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Harry Klodowski, Esq. Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC 724-940-4000 Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Harry Klodowski, Esq. Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC 724-940-4000 Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry Klodowski, Esq. Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC 724-940-4000 Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

2 Legal Basis for Regulation of GHGs Kyoto Treaty, CDM & JI Federal Legislation State & Regional Programs Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

3 Massachusetts v. EPA  127 S. Ct. 1438 (2007)  Not Regulating GHG from vehicles is arbitrary and capricious  GHGs are Pollutants Under CAA and Can be Regulated  Regulate or Tell Us Why Not Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

4 2007 U.S. Bills on GHG Regulation Major Proposals Regulate 6 Kyoto GHGs All Sectors Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

5 Regional Programs Registration (Baseline, Offsets, Verification, Registration) Regulation (Covered Sources, Gasses, Cap, Allocation) Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

6  RGGI  Midwest Regional Accord  Other Regions, States  Chicago Climate Exchange  Other Emission Brokers Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC


8  RGGI 7+1 States (CT, DE, MN, NH, NJ, NY, VT & MD)  Cap & Trade for EU’s, 25 MW, CO2 Only Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

9 RGGI Offsets Outside RGGI Region Covers 6 GHGs Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

10 RGGI Offset Projects  Methane Capture – Farms  Methane Capture – Natural Gas  Gas/Oil Energy Efficiency  Afforestation  SF6 from Utility, Industrial Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

11 RGGI Offset Requirements Real Additional Verifiable Enforceable Permanent Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

12 RGGI Status Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC 2003 Formation Model Rules & MOU 2009 – 14 cap 2015 – 18 cap 2008 Allowances – June (???)

13 Midwest Regional GHG Reduction Accord Announced November 2007 Draft Rules August 2008 Regulatory Program April 2010 Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

14  Multi Sector  Multi Gas Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

15 Chicago Climate Exchange Inc.  Formed 2003  Voluntary Registration & Trading  2003-2006 Reductions (3%)  2006-2010 (3%) Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

16  For Profit  Fees for Membership, Trades  Too Industry Friendly? Baseline Annual Reports Bogus Offsets Verification Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

17  300 Members  200 Page Agreement  6 GHG  Offsets – some questionable  Created a U.S. Market Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

18  Federal Program  State & Regional Programs  DOE/EIA 1605(b)  USEPA Climate Leaders  The Climate Registry Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC


20 USEPA Multi Sector GHG Inventory One Page of December 2007 U.S. Budget Draft June 2008 Operating 2009 Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

21 USEPA Climate Leaders  Voluntary  158 “Leaders”  6 GHGs  Multi Sector  Good Emission Inventory Tools Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

22 The Company We Keep

23  GHG Inventory, Offset Quantification  2007 Forms Reporting Software SEIT  Good Tool for Energy Efficiency Reductions  Verification “recommended” Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

24  39 States, 2 Provinces  80% Population  Voluntary Registration Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

25  Common Accounting Standard  Credible & Consistent Emission Reporting  North American Industry Sectors Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

26 Climate Registry Benefits Cost Effective Document Early Action Prepare for Regulation Employee Education Save Energy Software & Support Recognition Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

27  6 Gases  Direct & Indirect  Facility Level Reporting Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

28 Climate Registry  General Reporting Protocol (April 2008?)  Verification Protocol (June 2008?)  Reporting Software Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

29 GHG Preservation Under PA ERC Rules  “Emission Reductions”  Reciprocity NY, MD  May 2008 Amnesty to 2002  Two Years to File  Lower Cost? Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

30 Legal Standard ERC  Surplus  Quantified  Enforceable  Permanent RGGI  Real  Additional  Verifiable  Enforceable  Permanent Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

31 What Are They Worth? CO2 – CCX - $4.50 CH3 – CCX - $94.50 NOX – CCX- $1395.00 NOX – Pa ERC - $1250.00 NOX – NOX SIP Call - $3330.00 Betts, Hull & Klodowski LLC

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