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Professional Development Plans and Marketing RtI/MTSS January 2014 Facilitated/Presented by: The Illinois RtI Network is a State Personnel Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Plans and Marketing RtI/MTSS January 2014 Facilitated/Presented by: The Illinois RtI Network is a State Personnel Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Plans and Marketing RtI/MTSS January 2014 Facilitated/Presented by: The Illinois RtI Network is a State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) project of the Illinois State Board of Education. All funding (100%) is from federal sources. The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325A100005-12. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (OSEP Project Officer: Grace Zamora Durán) I-RtI Network Insert name(s) here

2 What’s happening in your district? questions do you have? What coaching Check-in Making connections Applying what we’ve learned

3 Review of December August/September Meeting’s Outcomes : 2013-2014 EC Meeting Content and EC Documents Definition of Critical Components at Tier 2 Components of a Communication Plan Purpose and Format of a District RtI Manual Development of a RtI Manual Glossary Strategies for Consensus Building at Tier 2 One of the best ways to remember something is to test yourself. Participants will: Identify critical features of research based progress monitoring tools Evaluate currently used PM tools for Reading and Math Identify evaluation tools and processes at Tier 2 Plan for administration of the SAPSI-S using identified administration procedures

4 December’s Fidelity Checklist Action Plans DISCUSS & SHARE Successes Barriers Additional supports &/or resources needed Next step(s)

5 Outcomes Participants will: Create or adapt a checklist for professional development planning Identify helpful tools for professional development planning

6 Outcomes continued Participants will: Describe key points from diffusion of innovations theory and how the information can be used for RtI/MTSS coaching Describe key points related to marketing RtI/MTSS and how the information can be shared in their role as coaches

7 Connection to Illinois Professional Teaching Standards This content is directly tied to Standard 10: Reflection and Professional Growth The competent teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates how choices and actions affect students, parents, an other professionals in the learning community and actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally.


9 Review Pre- Meeting Survey Results

10 Prioritizing Activities 1.Learn what research says about effective PD and review and adapt (as desired) a checklist for effective PD 2.Learn about professional standards related to PD 3.Examine/evaluate a tool for ensuring that professional learning activities are aligned to district and school goals

11 Prioritizing Activities 4. Learn about how diffusion of innovations theory (a theory about how innovations spread) can apply to their role as a coach 5. Learn marketing tips for sales and how these could help us market ideas of RtI/MTSS 6. Examine sample presentations for school boards marketing RtI/MTSS and select favorite slides


13 How can we improve professional development? Current practices Participants fill in responses How professional development could be improved Participants fill in responses

14 What the Research Says About PD That Works Read the article (What the Research Says About PD That Works) independently Underline items you would include in a checklist if you were designing a checklist for effective PD Pair up, compare responses, and develop consensus Discuss responses

15 PD Organizers’ Checklist Review the PD Organizers’ Checklist Compare items you highlighted with items included in the checklist Discuss differences or how the checklist could be adapted or improved Create or adapt a checklist for the group

16 Important Ideas When designing PD activities, involve those who will be affected. PD as a process rather than an event Successful school reform results when individual and organizational goals are aligned and coherent. For PD to be perceived as important, must address genuine school-wide needs. Hassel, E. (1999). Professional Development: Learning from the best. Retrieved from

17 Important Ideas continued Central goal of all PD—to improve student learning Collect data related to SES, ethnicity, etc. to focus on improving learning for all students Adult learners are self-directed, capitalize on rich experience, and are focused on content relevant to their role Effective evaluation of PD must be built in from the beginning and used to make changes. Hassel, E. (1999). Professional Development: Learning from the best. Retrieved from

18 Important Ideas continued Important test of PD is its ability to respond to school-wide problems. Barriers to change: lack of central office support, district tendencies toward faddism and quick fix solutions, lack of technical support or other forms of intensive PD, teacher isolation Effective PD is embedded into the everyday life of teachers. Hassel, E. (1999). Professional Development: Learning from the best. Retrieved from

19 Time to Reflect One thing I learned during this section… One thing I would like to have clarified is… One way I could apply this learning is… Questions/Comments


21 District Strengths and Weaknesses Read the professional learning standards and rank district’s strongest and weakest two areas Write and/or discuss with a partner certain areas were selected as strong or weak areas Discuss as a group and rely on those who rated areas as strong to share ideas with others who rated those areas as weak

22 Time to Reflect One thing I learned during this section… One thing I would like to have clarified is… One way I could apply this learning is… Questions/Comments


24 Action Planner Tool for Aligning PD Read the short section on aligning PD Create an example of a district, school, team, and individual goal that are aligned and relevant for work in your district Discuss infrastructure needed to improve alignment goals and PD

25 Time to Reflect One thing I learned during this section… One thing I would like to have clarified is… One way I could apply this learning is… Questions/Comments


27 What qualities make innovations spread? Or never go anywhere? Innovations that spread… Participants fill in responses Innovations that never go anywhere… Participants fill in responses

28 A summary of Diffusion of Innovations The article is separated into three main sections: – What qualities make innovations spread? – The importance of peer-peer conversations and peer networks – Understanding the needs of different user segments Number off 1, 2, 3 so that at least two people have each section L Robinson. (2009, January). A summary of diffusion of innovations [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

29 Diffusion of Innovations Activity Continued Read your section and draw picture(s) representing the important idea(s) in your section Meet with others who read the same part and together come up with one drawing representing the important ideas Share your picture with the group and post the pictures on the wall for the rest of the session

30 Optional Video Watch the video—Leadership Lessons from the crazy dancing guy posted: Discuss how the lessons apply to your work as an RtI/MTSS Coach

31 Important Ideas Qualities that make an innovation spread: – Relative advantage – Compatibility with values and practices – Simplicity – Ability to “test drive” the innovation – Observable results L Robinson. (2009, January). A summary of diffusion of innovations [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

32 Important Ideas Continued Importance of peer-peer conversations and peer networks – We listen to people we know and trust – Face to face communication more important than mass media over time – Popular opinion leaders—well connected individuals spread ideas effectively L Robinson. (2009, January). A summary of diffusion of innovations [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

33 Important Ideas Continued Understanding the needs of different user segments – Innovators: become their first followers, invite them as partners – Early adopters: offer strong support to trial ideas, reward and promote – Late majority: refine products to meet needs, emphasize cost of being left behind – Laggards: provide high levels of personal control, maximize familiarity L Robinson. (2009, January). A summary of diffusion of innovations [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

34 Time to Reflect One thing I learned during this section… One thing I would like to have clarified is… One way I could apply this learning is… Questions/Comments


36 Excerpts from What 7 Masters of Persuasion Can Teach You… Read each section and briefly state the message of each. 1.Help them do what they already want to do….align your message with someone’s preexisting motivations. 2.Make them wait….find ways to “show your work…” R Bhargava. (2013, August 27). What 7 masters of persuasion can teach you about behavioral marketing [Web log comment]. Retrieved from you-about-behavioral-marketing.html. you-about-behavioral-marketing.html

37 Excerpts from What 7 Masters of Persuasion Can Teach You… 3. Choose words wisely...In every industry there are key words NEVER to use… 4. Name your dictator….allows you to rally all of your supporters against someone or something. 5. Look at the past…Bottom line: if it already works, it might keep working. R Bhargava. (2013, August 27). What 7 masters of persuasion can teach you about behavioral marketing [Web log comment]. Retrieved from you-about-behavioral-marketing.html. you-about-behavioral-marketing.html

38 Activity Pair up to have “A” and “B” partners. Partner “B” selects one of the main ideas listed in previous slides and generates examples of how the idea could apply to their work as an RtI/MTSS Coach Partner “A” summarizes. Switch roles. Together, discuss one or two favorite ideas or concepts to share with the group.


40 Brainstorm— What would school board members want to know about RtI/MTSS?

41 What Would Board Members Want to Know About RtI/MTSS? What is the goal of this initiative? How much does it align with our vision, mission, and system goals? How much will it cost? What data tell us it’s important enough to merit the cost? What data support the notion that it will achieve the desired results? Blumsack and McCabe. Seven signs of Effective School Board Members. Retrieved from Members.html? Members.html?css=print

42 What Would Board Members Want to Know About RtI/MTSS? Are staff ready to implement it? If not, what’s our plan? How does it fit with our existing activities? Does it conflict with anything we’re already doing? How will we evaluate results? Blumsack and McCabe. Seven signs of Effective School Board Members. Retrieved from Members.html? Members.html?css=print

43 Ask ECs to share if they have delivered presentations on RtI/MTSS to their school board. Discuss elements of an effective school board presentation. How can ideas from brainstorming be incorporated?

44 Time to Reflect One thing I learned during this section… One thing I would like to have clarified is… One way I could apply this learning is… Questions/Comments

45 Key Ideas from Today Ask participants to summarize.

46 Closing Activities Online Post-Meeting Survey PTMMVPQ PTMMVPQ External Coach Fidelity Checklist (3 new items this month) IL RtI Network and ISBE Evaluations

47 On-Site Coaching Complete the Participant Agenda and communicate your needs to your LC: – The purpose of on-site coaching is the application of the content to your work and your school/district needs. – SAPSI-S due March 1, 2014

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