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Library Media Program Evaluation – 5 Ws & 1 H Auburn City Schools Auburn, AL.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Media Program Evaluation – 5 Ws & 1 H Auburn City Schools Auburn, AL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Media Program Evaluation – 5 Ws & 1 H Auburn City Schools Auburn, AL

2 Who are we? Susan Bannon –Assoc. Prof. & Director, LRC –Program administration & services Judith Lechner –Professor, Library Media –Information literacy & services Sara Wolf –Assistant Professor, Library Media –Instructional technology & services

3 What is the ACS mission? Educate all students to the fullest level of their potential Inspire all student to value learning Empower all students to live productive and satisfying lives

4 What do we know about ACS? Student achievement is high Good library media programs –Certified library media specialists (LMS) –Effective leadership Automation & technology Evaluation & professional development of LMS –Policies, budget, resources, facilities, etc. –Information literacy objectives –LMS & Emphasis on Reading (EOR)

5 What will we do? Evaluate library media programs Advise/recommend according to established guidelines and standards

6 What guidelines will be used? National guidelines & Information literacy standards

7 What guidelines will be used? Alabama guidelines & Information literacy objectives

8 Why do we care? Library media programs –Critical to student achievement –Leading way with technology –Inspire literacy in learners Library media specialists –Instructional partners –Teach information literacy & technology skills

9 How will we work? Gather data – various methods –Focus groups –Interviews –Observations –Surveys, checklists, questionnaires, etc. –Document analysis –Collection analysis

10 How will we work? Individual visits Team visits Communication Collaboration

11 Where will we work? In all schools K-12 –Observations and visits Possible retreat for LMS Virtually –Blogs (weblogs) –Wikis (document development) –WebCT community

12 When will we work? Spring 2006 –Meet with administrators Summer 2006 –Meet with LMS –Review evaluation plan Fall 2006 –Data gathering Spring 2007 –Finalize data gathering and report

13 Summary Three essential interactive & iterative components of LMP: 1.Informational (Resources & technology) 2.Transformational (Literacy partners) 3.Formational (Student achievement)

14 Closing Where are we now? Where do we need to be? How can we get there? Make good school libraries better!

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