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ABC Quarterly Circulation Release Meeting The future of print media – opportunities and challenges 18 February 2015 Stuart Lowe Consumer magazines.

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Presentation on theme: "ABC Quarterly Circulation Release Meeting The future of print media – opportunities and challenges 18 February 2015 Stuart Lowe Consumer magazines."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABC Quarterly Circulation Release Meeting The future of print media – opportunities and challenges 18 February 2015 Stuart Lowe Consumer magazines

2 WhyFive is a consumer insights company focused exclusively on large national syndicated surveys. We provide insights in the form of partnerships, cross-tab data, brand profiles and market reports to more than 100 leading brands and agencies. Media, retail, financial services, loyalty and e-commerce and are our key areas of expertise.

3 2016 N= 27 466 2015 N= 20 000 2015 N= 24 500 Unilever Institute Black Middle Class 4 Million Rising 2013 TopEnd 1 and 2 TopEnd 1 and 2 2012 Unilever Institute National roadshow 2013 2014 N= 20 000+

4 2016A Field: Nov 2015 Insights: Feb 2016 Field: March 2016 Insights: April 2016 Field: Sept 2016 Insights: Nov 2016 2016B Field: May 2016 Insights: July 2016 WhyFive Solar System

5 introducing Brand Media and Product Profiler A bi-annual syndicated landscape study of economically active South Africans

6 Vital Statistics 1 million+ survey emails send 27 446 respondents (completers) 277 questions 860 brand filters 400 media filters 470 segment categories Trending and evolving every six months

7  demographics  home life  education & employment  income & expenditure  health & wellbeing  psychographics  sports and interests  property  banking  investments  insurance  loyalty & rewards  grocery shopping  shopping for clothes  general shopping  eating  drinking  travel & transport  mobile, digital & online  automotive  mediagraphics  ubuntu & giving back The BrandMapp brand profiler slide pack contains 277 charts divided into 22 sections: Imagine what your rate card could look like!

8 The SA income distribution Population pyramid (MHHI) according to Stats SA SA annual household income R200 million 70% Poor or struggling class <R5000 per month 20% 10% R5 000+ R10 000+ R800 million R1 trillion SA earns R2 trillion a year in gross income

9 10% R10 000+ R30K+ R30K to R10K 20% R5 000+ 37% between R10K and R30K 51% of our sample are R30K+ MHHI 12% are under R10K

10 Know your truth A framework for sanity and happiness … “Cathedral of the Wild” by Boyd Varty Let go of the outcome Stick to the process

11 Know your truth Ignorance Denial Your Truth

12 Know your truth - 6% Not financially viable

13 Know your truth Not financially viable The SA Sports Seventeen HEAT Africa Geo Rugby World NAG Playboy Wine Oprah FHM Shape The Survivors – YOU!

14 Crucial skills are lost Quality is compromised The Industry is in decline Circulation is down Ad sales revenues down Costs are cut No Shareholder confidence Profitability is poor Know your truth Fewer people read print

15 Crucial skills are retained Quality is elevated The Industry is BIG Audiences are unique Brands pay more for quality Tactical investments made Shareholders have faith Profit is a possibility Know your truth More people read print

16 The survivors Go Fishing! Know your truth

17 Don’t Buy Magazines 28% More Less 39% Same 27% 6%6% Magazine readership versus a year ago Know your truth Are you buying magazines more, the same or less than a year ago? BrandMapp 2016A Sample = 27 466 More + same - Less = 6%

18 Know your truth Are you buying magazines more same less than a year ago? BrandMapp 2016A Sample = 27 466

19 Less 39% Same 27% 6%6% Know your truth How often do you buy magazines from the newsstand? BrandMapp 2016A Sample = 27 466

20 Know your truth Young <35 years What type of magazines do you read regularly? “I don’t read any magazines” 4 year trend BrandMapp 2012- 2015 Sample = 27 466

21 Know your truth Not financially viable Young White Males & Females Young & old Black Males Old white males & females Young and old black females

22 N eeds + P erceptions Stick to the Process = B ehaviour

23 a unique content optimisation tool for publishers, media owners and content marketers

24 Cream clients for 2015 your title HERE!! your title HERE!!

25 Y5 and client agree on the competitive set Sticking to our process Y5 and client agree on content variables – Topics –Tone and style Measure reader’s needs & importance of topics, tone, style We measure reader’s relative perceptions of titles / brands We produce a roadmap for brand and content development … and many other things along the way!

26 What do they want to read about? Q: Choose the health and wellbeing topics that you are interested in. Base: All respondents Health & Wellbeing Magazines clear ‘must have’s’

27 How do you like it? Style and Tone Q: Choose the words or phrases that describe the style and tone you prefer in a fashion magazine. Health & Wellbeing Magazines None of this thanks! More of this please!

28 The WhyFive HOT BUTTONS map – How it works … RELATIVE PERCEPTIONS IMPORTANCE CREATE Important but not delivered fully CREATE Important but not delivered fully DIFFERENTIATE Nice to-have DIFFERENTIATE Nice to-have RATIONALIZE Less important RATIONALIZE Less important REINFORCE Important – get this wrong at your peril! REINFORCE Important – get this wrong at your peril!

29 Hot buttons map – Shoprite CREATE REINFORCE NICE-TO-HAVE LESS IMPORTANT LEVEL OF ASSOCIATION IMPORTANCE Topics hot buttons map – Female General Interest Title X Health & Wellbeing Magazines

30 Correspondence Map – Attribute association Style and tone hot buttons map – Female General Interest Title X CREATE REINFORCE NICE-TO-HAVE LESS IMPORTANT LEVEL OF ASSOCIATION IMPORTANCE Health & Wellbeing Magazines

31 How do you want it? Digital or Print? Base: All respondents / interested in topics Q: Choose a preferred method for getting information on each of the topics that interest you. Health & Wellbeing Magazines Print doesn’t ‘win’ anything - not even columns! Print

32 Take Outs Know your Truth Let go of the outcome Stick to the process Your industry truth Your category truth Your title’s truth Your audience truth Know your readers and your rival’s readers Know and track their needs and perceptions Focus on quality - not quantity Lose-Go fishing! Sustain-Know your truth Win-Know and grow Remember September

33 “Without data you are just another person with an opinion” W. Edwards Deming Our WhyFive Truth

34 Thankyou! For more information or a demonstration of the power of BrandMapp please contact: Stuart Lowe Director WhyFive Insights Pty Ltd m083 443 8111 tstuartoweSA whyfiveSA

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