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Published byBlanche Wells Modified over 8 years ago
LANL Medium Energy Nuclear Physics Cold Nuclear Matter and Spin Physics Overview May 24, 2010 Overview – Mike Leitch Physics – Cold Nuclear Matter, Spin Hardware – Muon Tracker, FVTX People, Highlights, Budget, Future Cold Nuclear Matter – Pat McGaughey RHIC Spin – Xiaodong Jiang 1 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
2 Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) Physics NSAC Milestone: DM8 – “Determine gluon densities at low x in cold nuclei via p + Au or d + Au collisions.“ Leading twist gluon shadowing Coherence models & higher-twist (HT) shadowing Small-x gluon saturation: 2 1 diagrams become important and deplete the low-x region; amplified in a nucleus. R G Pb Q 2 = 1.69 GeV 2 EPS08 EPS09 nDS EKS98 HKN07 x NSAC Milestone: DM12 – “…constrain the mechanism for parton energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma.” And what about energy loss in cold nuclear matter? R(A/p) R=1 xFxF With energy loss E866/NuSea, 800 GeV, J/Ψ p+W / p+Be ratio R(W/Be) xFxF shadowing only Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
3 PHENIX Preliminary J/ suppression in CNM for RHIC d+Au compared to lower energy experiments (Colorado, Leitch, Pereira) New J/ suppression from 2008 d+Au data (Colorado, Leitch, Pereira) Upsilon suppression in 2008 d+Au data (K. Lee (Korea U.), Leitch, …) Recent CNM results from d+Au collisions , and suppression for forward-rapidity (Lei Guo, …) Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
4 Quark Energy Loss in Nuclei - FNAL E906 (120 GeV) Energy loss upper limits based on E866 Drell-Yan measurement & EKS shadowing In E866 at 800 GeV, the nuclear dependence of Drell-Yan on nuclear targets could not unambiguously separate shadowing and dE/dx effects at low x for 120 GeV, x > 0.1 & only quark dE/dx remains LANL LDRD, Ming Liu, I. Vitev, 2008-2010 Detector & physics simulations; dE/dx theory Muon detectors from applied program, shipped to FNAL & being tested E866 software expertise E906 Collaboration & software meeting @Los Alamos, 1/7/09 Ming Liu, Pat McGaughey, Mike Leitch, Han Liu, and others E906 Schedule : Runs in 2011, 2012 q,gq,g Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
5 Spin Physics – Forward W’s & Drell-Yan Present Muon tracker resolution good enough so far for J/ , but only ~300 m Need (design) 100 m to separate W + from W - at high momentum! LANL studying low-level cluster resolution, alignment, pileup/crosstalk, etc to reach the design resolution NSAC Milestone: HP8 – “Measure flavor-identified q and qbar contributions to the spin of the proton via the longitudinal-spin asymmetry.” PHENIX Muon Arms NSAC Milestone: HP13 – “Test unique QCD predictions for relations between single-spin phenomena in p-p scattering and those observed in deep-inelastic lepton scattering” 70% polariz. Correlation between parton p T inside proton and the proton spin Opposite sign expected for Drell-Yan compared to DIS - attractive vs repulsive color charge force s = 200 GeV P = 70% “Transverse-Spin Drell-Yan Physics at RHIC” ( Les Bland, Stanley J. Brodsky, Gerry Bunce, Ming Liu, Matthias Grosse- Perdekamp, Akio Ogawa, Werner Vogelsang, Feng Yuan Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
6 Transverse Spin Asymmetries Preliminary measurement for 2006 single muons asymmetries driven by correlations between proton spin and gluon transverse momentum excludes maximum gluon Sivers from Anselmino PRD 70, 074205 (2004) precision measurement with FVTX in the future Recent COMPASS results for Sivers Asymmetry are different from naïve expectation based on earlier HERMES measurements Why? – different kinematics, experimental and/or theoretical uncertainties? Jlab E06-010 Transverse neutron Single Spin Asymm. (SSA) Independent measurement, Jiang & Puckett Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
LANL Contributed PHENIX Muon Trackers Muon Tracker Contributions - Designed, built, commissioned Muon Trackers Current Responsibilities - DC Member, provide many on-call expert shifts per run, lead and perform maintenance each year, work with Muon Trigger upgrade group Muon Tracker Analyses - Provided much of the simulation & reconstruction software, online QA software for the Muon Trackers. Lead roles in most muon physics analyses (sustained staff, post-doc effort required for maintenance of detectors) 7 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
prompt Silicon Trackers Enhance RHIC Physics Program FVTX (Forward VerTeX detector) - significantly enhancing the Muon Physics program with precision tracking Physics Measurements - precision open heavy flavor measurements, flavor-separation, significantly improved vector meson program, Drell-Yan, improved W background rejection LDRD funds - signficantly advanced R&D & theory LANL Role - Project Leaders, DAQ, sensor and readout chip, software Cost $4.9M, Completion 2011 - for Run12 LANL Initiated + Leading FVTX Effort 8 Single-spin asymmetry for heavy-quarks Improvement J/Ψ, Ψ’ mass resolution & lower background (light meson decays) J/Ψ Ψ’Ψ’ Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
PHENIX Team and MEP Personnel Technical Staff Members (2.0 FTEs in FY09 supported by MEP) : Melynda Brooks, Xiaodong Jiang, Jon Kapustinsky, Gerd Kunde, David Lee, Mike Leitch, Ming-Xiong Liu, Pat McGaughey, Walt Sondheim, Hubert vanHecke LDRD-supported Staff and Post-Docs (0.4 FTE Staff, 2.0 FTE Post-Doc ): Ming Liu (25%), Pat McGaughey (15%), Christine Aidala (100%), Andrew Puckett (100%) Post-Docs (1 FTE on KB01 in FY09) : Carlos Camacho, Lei Guo, Han Liu, Anuj Purwar, Catherine Silvestre, Zhengyun You Students and Full-Time Visitors: Hisham Albataineh (NMSU, recently graduated), Husseing Al’Taani (NMSU, now at BNL) Hugo Pereira (staff, Saclay), Xiaorong Wang (NMSU staff) 2.0 FTE Staff + 1.0 FTE PD on DOE funds 0.4 FTE Staff + 2.0 FTE Post-Docs on LDRD funds *Bold-face indicates primary contributors to MEP work 9 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
Program Evolution: May 2006 - Present Staffing changes: TSM Xiaodong Jiang hired Significant increase in post-doc levels through LDRD funded fellowships Program evolution Better performance from RHIC in luminosity, polarization. Analyses moving to publication. FVTX detector evolved to DOE-funded project. Underwent scientific and technical review by DOE, accompanied by many more simulations of performance. Secured LDRD funding to provide muon identification detectors, and perform energy loss measurement using FNAL E906 Transitory effort at JLAB (Xiaodong and LDRD-funded post-doc) 10 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
DOE Supported Efforts Medium Energy Physics - RHIC Spin and Cold Nuclear Matter, E906, JLAB $1035k/FY09 FVTX (Project Management, Mechanical, DAQ, Readout Chip and Sensor Oversight) VTX (construction funds for Walt Sondheim) PHENIX Muon Tracker - continued maintenance, expert shifts, etc. Heavy Ion Physics - RHIC HI and Cold Nuclear Matter $2498k/FY09 LDRD-Supported Efforts The First Precise Determination of Quark Energy Loss in Nuclei (FNAL E906) (2008-2010) $250k/year Christine Aidala, Frederick Reines Post-Doc, “Measurement of Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries of Neutral Pion and Eta Meson Production in Polarized p+p Collisions Using the PHENIX Detector at RHIC” (2009-2011) $180k/year Andrew Puckett, Director’s funded Post-Doc, Experimental Studies On the Origin of Nucleon Spin) (2010-2011) $125k/year Funds Supporting PHENIX Team Efforts 11 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
12 Key Roles PHENIX Physics Working Group Conveners (past) – Leitch, Aidala, Brooks PHENIX Paper Writing – many PPG’s & IRC’s PHENIX Executive Council - Leitch PHENIX Speakers Bureau – Leitch, Aidala PHENIX 2010 Decadal Plan Writing committee – Leitch, Aidala PHENIX Deputy Director for Upgrades - Leitch PHENIX Detector Council Member for Muon Tracker – Leitch (present), Brooks, McGaughey (past) PHENIX Run Coordinator for 2007 & 2008 – Leitch PHENIX Period Coordinators – Liu, Leitch FVTX Project Leaders – Brooks, Kapustinsky FVTX & VTX Lead Mechanical Engineer – Sondheim Co-convener of RHIC-II pA/Forward Physics – Leitch FNAL E866/NuSea Spokesman – Leitch, McGaughey (past), Garvey (past) Organizers for 2010 Santa Fe DNP meeting – Brooks, Leitch, Vitev APS Hadron Phys. Topical Group Exec. Council – Leitch (past) Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
13 Some Recent Highlights 2008 d+Au J/Ψ RCP for QM09 - Leitch + Colorado , , R CP in d+Au at forward rapidity – Guo Working on and C – K. Lee (Korea U.), Leitch A LL and A N for forward heavy-quarks and for J/ - M. Liu, H. Liu Forward rapidity η A N using forward calorimeter (MPC) – Aidala E06-10/-011 (neutron A N ) co-spokesman, leading analysis – Jiang, Puckett Hawaii DNP mtg d+Au talk; two d+Au J/Ψ talks at ECT & Seattle/INT; Lead PHENIX talk at QM09 - Leitch Rutgers LRP mtg d+Au talk - Leitch RHIC/AGS ‘07, ‘08 & PKU-RBRC ‘08Transverse Spin talks – H. Liu WWND 10 Transverse Spin; PKU-RBRC ‘08 Drell-Yan talks – M. Liu EINN 09, HANUC ‘09 Lectures, SPIN ‘08, … invited talks – Aidala EIC talk at WWND ‘08, - Aidala Transversity ‘08 – Jiang RHIC Spin Drell-Yan white paper – M. Liu coauthor E906 muID tubes, 1 st detectors on floor at FNAL – M. Liu, H. Liu, McGaughey CNI Polarimeter results for 2006 run – H. Liu, Camacho E906 Collaboration mtg in Los Alamos – M. Liu & others SpinFest organizer – M. Liu Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
14 Extending Gluon Saturation, Energy Loss and Nculeon Structure Studies to an Electron-Ion Collider e-p(A) collisions at high energy and luminosity using collider clean well-understood EM-probe next large-scale facility in U.S. Nucl. Phys. LANL group: Explore EIC physics opportunities gluon saturation, parton dE/dx & FF’s nucleon (spin) structure electroweak structure of nucleon Establish (Nat. Lab.) role in detector development Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
Outlook: LANL Medium Energy Physics 15 Continue active leadership of the CNM Program centered on PHENIX Push E906 through to CNM dE/dx physics result Lead in the muon detector based forward-rapidity RHIC spin program Work towards W measurement solve high-momentum charge separation problem in muon tracker Forward-rapidity transverse asymmetry measurements Harvest new physics enabled by the PHENIX FVTX upgrade Carry out analysis of present JLAB data; low-level 12-GeV JLab physics? Explore EIC physics and establish role in detector development PHENIX Preliminary Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
2010201120122013201420152016201720182019 CNM from Run8 W A L (sea contrib. to nucl. spin) forw transv. CNM with FVTX W, DY transv. FVTX physics E906 dE/dx JPARC Pol. DY? A N n JLab 12-GeV JLab? EIC high in LRP? LHC p+A? FVTX construction LANL detector initiative & physics planning E906 strengthened by new Director’s (LDRD) Post Doc and/or student JLab A N n enabled by present Dir’s PD & LDRD ER, finishes present analyses 12-GeV Jlab does not fit; possible LDRD? Polarized DY (at JParc), LHC p+A are other more virtual, but interesting, possibilities EIC physics development A Decadal View for the LANL ME Physics Program 16 rough milestones Physics with FVTX for multiple species of collisions Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
17 Backup Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
Requested KB01 Support FVTX & Muon Tracker hardware work to enable physics included in “RHIC Analysis” (and shared with KB02); E906 also supported in part by KB02 DOE (red); LDRD (blue); staff members (underlined) $120k PD increase in FY11 + 3.5%/yr inflation FY10 (TSM + PD) FY11 (TSM + PD) FY12 (TSM + PD) FY13 (TSM + PD) RHIC Analyses 1.6 + 0.9 + 0.8 1.5 + 1 + 0.8 1.6 + 1 + 0.5 1.6 + 1 + 0.5 E9060.3 + 0.10.4 + 1 + 1 0.3 + 1 + 1 0.2 + 1 + 1 EIC0.1 + 0.2 0.1 0.4 + 0.5 0.2 0.4 + 0.5 JLab0.3 + 10.3? + 1LDRD? DOE FTE2 + 0.92 + 2 KB01 Funds$1035k$1195k$1237k$1281k LDRD FTE0.3 + 2.10.3? + 20.4 + 1 18 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
FY10 WhoRHIC (FTE) JLab (FTE) LDRD (FTE) Leitch0.3 CNM, EIC McGaughey0.1 E906 M. Liu0.4 W 0.3 Transv. 0.1 DY 0.2 E906 Jiang0.6 Transv.0.3 Transv. H. Liu (PD)0.90.1 E906 Aidala (PD) (2009-2011) 0.4 Transv. 0.4 ALL 0.2 EIC Puckett (PD) (2010-2011) 0.7 n-asymm. 0.3 12-GeV New PD Total1.7 + 0.9 PD0.30.3 + 1.1+1 PD DOE Total2.0 + 0.9 PD FVTX & Muon Tracker hardware work to enable above physics E906 LDRD ends at end of FY10 PD’s in LDRD column are supported by LDRD 19 Fitting Effort into Available FTE’s Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
FY11 - with JLab LDRD + E906 PD WhoRHIC (FTE) JLab (FTE) LDRD (FTE) Leitch0.3 CNM, EIC McGaughey0.1 E906 M. Liu0.3 W 0.3Transv. 0.1 DY 0.3 E906 Jiang0.6 Transv.0.3 JLab H. Liu (PD)1.0 Aidala (PD) (2009-2011) 0.4 Transv. 0.4 ALL 0.2 EIC Puckett (PD) (2010-2011) 0.7 n-asymm. 0.3 12-GeV New PD1 PD (E906) Total2.00 + 2 PD0.3 + 1+1 PD DOE Total2.0 + 2 PD FVTX & Muon Tracker hardware work to enable above physics JLab staff effort requires new LDRD support New PD enables E906 completion through physics PD’s in LDRD column are supported by LDRD 20 Fitting Effort into Available FTE’s Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
FY13-FY14 - with ramp-up of EIC WhoRHIC (FTE) JLab (FTE) LDRD (FTE) Leitch0.3 CNM, EIC McGaughey0.3 EIC M. Liu0.1 W 0.3Transv. 0.2 DY 0.2 EIC 0.2 EIC (detector) Jiang0.4 Transv 0.2 EIC 0.2 EIC (detector) H. Liu (PD)1 Postdoc1 EIC+RHIC Postdoc1 E906 Total2.0 + 2 PD0.4 + 1 PD DOE Total2.0 + 1 PD FVTX & Muon Tracker hardware work to enable above physics PD’s in LDRD column are supported by LDRD 21 Fitting Effort into Available FTE’s Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
22 Physics Viability of the RHIC Polarized Beam Operations achievedProjected “2014E”W msmt in 20 wks s (GeV) Lumi pb-1/wk PolarizLumi pb -1 /wk PolarizLumi pb -1 /wk Polariz 200855%6-1055-65% 5001834%18-8335-65%4570% Polarized p+p Accelerator Improvements: new polarized source - +10% in polarization AGS horizontal tune jump - +5% polarization? * 0.6 9 Mhz & other RF improvements spin flipper, electron lens W physics goal: 300 pb -1 delivered at 70% polariz. PHENIX recorded/delivered = 1/3 achieved/goal = (18 pb -1 x 20 wks x 1/3 x 0.34 2 )/(300 pb -1 x 0.7 2 ) = 1/10 projected/goal = (83 pb -1 x 20 wks x 1/3 x 0.65 2 )/(300 pb -1 x 0.7 2 ) = 1.6 deFlorian projections * Oct 2009 RHIC projections – W. Fischer et al. 800 pb -1 Mike Leitch -- 5/24/10
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