloud security challenges for different cloud deployment models. CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia2

3 Agenda  State of the art  Related work  Methodology for CSP’s Trustworthiness  Evaluation of most common CSPs’ Trustworthiness  A Methodology for Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Putting it all together  On-premise and Cloud Security Compliance Quantification  Conclusion CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia3

4 State of the art - Cloud Computing  How to choose a CSP?  Standardisation  Still in infancy period  Bigger players enforce the standards  Many challenges  performance,  security and data privacy,  law compliance,  different cost and indemnification  if the CSP does not meet the SLA conditions CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia4

5 Open issues  Interoperability  Portability  multiple server platforms CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia5

6 Agenda  State of the art  Related work  Methodology for CSP’s Trustworthiness  Evaluation of most common CSPs’ Trustworthiness  A Methodology for Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Putting it all together  On-premise and Cloud Security Compliance Quantification  Conclusion CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia6

7 Evaluate CSP Performance  Performance variability  [Iosup 2011]  Same VM – different performance in various time  [Gusev / Ristov 2013], [Gusev / Ristov 2012]  Vertical scaling horizontal scaling  Superlinear performance  Buy less, achieve more CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia7

8 Evaluate CSP Security  CSA Cloud Control Matrix (CCM)  3.0.1  Confidentiality, integrity and availability are concerns  Different cloud deployment models  Different security issues [Bhadauria 2012]  Cloud improves RTO and RPO  Customer must check if a CSP meets its RTO and RPO CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia8

9 Evaluate CSP Prices  Pay as you consume  Linear model  Different price for  Windows / Linux  Performance  Traffic CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia9

10 Evaluate CSP Trustworthiness  CSPs guarantee very high availability of their services  at least 99.9%  some even 100%  guarantee maximum 8.77 hours of downtime per year.  This high guarantee does not imply that they comply with their SLAs.  CSPs' downtime is much greater  Cloud consumer's costs cannot be indemnified by CSP's.  Service availability is not a decisive factor for many cloud consumers.  interested in lower cost for an acceptable level of availability. CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia10

11 CSP Trustworthiness  Improve the trustworthiness  Certify with some security standard  ISO 27001:2005  Ristov / Gusev 2012  New methodology for security evaluation of on-premise systems and cloud computing  IaaS, PaaS and SaaS  Security evaluation of open source cloud frameworks  [Ristov 2013] CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia11

12 Other methodologies for Trustworthiness  Cheng 2012  Trusted Cloud Service Platform Architecture  Tanimoto 2011  Risk Avoidance, Risk Mitigation, Risk Acceptance, and Risk Transference  Santos 2009  Trusted cloud computing platform  Bhensook and Senivongse 2012  weighted scoring model CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia12

13 Our methodology for Trustworthiness  Pauley 2010 – very comprehensive  CSP transparency scorecard  includes the percent availability in CSPs' SLA,  does not include the percentage of achieved availability CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia13

14 Our methodology for Trustworthiness  Achieved availability = reliability  Choose the most reliable and trustworthy CSP, rather than the one that guarantee the greatest availability or indemnification. CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia14

15 Agenda  State of the art  Related work  Methodology for CSP’s Trustworthiness  Evaluation of most common CSPs’ Trustworthiness  A Methodology for Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Putting it all together  On-premise and Cloud Security Compliance Quantification  Conclusion CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia15

16 Availability CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia16

17 Indemnification  Google  offers credits and subscription extension,  Microsoft  offers money reimbursement.  Mission critical data and application unavailability can provide a grater loss than CSP's indemnification. CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia17

18 Reliability CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia18

19 Trustworthiness CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia19

20 Availability evaluation  Evaluation of  Google,  Microsoft,  SalesForce,  Rackspace  Amazon CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia20

21 Reliability evaluation CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia21

22 Trustworthiness evaluation  Google is the leader in trustworthiness, although it does not guarantee the greatest availability.  The trustworthiness % is smaller than offered availability for each CSP in its SLA CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia22

23 CSP overall evaluation  All CSPs achieved the same place for reliability and trustworthiness  downtime in the last year CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia23

24 Agenda  State of the art  Related work  Methodology for CSP’s Trustworthiness  Evaluation of most common CSPs’ Trustworthiness  A Methodology for Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Putting it all together  On-premise and Cloud Security Compliance Quantification  Conclusion CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia24

25 ISMS  CSPs can mitigate the risks of security incidents if they implement some international security standards  Some CSPs offer security features to their consumers  ISMS Metrics  3  ISO 27001 or NIST 800-53 or equivalent  1  In-depth audit or certified with some audit standard such as SAS70 or COBIT  0  No ISMS implemented CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia25

26 CloudCert  Having ISMS is not enough  ISO 27001 is not fully compliant with additional cloud security challenges  CloudCert parameter  determining a level of the CSA Security, Trust \& Assurance Registry (STAR) level  Introduce ISO 27017 in CloudCert ?! CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia26

27 Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia27

28 Agenda  State of the art  Related work  Methodology for CSP’s Trustworthiness  Evaluation of most common CSPs’ Trustworthiness  A Methodology for Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Putting it all together  On-premise and Cloud Security Compliance Quantification  Conclusion CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia28

29 NIST Cloud deployment models  NIST defined  Three cloud service models:  Four cloud deployment models  CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia29

30 CSA Cloud deployment models  CSA defined  Five cloud deployment models  public,  private internal/on-premise,  private external,  community  hybrid  Interested in the first three  if a particular company migrates its services from on-premise into a cloud CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia30

31 Deployment models weight factor (WF)  Nist’s classification of the security controls  Management  Operational  Technical  Weight factors for each deployment model that implements the ISO 27001:2005 control objectives  The management control objective WF is independent of whether the services are hosted on-premise or in cloud  Operational is reduced to ½  consumer transfers the responsibilities to its CSP in private external  On-premise is the same as Private internal. CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia31

32 ISO 27001 Control objective evaluation  17 control objectives are evaluated as operational  9 as technical control objectives CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia32

33 ISO 27001 Control objective evaluation CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia33

34 ISO 27001 Control objective evaluation  Example of evaluation  Operating system access control  controls the access to operating systems completely in internal private cloud (both guest and host operating systems).  evaluate with 1;  controls the access to operating systems partially in external private cloud (only guest operating systems) and  evaluate with 1/2  does not control the access to operating systems in public cloud (neither guest nor host)  evaluate it with 0. CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia34

35 On-premise Security Quantification  if a CSP security is compliant with its security level  ISMS MAX = 3  Cloud consumer can select / exclude the controls and control objectives to cover the identified requirements CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia35

36 CSPs’ Deployment Models Security Compiance Quantification  ISMS C MAX = 6 (3+3) CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia36

37 CSPs’ Deployment Models Security Compiance Quantification  Since the cloud consumer transfers some of the responsibilities to CSP, its COTk is opposite, i.e., 1 – COTk CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia37

38 Agenda  State of the art  Related work  Methodology for CSP’s Trustworthiness  Evaluation of most common CSPs’ Trustworthiness  A Methodology for Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Evaluation of CSP Security Compliance  Putting it all together  On-premise and Cloud Security Compliance Quantification  Conclusion CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia38

39 Discussion / Conclusion  ISO 27001 is more detailed standard compared to the COBIT certificate  COBIT or other related certificates is evaluated with 1,  ISO 27001 or NIST SP800-53 with 3.  Do not include the CSPs' employees certificates into our evaluation since implementing the ISMS assures the employee security awareness  all employees should have CISSP, CISM or other security certification; otherwise this control is irrelevant  consumer should trust more on comprehend external audit of relevant certified authorities, rather than CSP's employees  Compliance with different cloud deployment models CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia39

40 CSA CEE Summit 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia40

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