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Darko Babić (PhD) Senior Researcher / Lecturer University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage.

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Presentation on theme: "Darko Babić (PhD) Senior Researcher / Lecturer University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Darko Babić (PhD) Senior Researcher / Lecturer University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage Management the theme: The shortest presentation delivered, ever!

2 The University of Zagreb... 1669. - 1874. - 2011... 1669oldest Croatian universityalso (among - borders, continuously operating?) the oldest university in South East Europe.founded 23 September 1669 1669. -The University of Zagreb is the oldest Croatian university and also (among - borders, continuously operating ?) the oldest university in South East Europe. The university was officially founded 23 September 1669 by Emperor and King Leopold I Habsburg who issued a decree granting the status and privileges of a university to the Jesuit Academy of the Free City of Zagreb. According to that document the study of philosophy in Zagreb acquired a formal and legal status as Neoacademia Zagrabiensis and officially became a public institution of higher education. 1874modern University 1874. - founding of modern University of Zagreb 2011 29 faculties & 3 art academies 2011. - 29 faculties & 3 art academies 70 000 full-time students8 000 academic staff - over 70 000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students (8 000 academic staff) over 50 percent - strongly research-oriented, contributing with over 50 percent to the total research output of the country

3 the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences... Today Departments: 23 --- Chairs: 125 --- Teaching staff: 618 (full time) + 778 (part time) ---- Non-teaching staff (administrative and technical personnel): 169 --- Students: 7004 (BA 2857, MA 3347, PhD 800) - Departments: 23 --- Chairs: 125 --- Teaching staff: 618 (full time) + 778 (part time) ---- Non-teaching staff (administrative and technical personnel): 169 --- Students: 7004 (BA 2857, MA 3347, PhD 800) but has an independent legal status. It is part of the University but has an independent legal status. 75 programmes (42 Bachelor of Arts and 33 Master of Arts programmes) - offers 75 programmes (42 Bachelor of Arts and 33 Master of Arts programmes) as single major and double major Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, Information Science, History, Comparative literature, Croatian language and literature and English language and literature, Philosophy, Archaeology, History, History of Art, Sociology, Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Comparative literature, Croatian language and literature, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Phonetics and languages and literatures - English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Spanish, Swedish, Classic Philology (Greek and Latin), Turkish, Indology, East, West and South Slavic languages - 45 individual (out of the University) agreements with other academic institutions - at the moment participate in 50 international projects

4 Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage Management - 27 years - 27 years (from 1984. - some lectures started in 1946.) long history BA programmes - participating in BA programmes (Information Sciences, but others too) MA in Museology and Heritage Management - own MA in Museology and Heritage Management (independent from 2005, before part of 4 years Diploma programme within Department with extra specialisation) 30 students per year - approx. 30 students per year Prof. Peter van Mensch shameless war happened later - Prof. Peter van Mensch (Professor of Cultural Heritage, Reinwardt Academie, Amsterdam) earned his PhD degree here in 1992 on the basis of a thesis on the theory of museology (mentor Prof. Ivo Maroević)... shameless war happened later members of ICOM Committee Boards ICOMOS, Europa Nostra, EMF, IE - well known staff...members of ICOM Committee Boards (ICTOP, ICOFOM), ICOMOS, Europa Nostra, EMF, IE and so on... regular consultants - regular consultants to museum and heritage sector in Croatia, SEE and beyond

5 1 image = 1000 images - no way!!! Students work for annual University Fair

6 Foto: AFP 35.000.000visitors 6.000.000visitors You said HERITAGE IS AN ISSUE here, well it's so easy to solve then, isn't it - or? Thank You!

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