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v-semester MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER CHAPTER NO.3 8086 & Peripheral Interfacing II
CHAPTER 3:- SYLLABUS . Topic 1: Programmable interval timer/counter 8254 1 Topic 2: Architecture, working modes, interfacing 8259 PIC 2 Topic 3: Organization, control words, interfacing, cascading of 8259’s 3 Topic 4: Serial communication, Classification & transmission formats, USART 8251, Pins & block diagram 4 Topic 5: Interfacing with 8086 & programming 5 DTEL 2
CHAPTER-3 SPECIFIC Objective / course outcome
The student will be able to: Learn Programmable interval timer/counter 8254 1 Understand Organization, control words, interfacing, cascading of 8259’s 2 Learn Serial communication, Classification & transmission formats of USART 8251 3 Understand Architecture, working modes, interfacing 8259 PIC 4 Interface I/O devices to 8086 & write program for it. 5 DTEL 3
Features LECTURE 24:- 8254/8253 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter
8254 is very versatile and can be used in many applications There are several modes of operation for different applications. Intel 8253 and 8254 are almost pin-to-pin compatible except The maximum input clock frequency for 8253 and 8254 is 2.6 MHz and 8 MHz, respectively. (10MHz for ) 4 DTEL 4
8254/8253 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter
LECTURE 24:- 8254/8253 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter Continue…. 8254 has a read-back feature which allows you to latch the count in all the counters and the status of the counter at any point does not have this feature. 8254 contains three 16-bit counters. The counter can be programmed to load the initial count, start and stop the count. 8254 has an 8-bit interface to data bus, and two address input A0 and A1 to address each of the three counters. 5 DTEL 5
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter
LECTURE 24:- 8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter D7-D0: System data bus CLK0: Clock for counter 0 Gate0: Gate for counter 0 CLK1: Clock for counter 1 Gate1: Gate for counter 1 CLK2: Clock for counter 2 Gate2: Gate for counter 2 A1-A0: Address select 00: Counter 0 01: Counter 1 10: Counter 2 11: Control Register Vcc: Power (+5V) Ground: RD: Read enable WR: Write enable CS: Chip select signal OUT0: Output of counter0 OUT1: Output of counter1 OUT2: Output of counter2 Figure 3.1:-Pin Diagram of 8254 6 DTEL 6
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter
LECTURE 25:- 8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter 8 Figure 3.2: 8254 Block Diagram DTEL 8
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter
LECTURE 25:- 8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter 9 Figure 3.3: Control Register format for 8254 DTEL 9
Programming the 8254 LECTURE 25:-
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter Programming the 8254 Each counter is programmed individually by writing A control word The initial count Control word selects Counter Mode of operation Type of operation (read/write) Type of count (binary/BCD) 10 DTEL 10
Programming the 8254 LECTURE 25:-
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter Programming the 8254 Program sequence 1: Program control word 1 Program control word 2 Program LSB1 Program LSB 2 Program MSB 1 Program MSB 2 Program sequence 2: Program LSB 1 11 DTEL 11
8254 Modes of Operation LECTURE 26:-
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter 8254 Modes of Operation Mode 0: Events counter. Mode 1: One shot pulse Mode 2: Continuous pulses, one clock pulse wide Mode 3: Continuous square-wave as long as Gate is 1 Mode 4: Software triggered one-shot pulse Mode 5: Hardware triggered one-shot pulse 13 DTEL 13
Modes of Operation LECTURE 26:-
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter Modes of Operation Figure 3.4:-Mode 0: Events counter (used for system time) Figure 3.5:- Mode 1: One shot pulse 14 DTEL 14
Modes of Operation LECTURE 26:-
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter Modes of Operation Figure 3.6:-Mode 2: Continuous pulses Figure 3.7:-Mode 3: Continuous square-wave 15 DTEL 15
Modes of Operation LECTURE 26:-
8254 Software-Programmable Timer/Counter Modes of Operation Figure 3.8:-Mode 4: Software triggered one-shot pulse Figure 3.9:-Mode 5: Hardware triggered one-shot pulse 16 DTEL 16
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 27:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259 – PIC Interrupts in PC Interrupts and calls Programming 8259 Interfacing 8259 in PC 18 DTEL 18
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 27:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller What is Interrupt 19 DTEL 19
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 27:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller 8086/88 Interrupts 256 Interrupts. Types 00 ……. FF. Type is provided in a specified timing. 20 DTEL 20
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Interrupt Vector Table
LECTURE 27:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Interrupt Vector Table 21 Figure 3.10: List of designated interrupt for 8086 DTEL 21
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Answering an Interrupt
LECTURE 27:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Answering an Interrupt Save status FR, IP, CS Service the interrupt Interrupt service routing (ISR) or Interrupt handler Based on Interrupt vector number From Interrupt vector table Four bytes for every interrupt: CS:IP Return to original position by IRET 22 DTEL 22
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 27:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Difference with Call CALL FAR can jump to any location (1M range) Hardware interrupts can come at any time. Interrupts are maskable. After CALL only CS:IP is saved End of routine: RETF vs. IRET. 23 DTEL 23
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 28:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Interrupt Categories Hardware interrupts: Only 3 pin, but how 256 interrupt? INTR (in), NMI (in), and INTA (out) INTR can be masked by CLI / STI Active high. 80x86 finished instruction. Push FR, CS, IP NMI: INT 02. Software interrupts INT n Example: INT 21H (DOS functions) 25 DTEL 25
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 28:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Interrupt and Flags 26 Figure 3.11:- Flag register for 8086 DTEL 26
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Predefined Interrupts
LECTURE 28:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Predefined Interrupts INT 00 (divide error) INT 01 (single step) Set Trap flag (how?) PUSHF, POP AX, … Trace in debug INT 02 (NMI) INT 03 (breakpoint) INT 04 (signed number overflow) INT) instruction Examine Interrupt vector table. Examine INT 12H (size of conventional RAM in AX) 27 DTEL 27
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 3.12: 8259 PIC pin diagram 29 DTEL 29
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 3.13: 8259 PIC Block diagram 30 DTEL 30
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 3.14: 8259 PIC Block diagram 31 DTEL 31
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Programming the 8259A Programmed by Initialization (ICWs) and Operation (OCWs) Command Words. There are 4 ICWs. At power-up, ICW1, ICW2 and ICW4 must be sent. If ICW1 indicates cascade mode, then ICW3 must also be sent. 32 DTEL 32
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Control Word (initialization) Table No. 3.1:-8259 Control Word selection 33 DTEL 33
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 3.15:- Initialization of command word ICW1 LTIM indicates if IRQ lines are positive edge-triggered or level-triggered. 34 DTEL 34
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 3.16:- Initialization of command word ICW2 These bits determine the vector numbers used with the IRQ inputs. For example, if programmed to generate vectors 08H-0FH, 08H is placed into these bit positions. 35 DTEL 35
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller ICW3 Figure 3.17:- Initialization of command word ICW3 36 DTEL 36
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller ICW4 Figure 3.18:- Initialization command word for ICW 4 37 DTEL 37
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 29:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller ICW4 Fully nested mode allows the highest-priority interrupt request from a slave to be recognized by the master while it is processing another interrupt from a slave. AEOI, if 1, indicates that an interrupt automatically resets the interrupt request bit, otherwise OCW2 is consulted for EOI processing. 38 DTEL 38
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Masking and Prioritization
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Masking and Prioritization Table No. 3.2:- Address for 8259 OCW (operation command word) CS^-1 A0 Operation command word OCW2,OCW3 1 OCW1 x 8259 is not addressed The Operation Command Words (OCWs) are used to direct the operation of the 8259A. 40 DTEL 40
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller OCW1 is used to read or set the interrupt mask register. If a bit is set, it will turn off (mask) the corresponding interrupt input Figure 3.19:- Programming OCW 1 41 DTEL 41
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Figure 3.20:- Programming OCW2 42 DTEL 42
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Programming OCW2 Non-specific EOI: Here, the ISR sets this bit to indicate EOI. The 8259A automatically determines which interrupt was active and re-enables it and lower priority interrupts. Specific EOI: ISR resets a specific interrupt request given by L2-L0. Rotate commands cause priority to be rotated w.r.t. the current one being processed. Set priority: allows the setting of the lowest priority interrupt (L2-L0). 43 DTEL 43
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller OCW3 Figure 3.21:- Programming OCW3 44 DTEL 44
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller OCW3 Programming OCW3 If polling is set, the next read operation will read the poll word. If the leftmost bit is set in the poll word, the rightmost 3 bits indicate the active interrupt request with highest priority. Allows ISR to service highest priority interrupt. There are three status registers, Interrupt Request Register (IRR), In-Service Register (ISR) and Interrupt Mask Register (IMR). 45 DTEL 45
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259 in PC XT ICW1: 13H ICW2: 08H ICW3: 09H Figure 3.22:- Chip select decoder of 8259A 46 DTEL 46
8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Interrupt Sources in PC
LECTURE 30:- 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Interrupt Sources in PC 47 Figure 3.23: Sources of hardware interrupt DTEL 47
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 31:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Introduction 8251A is a USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) for serial data communication. Programmable peripheral designed for synchronous /asynchronous serial data communication, packaged in a 28-pin DIP. Receives parallel data from the CPU & transmits serial data after conversion. Also receives serial data from the outside & transmits parallel data to the CPU after conversion. 49 DTEL 49
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 31:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface 50 Figure 3.24: Pin Diagram of 8251A USART DTEL 50
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 31:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface 51 Figure 3.25: Block diagram of the 8251 USART DTEL 51
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 31:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Sections of 8251A Data Bus buffer Read/Write Control Logic Modem Control Transmitter Receiver 1. Data Bus Buffer D0-D7 : 8-bit data bus used to read or write status, command word or data from or to the 8251A 52 DTEL 52
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 31:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface 2. Read/Write Control logic Includes a control logic, six input signals & three buffer registers: Data register, control register & status register. Control logic : Interfaces the chip with MPU, determines the functions of the chip according to the control word in the control register & monitors the data flow. 53 DTEL 53
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 31:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Input Signals CS – Chip Select : When signal goes low, the 8251A is selected by the MPU for communication. C/D – Control/Data : When signal is high, the control or status register is addressed; when it is low, data buffer is addressed. (Control register & status register are differentiated by WR and RD signals) WR : When signal is low, the MPU either writes in the control register or sends output to the data buffer. 54 DTEL 54
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Input Signals . RD : When signal goes low, the MPU either reads a status from the status register or accepts data from data buffer. RESET : A high on this signal reset 8252A & forces it into the idle mode. CLK : Clock input, usually connected to the system clock for communication with the microprocessor. 56 DTEL 56
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Control Register 16-bit register for a control word consist of two independent bytes namely mode word & command word. Mode word : Specifies the general characteristics of operation such as baud, parity, number of bits etc. Command word : Enables the data transmission and reception. Register can be accessed as an output port when the Control/Data pin is high. 57 DTEL 57
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Status register Checks the ready status of the peripheral. Status word in the status register provides the information concerning register status and transmission errors. Data register Used as an input and output port when the C/D is low Table No. 3.3:-Operation selection from 8251 CS C/D WR RD Operation 1 × MPU reads data from data buffer MPU writes data from data buffer MPU writes a word to control register MPU reads a word from status register Chip is not selected for any operation 58 DTEL 58
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface 3. Modem Control DSR - Data Set Ready : Checks if the Data Set is ready when communicating with a modem. DTR - Data Terminal Ready : Indicates that the device is ready to accept data when the 8251 is communicating with a modem. CTS - Clear to Send : If its low, the 8251A is enabled to transmit the serial data provided the enable bit in the command byte is set to ‘1’. RTS - Request to Send Data : Low signal indicates the modem that the receiver is ready to receive a data byte from the modem. 59 DTEL 59
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface 4. Transmitter section Accepts parallel data from MPU & converts them into serial data. Has two registers: Buffer register : To hold eight bits Output register : To convert eight bits into a stream of serial bits. Figure 3.26: Block diagram of the 8251 Transmission section 60 DTEL 60
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Continue… The MPU writes a byte in the buffer register. Whenever the output register is empty; the contents of buffer register are transferred to output register. Transmitter section consists of three output & one input signals TxD - Transmitted Data Output : Output signal to transmit the data to peripherals TxC - Transmitter Clock Input : Input signal, controls the rate of transmission. 61 DTEL 61
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Continue… Transmitter section consists of three output & one input signals TxRDY - Transmitter Ready : Output signal, indicates the buffer register is empty and the USART is ready to accept the next data byte. TxE - Transmitter Empty : Output signal to indicate the output register is empty and the USART is ready to accept the next data byte. 62 DTEL 62
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface 5. Receiver Section Accepts serial data on the RxD pin and converts them to parallel data. Has two registers : Receiver input register Buffer register Figure 3.27: Block diagram of the 8251 Receiver section 63 DTEL 63
8251A programmable Communication Interface
LECTURE 32:- 8251A programmable Communication Interface Continue.. When RxD goes low, the control logic assumes it is a start bit, waits for half bit time, and samples the line again. If the line is still low, the input register accepts the following data, and loads it into buffer register at the rate determined by the receiver clock. RxRDY - Receiver Ready Output: Output signal, goes high when the USART has a character in the buffer register & is ready to transfer it to the MPU. RxD - Receive Data Input : Bits are received serially on this line & converted into a parallel byte in the receiver input register. RxC - Receiver Clock Input : Clock signal that controls the rate at which bits are received by the USART. 64 DTEL 64
Chapter 3 Question Bank LECTURE 32:-
Draw the pin diagram of 8251 and explain various pins. Write a short note on USART. Define the following the following errors of 8251 i)Parity error ii) Overrun error iii) Framing error Write short note on RS-232C serial data standard. Explain all the modes of 8254 with neat waveforms. Design a programmable timer using 8254 and Interface 8254 at an address 0080H for counter 0 and write the following programs. The 8086 and 8254 operates at 6MHz & 1.5MHz resp. i)To generate a square wave of 1ms period ii)To interrupt the process after 10 ms iii)To derive the mono-shot pulse with quasistable state of 5ms period. Draw the architecture of 8259 and explain the facilities available therein. Explain the initialization command word for 8259 with their formats. Explain special mask mode & polling mode of 8259.
LECTURE 32:- Summary 8251 (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receive Transmit) is an 28 pin IC use for serial communication. It is having three errors as I )parity error ii) overrun error iii)framing error RS-232 C standard is an it is developed by EIA and used for serial data communication. This standard describes the functions of 25 signals and handshake pins are provided for serial communication. 8254(programmable interval timer/counter)is a 24 pin IC used for generating delay or counter. It is having 5 modes of operation. 8259 is a programmable interrupt controller. It is 28 pin IC which contains interrupt control logic block. ICL helps to arrange the priorities of interrupt and give it to 8086.
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