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Space weather This report is all about the fascinating facts about space weather if you would like to find out more just read this report thank you!

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Presentation on theme: "Space weather This report is all about the fascinating facts about space weather if you would like to find out more just read this report thank you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space weather This report is all about the fascinating facts about space weather if you would like to find out more just read this report thank you!

2 What is the sun made of ? The sun is a humongous bubbling ball of fire. It constantly belches out great clouds of hot gas. The sun is made by mostly of the 70% hydrogen And helium 28% carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5% and other 0.5% is small amounts of elements such as neon, iron, silicon,magnesium and sulfur. The sun produces energy and is like a massive power plant. sunSun

3 What is space weather? Space weather that happens in space it is caused by the sun and it burps plasma and magnetic activity. Click the picture below to find out about space weather. Aurora

4 What are the effects on Earth of the sun? How do we know this? If there is a big enough CME it could get to your gadgets and they will get turned off!!! The CME is the magnetic activity from the north and if another magnetic force gets to it could wipe out all of are electrical gadgets!!! sun Earth sun

5 Aurora The Aurora is an amazing part of space the sun is wear it will start. It will start in the centre of the sun and it will release energy inside the sun. When sun spots appear the aurora will start to form solar flares will start to come out and will bend like an elastic band. Adventurously it will snap and will start traveling though space it can reach up to speeds of 8,000,000 kph. After 6 hours it will reach mercury after 12 hours it will go past Venus and after 18 hour it will get to Earth. The magnetic field couple to gather to brake the solar flarer will brake and the magnetic field will act like a funnel this is the day light aurora. The magnetic field stretches further back and couple together the magnetic rubber band brakes and he gas from the solar star streams along the magnetic line towards the poles on the night sky this is the night time Aurora.

6 Why do we need to wear sun cream? We need to wear sun cream to protect us from the UV raise of the sun. On a sunny day it is extremely important to wear sun cream if you do not wear sun cream on a sunny day you might get burn by the UV raise therefore you could get skin cancer. The sun cream helps to block the ultra violet rays between 11am-3pm you need to take extra care in the sun. Children must wear at least factor 30. Sun cream

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